I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 552: Magic Rune

Song Jian walked a large circle along the shadow forest and reached a small valley less than ten miles away from the dark castle;

Standing at the entrance to the valley, Song Jian frowned slightly, and a faint breath of death energy came from the valley, exactly the same as the energy fluctuations emanating from those guys in the sickle of the gods before.

Shadow energy fluctuations are very similar to death energy fluctuations. Many people often confuse the two. In fact, the two are completely different energy systems;

There are only some places where the two can be shared. For example, the Shadow Arrow in Shadow Magic has been used by Tang Ming before, but the Shadow Arrow of Shadow Magic focuses on corrosion, and the Shadow Arrow of Death Energy focuses on corrosion. Due to injury

"Why, did you dare to come in when you got here?" Suddenly, there was a mockery from the valley mouth, and Qi Yun's voice sounded in Song Jian's ear.

Song Jian's brow frowned slightly, Qi Yun's voice seemed more hoarse than before, it sounded a little different from the sound of humans, but a bit like the sound of undead creatures.

"Looks like, you arrived early?" Song Jian walked into the valley and found that in the bare valley, Qi Yun wrapped in a black robe and sat in the middle of a magic circle.

This is a magic array of six-pointed stars. At each corner, there is a crystal emitting gray light. One of the crystals has a crack inside, and the surface flashes, always a flickering appearance.

"This is the shadow crystal of the Shadow Circus?" Song Jian asked, surprised, looking at the shadow crystal with cracks inside.

He did not expect that with the strength of Qi Yun, he actually stole the crystal from the Shadow Circus;

"With the help of some external forces ..." Qi Yun's eyes flashed a proud look, and it was very difficult to obtain this shadow crystal from the Shadow Circus.

In the circus, at least a dozen people are more powerful than Qi Yun. There are more than five people who have first-order combat power. In general, Qi Yun wants to obtain this from the circus. Crystal is simply impossible.

In fact, Qi Yun contacted a thief group, posing as a robber, and ambushing the Shadow Circus in the middle. He originally planned to kill Song Jian together, but Song Jian did not choose to be with him.

"You take a break first, three days later, we start to enter the dark castle!" Qi Yun said with a look at Song Jian, then closed his eyes and stopped talking about him.

Song Jian found that Qi Yun's level was now elevated to 27, and the magic array he was in was continuously absorbing the energy in six shadow crystals and instilled into his body, the shadow in his body. The breath became thicker.

But what made Song Jian feel strange was that he felt a faint scent of death from Qi Yun's body. If it were not for his strong perception, he would not be able to detect it at all.

"How come, although the energy of death is similar to the energy of shadow, but the two energies are absorbed at the same time, but they cannot be fused with each other. Once the two energies conflict, there is only one end, which is the blown powder and bones." Slightly wrinkled, secretly in my heart.

Regardless of the player or the NPC, once you choose a profession, you will choose the way to go in the future. Qi Yun's Shadow Priest profession and the power of death are completely incompatible and can be borrowed, but it is simply to absorb this energy into the body. Is playing with fire

Just like Song Jian, his foundation is invisible sword energy. Although he often uses the power of the abyss, he never dares to introduce the power of the abyss into the body.

As soon as Song Jian entered this valley, he felt a strong force of death. At first he didn't take it to heart. It seems that this is also because of Qi Yun.

At this moment, Qi Yun's body suddenly flashed white, and the level actually increased from 27 to 28, which made Song Jian's face look surprised.

"This magic array can even increase the level!" Song Jian secretly said, his attention involuntarily gathered on the magic array with the shimmering light on the ground.

After only staring for a few seconds, Song Jian felt dizzy. This magic array was too complicated. It consisted of thousands of magic symbols. Each magic symbol seemed to Song Jian in the eyes of a cricket. In general, I stare at my chest for a while and feel boring and want to vomit;

"It's really a bit difficult, much harder than understanding ordinary skills ..." Song Jian secretly said.

Song Jian now has the simplest and most basic skills in logging, mining, and cooking. Ordinary people only need to look around for a while to realize it;

But those skills are compared to the magic circle in front of them, like a gap between a small clay bag and the Himalayas.

Boom ~

Song Jian felt a sudden tremor in his mind, a groan, and two blood flowed out of his nostrils;

System: You forcibly comprehend the knowledge of the Magic Array, and you are back bitten, losing 30 Qi and blood value;

Song Jian fell to the ground, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then stood up again;

"The system just said that I was backswept while comprehending, but it didn't say that I couldn't comprehend!" Song Jian's eyes flashed with light, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth;

If you want to see the entire magic circle, it is simply impossible for Song Jian.

So Song Jian began to set his eyes on a small corner on the edge of the magic circle, where three magic symbols formed a simple circuit.

Song Jian now does not have any foundation about magic circles, only one magic symbol and one magic symbol can be recorded. His eyes are staring at these three magic symbols ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Song Jian's right hand involuntarily begins to paint these three symbols. Magic symbol

This time, Song Jian has been staring at these three magic symbols for ten minutes before being counterattacked again;

System: You forcibly comprehend the knowledge of the Magic Array, and you are back bitten, losing 60 points of Qi and Blood value;

This time, Song Jian's knees softened, and the whole person fell to his knees, his nostrils, ears, eyes, and mouth, all exuding blood, looking very miserable;

Lying on the ground for more than half an hour, Song Jian reluctantly controlled his body to slowly climb up;

For him, as long as the system ca n’t comprehend without a clear hint, then he has to stick to it. He believes that even if he ca n’t fully comprehend the complete magic array that can be directly upgraded, he should still be able to comprehend the foundation of the magic array knowledge. of.

"A serial circuit can't be comprehended, so I will start with the most basic magic rune. I don't believe it. A small magic rune, can't I remember it?" Song Jian wiped the lower nostril and dried up. A bit of fierce blood in his eyes;
