I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1295: Demon Fire Array

There was a horrified look on Song Jian’s face. You know, Kaitianyi is more powerful than Yehuohonglian Wanjian Jue in a certain sense, but the evil fire phoenix Norstein is not only shattered. One move, and he only suffered some minor minor injuries. This kind of strength is definitely not comparable to Song Jian now.

"Here is the dragon bone wilderness, aren't you afraid that the dragon family will trouble you!" Song Jian asked aloud.

"Dragon bone wilderness?" Evil Fire Phoenix Nostan showed a surprised and hesitant look on his face. Obviously, the dragon family was not something he could provoke.

After a moment, a strange smile appeared on Norstein’s face, and slowly walked towards Song Jian, saying: "I only need one punch to kill you now, your body and soul will be in me. Burned to ashes in the flames, who will know my existence by then?"

Norstein raised his **** right fist, the dark purple flame, wrapped his entire fist, and punched him towards Song Jian.

It seems to be a punch, but it covers the range of several hundred meters of Song Jianjian's side. Song Jianjian's body is motionless, feeling that no matter how he dodges or escapes, he can't avoid this punch, even if he will teleport, immediately away Thousands of miles away, but the moment that he appeared after his distance, this fist will also follow, smashing himself.

Yehuo Honglian Wanjian Jue!

Song Jian had no choice but to tolerate the faint pain from the meridians, and cast his sword at the bottom of the box, trying to contend with it.

Numerous spirit swords appeared around Song Jianjian's body, and they flew towards Norstein as if the rain had poured out;

Boom, boom, boom~

Numerous roars exploded around Nuostan’s body. His punch really hit the countless spirit swords. The first spirit sword he hit was directly cracked and turned into countless crystals. The debris dissipated into the air, followed by the second, third, and tenth...

Under the offensive of countless spirit swords, the power of Norstein's punch was actually weakened layer by layer. After the destruction of dozens of spirit swords, the power of Norstan's punch was completely wiped out, and the remaining spirit The sword was chopped fiercely on Norstein.


In addition to the physical attack of the spirit sword, the red lotus industry fire also collided fiercely with the evil fire on Norstein. The two kinds of flames with completely different attributes, touching together, seemed to be incompatible with water and fire, and immediately broke out. Strong power. In this case, the power will only dissipate if one party is completely eliminated.

Norstein's body moved slightly, and his heart was shocked. The human in front of him was weak, but he controlled such a flame that was not weaker than the Purple Emperor's demon fire. For a time, he even competed with him.

At this time, countless spirit swords had begun to condense into a lot of lotus leaves, and began to evolve the flaming red lotus sword array.

"Hahaha, human beings, do you think this little trick will be able to fight against me, I don't know the life and death!" The evil fire Phoenix Norstein looked at the evolving karma red lotus sword array around him, and his eyes showed a contemptuous look.

"The demon burns everything and destroys everything!"

Norstein roared, and pieces of dark purple feathers floated beside him. Each feather was like a flame, emitting a dazzling light.

Song Jian narrowed his eyes, and the other party even knew the way of formation? How much of this dark purple flame feather looks similar to his own spirit sword?


Countless feathers began to rotate slowly, centered on Norstein, formed a large dark purple flame, the flame temperature is extremely high, melting gold and iron, like a wildfire, with an unstoppable power, toward Song Jian Ye's flaming red lotus sword array flew over.

The forces of the two formations collided with each other in the hills and passed away. Half of the sky was dark purple and half of the sky was dark red. The ground was also melted by these two flames. I saw Song Jian’s karmic red lotus sword array. It turned out to be as powerful as his own demon-fire array, and Norstein also showed a look of surprise in his eyes.

At this moment, when Song Jian thought about it, Yehuo Honglian's sword array suddenly accelerated the evolution process, and a brilliant sword with a length of more than ten feet began to condense in mid-air.

At this time, Norstein's attention was all attracted to the karate red lotus sword array, and he did not notice that a long sword was condensing on top of his head.

A moment later, a warning sign suddenly appeared in Norstein’s heart. A white light flashed at the corner of his eyes. He looked up, and a long sword with a length of more than ten feet was slashing towards himself with a thunderbolt. .

"How could..." Norstein showed a surprised look in his eyes. Unexpectedly, the other party still had the power to attack himself.

This is not the time to sigh, just the moment you look up, the red lotus sword is already less than ten meters away from Norstein.


The whole body of Norstein turned into a flame and condensed into a figure of the phoenix. The red lotus sword split from the phantom of the flame phoenix and directly split the flame in half!

"Unfortunately, he found it!" Song Jian clenched his fists, with a little regret. The sharpness of the red lotus sword has the bonus of the sky-breaking sword. If Norstein is not prepared, maybe this sword can kill him for a second. Fell, or at least he could be seriously injured.

"Hahahaha, good means, good means!"

The flame phoenix phantom slowly merged together, and a figure slowly emerged in the flame phantom. At this time, the dark purple robe on Norstein's body had no idea where to go. He only wore a purple trousers and a waistline Wearing a dark golden belt, the upper body was light, and a faint sword mark spread from his left shoulder all the way to his right abdomen, and purple blood oozed from the wound, exuding a hot breath.

Although Norstein's face was smiling, the killing intention in his eyes almost condensed to the essence~ www.novelhall.com~ Even the air around him began to twist, some small stones on the ground, after a little shaking , Slowly floating up, and in an instant, turned into ash and scattered in the air.

Song Jian was shocked, the other party's intention to kill him had already reached the point of being quickly removed, and it seemed that he had indeed angered the other party.

However, since he has already fought to this point, Song Jian will naturally not back down. Although the other party is powerful, Song Jian is not without a blow.

Thinking of this, Song Jian gritted his teeth and stretched out his left hand. He pressed fiercely into the void and whispered: "Sword gas palm print, press!"

Suddenly, the karma red lotus sword array that originally fought with the monster fire array burst, and the spirit sword overflowed, quickly flew into the air, and quickly condensed a palm of more than ten feet in the air, toward the surging The demon fire burned the sky array and Norstein, and they were crushed hard.


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