I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1293: Phoenix

Song Jian passed through a layer of light curtain like a wave of water, and really entered the underground building that the Necromancer took hundreds of years to build.

At this time, the entire underground building is like an inverted funnel, narrow above and huge below, along a rotating stone ladder, Song Jian entered the entire underground building area.

At this time, Tang Li on the ground suddenly discovered that countless bone behemoths have been reduced to ashes, but there are still many bone behemoths. Under the burning of that dark red flame, they still retain the last breath and enter the endangered Dead state.

Tang Li drew two daggers in excitement and rushed to the skeletal beast closest to him;


The dazzling silver dagger easily pierced the defense of the skeletal behemoth and plunged into the burning green flame in his head.

This is the undead flame that sustains the existence of the skeletal monster. If the skeletal monster is intact, with Tang Li's strength, it is impossible to hurt this group of flames.

But now, the skeletal behemoth that has entered the dying state can no longer maintain its own defense. Tang Li didn't waste much energy and just inserted it directly.

Originally thought that the very weak flame of the undead with this blow, the "poo" burst exploded into countless tiny flames, spilled out from the skull of the skeleton monster.

The skeleton's original high head fell silently. After the whole body lost its sustaining power, it collapsed into a pile of broken bones.

A pale golden treasure chest shone with light in this pile of broken bones. Tang Li found that his own experience value directly increased by 5%.

"Although I killed a seriously wounded monster, these monsters are more than 20 levels higher than me. The leapfrog experience alone is enough for me to upgrade several levels..." Tang Li exclaimed excitedly, he had never encountered To such a good thing, one place has entered the state of dying, and the monsters with more than 20 levels higher than him let him kill.

Tang Li couldn't care about picking up the pale golden treasure chest, and rushed directly to the second monster that was about to die.


Song Jian killed hundreds of undead monsters, and the experience gained greatly improved the experience slot. Although it is not yet full, it is only 6 to 7 percent away from the upgrade.

The funnel-shaped underground buildings are connected by a solid stone ladder, and huge palaces are built here. The surrounding rock walls are inlaid with an oil lamp and emit a light green light.

Song Jian even saw that the translucent soul shadows were constantly wailing and struggling in the oil lamps. The burning of these oil lamps turned out to be the soul of creatures.

Along the way, Song Jian didn't encounter a monster, which made the originally vigilant he relax a little. Although he didn't know where the Necromancer had fled, but here is its old nest. Just follow the stone ladder all the way down. , You will be able to trace his trace.

At this time, the Necromancer is at the bottom of the huge space. I don’t know how far it is from the ground. A huge purple-black flame hangs above the last layer as if a black sun is hidden. The hidden hidden inside can be seen. With a phantom of a phoenix.

It can be seen that this phoenix seems to be in a deep sleep, and the crisp sound of phoenix sounds like a whisper. It is continuously transmitted from the small sun, and the entire flame is breathed with the sound of phoenix sounds, as if it has its own life .

The Necromancer knelt down on the ground. At this time, in front of him, there was a huge pentagram. From the center of this pentagram, a hint of purple and black light was constantly sucked out, and it did not enter the small overhead In the sun.

"Great Tanos, you are my only faith, and I would like to dedicate everything to you and make you the only master..."

The Necromancer knelt in front of the Pentagram, and whispered in prayer. With his prayer, the purple-black light in the Pentagram was suddenly brighter.

The phoenix in the flames is constantly absorbing the purple and black light in the Pentagram, accompanied by the necromancer's prayer, its ears have also begun to murmur from the necromancer, the phoenix that had fallen into sleep, also He became irritable and his body began to shake slightly.


I don’t know how long it took. The sun above his head suddenly burst apart. A huge purple-black phoenix slowly floated in mid-air, staring at the Necromancer kneeling on the ground, his eyes full of anger. look.


Song Jian walked slowly down the stone ladder and suddenly heard a roar from below. At the same time, a hot, corrosive heat wave spewed out from below.

When Song Jian, who was standing on the stone ladder, hadn't recovered, the sudden heat wave suddenly disappeared, but the hot temperature remaining in the air told him that it was not an illusion.

"This smell..." Song Jian frowned, and although the corrosive smell in the air was also quickly dissipating, Song Jian accidentally took a sip in and suddenly felt a burning sensation in the airway.

At the same time, a strong breath came from below. This breath became stronger and stronger, giving Song Jian a feeling like a giant beast waking up from his sleep.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly saw that the task in the taskbar was inexplicably completed.

"Is the Necromancer dead?" Song Jian looked surprised. You know, that Necromancer has the power of a king-level boss. Although the souls he called out were killed by Song Jian, hundreds of them were killed. But for an undead mage, as many of these undead creatures he wants, as long as the materials are sufficient, he can make as much as possible, and there is not much damage to his own strength.

But now, such a powerful Necromancer suddenly died, which surprised Song Jian, and there was a trace of fear~www.novelhall.com~ After a moment of hesitation, Song Jian turned around and walked down the stone The ladder quickly ran up.

At this time, in a deep burrow not known how far from the ground, a handsome man with purple-black hair, wearing a luxurious purple-black robe, was standing at the bottom of his face with anger and angrily. In front of him, there was a scorched black shadow that had penetrated into the floor.

"Small smash, you dare to..." A series of swear words squirted from the mouth of this handsome man. The surging breath from his body also became more and more violent, and the surrounding ground and rock walls began to appear. A series of cracks gleamed dimly in the cracks, like a strand of magma, about to flow out of the cracks.

At this moment, he suddenly looked up and seemed to perceive something. With a soft drink, the figure of the man flew towards the sky like a black flame.


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