I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1296: strengthen

The demon fire under the sword gas palm quickly shrunk into a mass and was directly pressed down by a palm, and the figure of the demon Phoenix Phoenix Nostan was also pressed down by the palm print.

"This time, even if you don't die, you will be seriously injured!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and stared at Jian Qi's palm prints, and Po Tianjian was still tightly held in his hands.

The strength of the evil fire phoenix is ​​too strong, far from what Song Jian can deal with now, it can suppress the opponent for a while, but it cannot be suppressed all the time.

The attack just now, starting with the fiery red lotus sword of evolutionary industry, Song Jian actually has some traces of sneak attacks, bullying the evil fire phoenix does not understand the evolution of Wan Jianjue.

If you do it again, I am afraid it will not be so easy to suppress the evil fire phoenix.

"The same move will not produce the same effect. I will meet him again next time..." Song Jian has already felt the powerful breath under the palm of the sword, and this blow does not seem to have any effect on the evil fire Phoenix. Instead, he became more angry.


A sharp phoenix sounded, and the dark purple flame suddenly burned under the palm print of the sword gas, and from the surroundings of the palm print and the cracks of the fingers, it kept rising out and intensifying.

In just a few seconds, cracks appeared on the surface of Jian Qi Palm, and the cracks were full of dark purple magma-like energy material flowing continuously.

After a while, the whole sword-qi palmprint began to dissolve quickly. After a while, the palmprint completely dissolved in the purple flame.

With a sharp phoenix sound, after dissolving the sword gas palm print, the dark purple flame burned more and more violently, and a dark purple flame feather one foot long, flying out of the flame, densely flying in the sky With.

Song Jian couldn't help but took two steps back. The evil flame Phoenix Nostan clearly suffered a blow from the sword's palm, why was it unscathed, and it seemed that the momentum was a bit stronger than before?

Just when Song Jian was puzzled, the flame phoenix feathers in the air suddenly showed a dazzling light. These feathers condensed with each other. After a while, a huge phoenix appeared in front of Song Jian. .

This phoenix has its wings spread, it is hundreds of meters long, and the purple flame is burning, exuding a strong breath.

"Here, this is..." Song Jian's face was shocked, and he suddenly noticed a familiar feeling: "Here, this is somewhat like the casting process of the Golden Saint Lion's magic seal, except that the material of the formation method, he All replaced by the flame-burning Phoenix feathers..."

Song Jian didn't think that it was a real Phoenix feather, it was just some high-strength condensed energy body with a shape similar to Phoenix feather.

But Norstein's hand showed his extraordinary skills in the way of formation. Even Song Jian, there is no way to completely abandon the formation materials and replace it with a spirit sword to form the holy lion binding magic seal!

In an instant, Song Jian's thoughts flew in his mind, and auras constantly collided and bloomed in his mind. As for how to use the Spirit Sword to construct the array, Song Jian also seemed to touch a hint of direction.


A huge roar interrupted Song Jian's perception. The phoenix on top of his head continuously condensed the surrounding fire elements and gathered a huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters in the air.

"Damn, I was distracted in the battle, I didn't know the life and death..." Song Jian took a deep breath, condensed his sword energy, and rushed to the sky-breaking sword in his hand.

Slashing forward fiercely, Song Jian whispered softly: "Jianqi Stone Tower, Town Demon!"

Hundreds of spirit swords appeared next to him. Under the control of Song Jian, these spirit swords quickly flew towards the air. At this time, a sword gas tower with a height of more than ten meters in the air has been condensed and formed.

Just as the Jianqi stone tower was about to depress the evil fire phoenix, more than one hundred swords of spirit suddenly flew around the stone tower and began to continually insert into the stone tower.

Each time a spirit sword is inserted, the breath of the sword gas stone tower is solidified. After more than one hundred swords are inserted into the stone tower, the stone tower, which was originally only more than ten meters high, suddenly becomes more than thirty meters. High, the breath looks more solid and dignified. Obviously, Jianqi Stone Tower was strengthened by Song Jian.

In the distance, the evil fire phoenix eyes were full of anger, controlling the true fire array of the evil fire phoenix, condensing a fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters, originally thought that this blow directly killed Song Jian, but soon, he Attracted by the stone tower more than 30 meters high in the air.

"Here, what's this?" Norstein gritted his teeth, and the human opposite looked like he could squeeze to death with one hand, but gadgets came out endlessly, once for swords, for palms, now, again Out of a stone tower, he was a little bothered!

The previous Yehuo Red Lotus Sword only caused him some minor injuries, but the sword gas palm imprint actually made him spit blood. If it wasn't for the talented skill "Indestructible Phoenix", this might not be true He will seriously hurt him.

Song Jian looked at the suddenly expanding Jianqi Stone Tower, and there was also a burst of excitement in his heart. Although it is not yet possible to use the Spirit Sword as a material to construct a formation, he can use the Spirit Sword as an auxiliary material to enhance the power of the existing formation. .

This step was taken, and compared with the previous clueless, it is a world of difference. Even if the spirit sword is used as the formation material and the formation method, Song Jian already has a general direction in mind, as long as you give some time, I believe that you can use the spirit sword to construct the formation method!

Song Jian's qi value recovered by one-fifth, so he only summoned more than a hundred spirit swords, and the time he summoned the spirit swords had prevented him from dodge the huge fireball.

Watching Jianqi Stone Tower swell to more than thirty meters, a smile appeared on Song Jian's face~www.novelhall.com~ The dark purple fireball was less than ten meters away from him, and the speed was extremely fast, so he didn't dodge anything time!

When his thoughts moved, Song Jian's figure disappeared in the same place. At the moment when he disappeared, the fireball hit the place where he stood before, like a meteorite falling, a huge roar, letting dozens of miles away, Can hear.

In the Dragon Temple, the monitoring picture began to distort violently. The sound of "Bang", strong energy fluctuations, interfered with the monitoring magic. Several dragon sacrifices looked at each other. They could not think of it. They originally wanted to hunt a legendary realm. Necromancer, why is there an evil fire phoenix that has exceeded the legendary realm and is close to the demigod realm!

"Ya Lifu, let's go. The strength of this evil fire phoenix has reached the peak of the legendary realm, and has even touched the realm of the demigod. Only you can win him." The dragon sacrifice, opened the dark golden vertical pupil, glanced at the flame dragon Yalifu and said.


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