I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1297: Smash

The huge fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters was like a star falling. It hit the place where Song Jian stood before, and the terrible flames spread rapidly towards the surrounding area, a few hundred meters round. The mud hills were all melted by flames, and the ground was flowing like magma.

Tang Li stared dumbfounded at the distance, pouring a healing potion into his mouth, and said in his heart: "This kind of power is just like a natural disaster. Not to mention head-to-head confrontation, just the aftermath, I am afraid that it will kill me... …"

At this time, Tang Li finally felt a trace of fear. You must know that he has been in the Dragonbone Wilderness for more than half a month. Even the Dragon Soul Guard has met several times, but every time he can escape unharmed for a long time. In addition, there was a trace of arrogance in his heart.

But the scene in front of him made him completely awake and realized his smallness! Fortunately, he was a few kilometers away from the place where the fireball erupted at this time, otherwise, with his strength, I am afraid that he can't even escape.

The aftermath of the fireball slowly dissipated, the evil fire Phoenix Norstein felt it carefully, Song Jian’s breath seemed to have disappeared, and a sneer appeared in the corner of his mouth, a move, the Phoenix that was floating in the air suddenly turned into Countless dark purple feathers flew towards him.

After a while, these feathers were integrated into Norstein's body. Norstein's face showed a disdainful smile and turned to prepare to leave.

At this moment, he suddenly noticed something strange, turned sharply, and looked into the air.

"Why, how could this be..." Norstein's face showed a surprised look: "The tiny human, who has clearly been killed by me, why, why is his skill still not dispersed? Is it that the human still not……"

At this time, the sword gas stone tower on top of Norstein has changed from a virtual shadow to a substance. The simple stone tower exudes a trace of vicissitudes and ancient breath. The fierce sword gas is constantly selected around the stone tower, just like a guard. .

After a while, Song Jian's figure slowly appeared on the ground, standing on the ground like a glazed glass, and Song Jian's face could not help revealing a horrified look.

"It's terrifying, this blow actually melted all the soil in the area hundreds of miles into a crystal similar to glaze..." Song Jian said to himself, such a temperature is more than his red lotus industry fire, I don’t know how many times higher, if not hiding in the broken kingdom of God, this time, I’m afraid it will really trigger the passive skill that has not been used for a long time.

The moment Jian Jian appeared, the speed of Jianqi Stone Pagoda suddenly increased countless times. In just two seconds, Jianqi Stone Pagoda fell towards the evil fire phoenix with unstoppable power.

Although Song Jian hid in the Broken Kingdom of God, although the Jianqi Stone Tower did not immediately collapse, the speed of cohesion was obviously affected. Otherwise, it would not be possible for cohesion to take place for so long without falling.

"You really aren't dead!" The anger in the eyes of the evil fire phoenix burst out again, his hands spread into the air, and countless dark purple flame feathers flew out of his body again.

This time, the number of feathers was doubled than before, but the Jianqi Stone Tower had begun to fall, and he had no time to condense these feathers into a formation.

Swish swish~

The evil fire phoenix controlled the feathers and flew towards the Jianqi stone tower. Countless feathers kept hitting the Jianqi stone tower.

Boom, Boom, Boom...

A series of Mars blooms on the surface of the Jianqi Stone Tower, and the power of each evil fire Phoenix Feather is not weaker than a rocket. The number of Feng Fei in such a cheat, even if it is the city wall of the City of Hope, can give A big hole was blown out, but in front of the Jianqi stone tower, it came back with a feather, and even the layer of sword gas defense on the surface of the Jianqi stone tower did not break through.

The evil phoenix's eyes were more angry, but he didn't expect that his own evil phoenix feather had no effect on Jianqi Stone Tower.

"Damn human..." Norstein scolded, and stepped **** his feet, his body rushing towards the Jianqi stone tower in the air like an arrow.

The evil phoenix breaks through the sky!

With a stern drink, Norstein exhibited his unique trick again. Song Jian frowned, and this punch could break Kaitian's style. Although the Jianqi Stone Tower was strengthened by himself, could it be resisted? After this punch, Song Jian had no idea.


Norstein's punch hit the base of the Jianqi stone tower fiercely. An explosion sounded, and the first layer of the stone tower exploded directly, turned into countless gravel, and shot in all directions.

Song Jian sank in his heart, the sword gas defense that even the evil fire Phoenix feather couldn't break through before, in front of Norstein's punch, it was like a thin piece of paper directly penetrated, and the first layer of the stone tower was also given Ruined.

Boom, boom, boom~

Not only is the first floor, the figure of Norstein, like a meteor upstream, constantly hitting upward, every layer of the stone tower broke apart where his figure passed.

Second floor, third floor, fourth floor,...

The stone tower, which was more than thirty meters high, was broken more than ten meters high in just a few seconds, and Norstein's figure showed no signs of stopping. His fist was like a broken mountain cone. , Smash the Jianqi Stone Tower layer by layer!

Song Jian's face was dreadful and horrible. Norstein's strength was too strong. During the battle, no matter how Song Jian used any moves, Norstein was like a reckless man. He just broke down and broke all Song Jian's moves!

It may seem fierce, but Song Jian knew in his heart that it was just that the strength gap between him and Norstein was too big. The other party didn't need to resort to any means. Whatever situation they encountered, they just needed to break through.


The eighth floor of the Jianqi Stone Tower was also broken, but this time, Norstein's boxing energy seems to have been consumed, and the last floor can no longer be broken!

Norstein looked at the bottom of the ninth-floor stone tower, which was only five or six meters in diameter, and there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Unfortunately, my strength has not fully recovered, otherwise, hum!"

With a cold hum, Norstein's figure fell towards the ground. The last layer of stone towers was less than three meters high. It seemed to be Song Jian's last face. This layer of stone towers issued a sharp whistling sound in the air. Ruthlessly hit Norstein.

Norstein has used the old ~www.novelhall.com~ looking at the Jianqi stone tower less than one meter away from him, and can only withstand this blow with his strong physical body!


The Jianqi Stone Tower was hit **** Norstein's back, and suddenly a deafening explosion sounded. Norstein's original straight body bent down at once, and his right hand subconsciously propped toward the ground, but it was in his When the palm was less than a foot away from the ground, Norstein stopped suddenly.

The palm shook slightly and then clenched into a fist;


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Norstein slowly stood up and turned around, looking at Song Jian. The anger that appeared in his eyes seemed to want to burn Song Jian to ashes.


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