I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 554: temporary assignment

Seeing that Qi Yun was shrouded in a black mist at this time, Song Jian could not help but step back two steps;

He is too familiar with this energy. This is the power of death, a power that can only exist in Nether Hell;

"How is this ..." Song Jian frowned slightly, his eyes suddenly locked on the shadow crystal with a crack in the middle.

At this moment, a black mist was rushing out from the gap in the center of the shadow crystal. This gap seemed to connect another space. This scene made Song Jian suddenly think of the space crack connecting the abyss.

"Can it be said that the crack in the center of this shadow crystal is not broken, but a space crack connected to the ghostly hell?" Song Jian's expression on his face was surprised.

At this time, Qi Yun felt that she was like a piece of meat on the chopping board, her body was no longer under her control, her defenses were wide open, and the force of death swarmed towards her;

A large number of death forces have changed Qi Yun's body. Qi Yun, who had been injected with the perfect genetic medicine, has eliminated the defects in the gene. The entire body is always at its peak state, which is simply the mind of the world. The perfect man.

It is just that in order to not attract people's attention, Qi Yun has been using illusion to cover his body. I never expected that there would be such a dry day.

But at this time, Qi Yun no longer looks the same as before. The flesh and blood on his body is constantly being eroded by the force of death. The muscles begin to shrink and the skin loses water and gloss. The whole person looks as if he is ten years old, even one head. Black hair also began to turn pale and fell in large numbers;

The shadow energy in Qi Yun's body felt the invasion of external energy, and the instinct began to resist. Shadow energy and death energy, using Qi Yun's body as a battlefield, impacted and eroded each other. As a battlefield, Qi Yun felt only everywhere in the body. All seemed to be torn, blood oozed from his pores, and after a short time, the whole person became a blood man;

The exuding blood quickly dried up. At this time, Qi Yun's dry skin was clinging to the bones, looking like a zombie in the game.

"Save, save me!" Qi Yun looked at Song Jian with a pleading look, and motioned with his eyes to indicate that Song Jian would destroy the only shadow crystal in the magic circle.

"Are you posting a mission to me?" A smile appeared on Song Jian's face. At this time, Qi Yun's level had been raised to level 30, and the breath emanating from her body was better than ordinary level 30 monsters. Much more powerful, second only to the 30-level elite BOSS with first-order combat power.

The strength of Song Jian could have crushed Qi Yun in an all-round way, but now Qi Yun already has the strength to fight Song Jian.

The power of death erodes Qi Yun, which is not a bad thing for Song Jian. This extra energy will not enhance Qi Yun's strength, but will weaken him, and may even kill Qi Yun.

However, if Qi Yun died at this time, it was not in Song Jian's interest. He would not kill Qi Yun with Song Jian's hands and would not burst any items.

Looking at Qi Yun in the mask of the magic array, with a pained expression on his face, Song Jian looked at him calmly.

"You, what do you want?" Qi Yun's face had cracked into small wounds, and it looked as if he had small mouths.

"I've recently become interested in magical arrays, and want to know about this." Song Jian laughed, pointing to the magical array below Qi Yun.

"As long as you destroy that crystal and save it, I'll come out, I, I will meet your requirements!" Qi Yun said struggling.

System: Shadow Priest Qi Yun issues a temporary mission to you to rescue; Quest content: Destroys the shadow crystal in the magic circle and rescues it from the magic circle; Quest objective: destroys the shadow crystal in the magic circle, quantity: 0/1 Mission reward: "Magic Rune Analysis"; Mission failure penalty: None; Mission time: 3 minutes;

Song Jian froze, Qi Yun even had the right to release tasks to players through the game system!

You know, Qi Yun previously issued a mission to Song Jian, but he must summon the spirit of notarization, and under the power of the contract of notarized spirit, sign a mission contract with Song Jian.

This contract, witnessed by the spirit of notarization, has loopholes that can be abolished, which is far worse than publishing tasks to players through the game system.

"It seems that Qi Yun's strength has indeed been greatly improved, otherwise it would not be possible to open such authority to him." Song Jian secretly said in his heart that the evaluation and vigilance of Qi Yun had increased a few points;

"Accept the mission!"

There was a three-minute countdown immediately in front of Song Jian;

"The time limit for the mission is three minutes. It looks like it should be the limit he can reach." Song Jian looked at the countdown three minutes before his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth;

"Hurry up, destroy that crystal ..." Qi Yun's breath of death's power grew stronger.

"Wait a minute ..." Song Jian said softly, slowly walking towards the shadow crystal;

Three minutes, two minutes, one minute, forty seconds, ...

Song Jian stood in front of the shadow crystal and observed carefully. The corner of his mouth contained a smile. The more death forces invaded, the more difficult Qi Yun would be to dispel it later, and the more his strength would be suppressed, this is for Song Jian. But it's even better, now that Qi Yun's strength has made Song Jianyin feel a bit of fear;

"Hurry up ... destroy ..."

At this time, the power of the shadow in Qi Yun's body had been completely suppressed by the force of death, and his body began to transform towards the dead creature;

Qi Yun's heart is full of fear. If he is a profession that controls the power of death, then this is definitely the most exciting time for him, but as a shadow priest ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Completely eroded, it will become a self-conscious undead monster;

Thirty seconds, twenty seconds, ten seconds, ...

Qi Yun's consciousness has begun to blur, and the power of death has begun to erode every cell in his body. After looking at him, Song Jian chopped his sword toward the shadow crystal;

The golden sword qi bloomed, and there was a crisp cracking sound. This shadow crystal broke like glass, and the crystal fragments sputtered in all directions;

The power of death that infested Qi Yun began to dissipate slowly, and the repression was lost. The power of the shadow in his body recovered again.

As if a corpse-like Qi Yun, suddenly moved his fingers, the withered body shook violently, and his mouth wheezed;

When Qi Yun recovered his consciousness, it was discovered that Song Jian was holding a sword and stood in front of him.

"The mission has been completed, can you reward me for the mission now?" Song Jian laughed, and handed him forward in front of Qi Yun.
