I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 553: Comprehension skills

Cruel to the enemy, even harder to himself, Song Jian once again focused his eyes on a small magic rune on the edge of the magic circle.

The structure of this magic rune is very simple. With the constant attention of Song Jian, this small magic rune slowly becomes three-dimensional.

At this time, Song Jian found out that such a magic rune smaller than the cap of the little finger was actually divided into two layers, and the magic structure was more complicated than he had previously expected.

Song Jian involuntarily started copying this magic rune, his index finger on his right hand slowly moved.

This time, for more than half an hour, Song Jian was immersed in the state of copying this magic rune.

The writing of magic runes must be made in one stroke. Song Jian kept copying, slowly, under his right hand, a transparent light curtain appeared, and with the movement of his fingers, he left on the light curtain. Obvious marks.

When Song Jian just copied one third of a magic rune, the traces on the light curtain suddenly shattered and turned into spots of light. Song Jian seemed to notice it, and even started copying from scratch.

Once, ten times, a hundred times, ...

Song Jian's magical runes of copying broke up again and again, and every time they broke up, Song Jian restarted copying again. At this time, he was like a person who had never touched rock climbing, climbing a mountain with his bare hands.

From the first time he grabbed a raised rock on the mountain peak and exerted force, he kept falling from the rock wall of the mountain peak until he was able to climb to the middle of the mountain;

In order to be able to stand on the peak, he fell again and again, but every time he fell, he could understand, next time he got to this position, what should he do, twice if he couldn't do it once, ten times if he couldn't. ...

Song Jian's understanding of this magic rune is rapidly improving ...

I don't know how long after that, he was finally able to copy out the simplest magical rune completely. After successfully depicting this magical rune under the light curtain under his right hand, Song Jian suddenly woke up from the state of understanding;

At this time, he was all embarrassed, and his blood and spirit values ​​had fallen to a very dangerous level. Song Jian was startled and couldn't help but glance at Qi Yun in the magic circle. At this time Qi Yun, Sitting in a hood, immersed in the pleasure of absorbing shadow energy, without being aware of the outside world.

System: You have heard and observed Lintong, and have realized the "magic rune description" skill, skill level 1 and master the number of magic runes 1;

Song Jian sat aside, took out supplies and began to restore blood and spirit values. Fortunately, he had obtained a lot of honey before. He originally planned to go back and make mead, but now he is still recovering his body state as soon as possible, and learning these magic runes mainly .

After recovery, Song Jian can't wait to start copying the second magic rune ...

The time of the day passed quickly, night fell, and there was darkness all around, and only this magical array shimmered;

At this point Song Jian has successfully copied all three magic runes, and the skill "magic rune description" has also been upgraded to the third level.

[Magic rune description]: Active, level 3, have the most basic understanding of magic runes, can trace the correct magic runes, the number of magic runes mastered: 3;

"These three magical runes form a simple circuit. After the energy is excited in this circuit, it is transferred to the next set of magical runes. I will now study how these three magical runes form this circuit ... ... "Song Jian stared at the three magic runes, secretly in his heart.

At this time, he seemed to have studied only three English words and started to study how to use these three English words to make sentences, and began to study English grammar.

This is more than double the difficulty of simple copying. In one night, Song Jian's eyes turned red, and he finally guessed and got confused, and figured out the method and function of the simplest three runes to form a circuit.

System: You have realized the "Magic Rune" skill, level 1;

[Magic Rune]: Active, Level 1, have the most basic understanding of the magic rune, understand how the simplest magic rune is structured;

It ’s just the simplest and most basic magic rune circuit that made Song Jian spend a day and a night to figure it out. At this time, the magic array in front of Song Jian was thousands of times, both in size and complexity. It is difficult for Song Jian to comprehend before, and it is impossible to complete the magic circle in the remaining time.

Song Jian hesitated for a moment, but finally gave up his plan to continue to comprehend, sighed, added some food and water aside, and began to rest;

After a long time, Song Jian became energetic again, staring at the magic circle secretly: "It is very difficult to learn how to build a magic circle by your own understanding, if you can get the corresponding skill book. "

Thinking of this, Song Jian could not help but glance at Qi Yun in the magic circle.

"Since he can arrange this magic array, then he must have mastered this skill, kill him, maybe he can burst the corresponding skill book ..."

Immediately immersed in the process of continuously improving his strength, Qi Yun suddenly felt cold and almost broke away from this promotion state, and could not help but frown slightly.

But fortunately, he did not continue to sense the danger, and the magic circle originally had the role of protecting him, so he didn't care about it, only as an illusion of himself.

In three days, the six shadow crystals on the magic circle became more and more faint. It seemed that the energy inside had been drained. Only the shadow crystal with a crack in it, still emitted a bright light.

Uh ~

At this time, a dim gray crystal suddenly exploded, and the light of the magic circle shook. Then, one after another, the shadow crystals exploded. These shadow crystals had absorbed all their energy and could no longer bear it. Living in the impact of the magic array of energy, after a short time, all five shadow crystals exploded, leaving only a crack inside the crystal of the shadow, still barely maintaining the state of the magic array.

Song Jian could feel that at this time, the magic circle's drawing of this shadow crystal increased six times, and a large amount of shadow energy was quickly extracted from this crystal, and even a small magic vortex was formed around it.

The energy of the magic circle began to become unstable ~ www.novelhall.com ~ originally required six shadow crystals, but now only one shadow crystal can be used. This situation is not only a damage to the magic array, but also this The only shadow crystal was a damage.

If you replaced it with an ordinary shadow crystal, it would have been broken directly because of this instability, but what makes Song Jian strange is that this shadow crystal with a crack in the middle seems to have infinite energy. Can actually support the energy of the entire magical rune;

Qi Yun, who is absorbing the energy of the shadows to enhance his strength, also feels strange. According to his estimation, the energy contained in the six shadow crystals at this time should have been exhausted, and the magic circle should have stopped.

"How can this happen?" Just when Qi Yun was in doubt, suddenly a strange energy surged from the magic circle and poured into him;

Qi Yun's eyes opened sharply, a touch of black air lingering around his eyes, the flesh and blood on his body also began to wither quickly, and the whole person became thin.

"This is ..." Qi Yun was crazed and wanted to stand up, but found himself bound by a mysterious force, and couldn't even move his fingers.
