I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1294: Chaos Sword Qi

Song Jian noticed that a mass of energy was approaching quickly at his feet. When he looked down, a dark purple flame was rising into the sky, and he quickly rushed towards him.

Frowning slightly, Song Jian snorted coldly, and the wings of the sky spread out behind him, and the figure was like lightning, rushing towards the top of the head, which seemed to be only the size of the mouth of the bowl.

Just after Song Jian flew out of the underground building, a handsome man wearing a purple-black robe followed him.

The evil fire Phoenix Norstein flew into the air, staring at the death statue at the exit of the cave for a long time, the cold expression on his face became more intense.

"Humph, Little Grim Reaper, also deserves to be worshipped?" Norstein sneered and raised his right hand, a purple-black flame burning in his palm.

Then, Norstein directly threw the purple-black flame in his hand towards the statue below the hole. In a flash, the statue originally made of obsidian with high fire resistance melted in just a few seconds. Later, it eventually turned into a pool of magma, flowing down the stone ladder toward the underground buildings.

From the man in front of him, Song Jian felt the horror that exuded from the girl in the small town, and knew that the man in front of him was not his opponent at all.

"My task has been completed. Although it was not killed by my own hands, the Necromancer is indeed dead..." Song Jian secretly said, already resigned.

At this time, Tang Li's face was horrified. Although his level and strength were not high, the players who dared to open up wasteland in the Longhu wilderness were the most basic things. He had seen that Song Jian was very afraid of this man. The man's blow just now made Tang Li feel the fear.

"If that kind of flame burns on me, I'm afraid it will burn me directly to ashes..." Tang Li secretly said, looking at a few dying bone monsters, his figure began to fade slowly. , Moved towards a low hill behind him.

The evil fire Phoenix Norstein focused all his attention on Song Jian at this time. After his sleep was disturbed by the Necromancer, the first thing after waking up was to kill the Necromancer who had noisy him, and then Attention shifted to the second creature he saw.

"Human, you are disturbed by the great Norstein's sleep..." Norstein looked at Song Jian with a look of contempt, and said aloud: "In order to calm my anger and dedicate your body and soul, I can consider forgiving your Guilt!"

As soon as Norstein's words fell, Song Jian's sword in his hand waved fiercely towards him.

Open the sky!

A whisper of sound reverberated over the entire hill. In a flash, the Jian Qi value in Song Jian's body was extracted, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

At this time, a giant axe quickly appeared in the sky. Unlike the previous one, a palm appeared on the handle of this giant axe, and it was tightly held by the giant axe.

This palm looks a bit dull, with empty wrists and nothing. At the moment when this palm holding a giant axe appeared, Song Jian seemed to be repulsed by something. He couldn't help but spit blood, his face pale and double The legs also lost their strength, kneeling directly on the ground.

The spirit value and qi blood value have also been extracted by about one-third. Song Jian was horrified, but he also had a trace of expectation. With the cultivation of Chaos Swords, he has never given up. With the increase of his rank, his Chaos Swords, There is also a trace of refinement.

Before the unfolding of the Tianyi formula, you need to first display the ten thousand sword tactics, use the evolution of the sword array, and naturally transition to the sword aura.

If the Tianyi formula is usually applied directly, the power is often not as good as the sword aura in the Wanjianjue.

But now, under the pressure of the evil fire phoenix Norstein, Song Jian has directly exhibited this style, and it is still fully exerted. Although the Kaitian style has further changes, this change is the current Song Jian, temporarily There is no way to control it, so I was bitten by this trick.

A trace of chaotic sword qi, along with the opening of the sky, slowly circulated in the meridian of Song Jian's body. With this flow of chaotic sword qi, Song Jian's meridians began to break apart, he felt like there was a The magma is flowing in the body. This is not cultivation, it is a kind of torture, but this chaotic sword spirit is not what he wants to end. He can only grind his teeth and bear it to disappear.


With the emergence of the giant axe in the sky, bursts of thunder sounds accompanied the sound of the sky, and the scornful eyes of the evil fire Phoenix Norstein became cautious.

Behind him, a phantom of a phoenix burning a purple-black flame slowly emerged, his wings spread, and a clear cry was made.

"Evil phoenix breaks the sky!" With a stern cry, Norstein stepped forward, his figure rose into the sky, and he punched a fist toward the giant axe in the air.

The fire in the sky was as brilliant and glorious as the wings of a phoenix. Half of the sky was stained with a dark purple. A huge phoenix slammed into the sky with a huge axe.

There was a roar that rang through a few kilometers of the area. There was a gust of wind in the air, and the earth was trembling. The hills, the whole shattered apart, the big chunks of hard rock, and the sky was full of strength , Twisted into fine sand.

Tang Li only felt a strong rush, and suddenly his eyes were dark, and he knew nothing. His body was like a leaf, which was curled up by the gust of wind and blew towards a place dozens of miles away.

At this time, Song Jian also had a horrified look on his face. For the first time, he saw that someone could dare to confront Kaitian head-on. For a time, the threat value of the evil fire Phoenix Norstein was fast in his heart. Raised several steps.

With the end of this blow, the trace of Chao Jian Jian Qi in Song Jian's body slowly began to dissipate. After this chaotic sword Qi dissipated, the body's powerful recovery ability began to take effect, and the already meridian , Began to heal slowly, the previous counterattack disappeared, and the force returned to his body again.

What is strange is that the originally dry sword gas, after a moment of chaos sword flow, was instantly filled, it seems that this trace of chaotic sword gas is of a higher quality than the thousands of points in Song Jian's body. Too much, even if there is only a trace of circulation, will instantly restore the consumption of clean sword gas to completion.

Song Jian struggled to get up and couldn't help but sigh: "Unfortunately, the body is not strong enough to hold that trace of chaotic sword gas, otherwise, if..."

Chaos Sword Qi is very condensed ~www.novelhall.com~ It will only appear when Song Jianshi unfolds Tianyi, and each time there is only a trace, if Song Jian can capture this trace of Chaos Sword Qi, conceived in the body In the future, it is possible to replace all sword bodies in the body with chaotic sword qi.

At that time, Song Jian would casually perform a common sword style, and the power would be increased ten times and one hundred times than before. The power of Chaos Sword Qi is definitely not the same as ordinary sword qi. Otherwise, the Chaos Sword Classic, also It is impossible to become the treasure of the ancient Jianzong town.

At this moment, a figure slowly fell from the sky, his right fist, infected with blood, was dripping down. The blood fell on the ground, burning a purple-black flame.

"Human, I didn't expect that you could hurt me..." Xiehuo Phoenix licked the wound on his right hand, and a smile of evil charm appeared on his face.


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