I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1284: cave

In the face of this huge dragon soul, Song Jian was instinctively afraid. This is due to the natural coercion of higher-level creatures in the depth of the cell against the low level. If it were not for Song Jian’s strength, I might have fallen on his knees. There is no way to stand in front of this dragon soul.


The black dragon gave a roar towards the dragon soul. The dragon soul scarlet eyes looked at the black dragon, and then carefully looked at Song Jian. Song Jian could feel the anger sent by the dragon soul.

This emotion is like a tide rushing towards Song Jian. If you change to another ordinary person, just the general anger of this tide can make the other person's knowledge of the sea into chaos, and even more serious may even know the sea directly. Destroyed and turned into a vegetative, but Song Jian's immortal body has always played a role, like a sea wall, resisting the emotional impact of the dragon soul.

Although he could resist it, Song Jian was not comfortable. He just felt like there was a red iron rod in his head, which kept stirring, the pain in his head was swollen, and his face became difficult to look.

At this time, the Black Dragon also made an angry roar, his wings spread, his long mouth showing his fangs, and a scorching dragon breath began to gather in his throat.

The Dragon Soul glanced at the Black Dragon, and his anger began to subside. Soon, even the Dragon Soul slowly began to dissipate. Song Jian's pressure began to disappear slowly.

Song Jian knew that throughout the Dragon Bone Plain, there should be many such Dragon Souls. They act like guards. It is precisely because of their existence that there will be so many corpses of giant beasts in the Dragon Bone Wasteland.

Heilong continued to fly forward with Song Jian on his back, where he could no longer fly too high as before, and once he flew too high, there would be strong coercion. Although there was no slight magic power, Song Jian felt that the sky was above. The coercion and the ban on formation are similar.

As the keel wilderness walks in, the more desolate it feels, and the temperature continues to drop. In some places, you can even see the condensed frost attached to the skeleton of the giant beast.

In these cold wilderness, there are ghosts similar to ordinary humans, wandering around. These are poachers who broke into the dragon bone wilderness. After being killed by the guards of the dragon bone wilderness, the soul cannot rest, only Able to wander in the wilderness all day long, for a long time, he will lose his mind, become a bloodthirsty monster, and become an alternative guardian of the dragon bone wilderness.

"How far is the Dragon God Altar?" Song Jian couldn't help asking, just a dragon bone wilderness, it had already flown hundreds of kilometers, and the area was scary.


Heilong replied, Song Jian could only feel the emotion of "coming soon". As for how far it is, he could not express it.

"It would be nice if you could become a human..." Song Jian patted the black dragon's head and said to himself: "I remember that the dragon family has the ability to change shape, and I don't know if you will be promoted or not There will be such a capability."

Because of the breeding of a black dragon pet, Song Jian also specially collected a lot of information about the dragon family. After the adult, the dragon family will have the ability to change into other races. Generally, the dragon family will have the dragon posture, human Ability to switch between three poses of pose and sprite pose at will.

Moreover, the switched human and elf forms will have corresponding racial talents, and even if they use probing spells, they will not be aware of any abnormalities in the opponent's body.

Only those spells that can detect the soul can find the dragons that change into the form of humans or elves. Therefore, many dragons will change into humans or elves in adulthood. They will experience and increase their experience in the human world or elf race. Many historical books and folk poems will have relevant records.

The temperature is getting lower and lower. I don’t know how long it took to fly. The sky suddenly fluttered with snowflakes, and the wind became stronger.

At this moment, Song Jian felt that the flight speed of the Black Dragon had slowed down and began to slowly fall towards the ground.

"Is this the Dragon God Altar?" Song Jian was very pleased. Although staying on the back of the Black Dragon did not consume any energy, the surrounding scenery was too monotonous and boring, so that Song Jian's spirit also became Some collapsed.

Soon, the black dragon landed under a rolling mountain range. The black dragon held its head high and looked towards the mountain range. There was a trace of excitement in the dark golden vertical pupil.

"It seems that the Dragon God Altar should be in this mountain range!" Song Jian secretly said, tightening his windbreaker tightly, stepping behind the Black Dragon and walking towards the snow-covered mountains step by step. .

After walking for almost a day, the snow and snow had stopped. One person and one dragon came to the foot of a mountain. At this time, what was in the eyes of Song Jian was a huge cave under the mountain. This cave has hundreds of Migao, Heilong and Song Jian stood in front of the cave with little sense of relief. At this time, Song Jian looked towards the money. This dark hole was like a beast with a big mouth and a choice to eat, which caused some discomfort in his heart. Good hunch.

"Is this where the Dragon God Altar is located?" Song Jian patted the black dragon's front leg and asked aloud.

Heilong didn't speak, but nodded slightly, and walked towards the cave. After a few steps, Heilong turned back, motioned to Song Jian to follow him, and also sent him a message.

"You must join me and accept the blessing of the Dragon God in the Dragon God Altar, otherwise, the contractual relationship between our War Alliance will be released!"

This message is clear and unambiguous, and it is completely different from the obscure message that Heilong sent to him before, as if there was a system prompt bonus.

Song Jian took a deep breath and stepped forward, followed behind Heilong. He came here with Heilong, not to cancel the contract of the War Alliance.

"If you can get the blessing of the Dragon God, then there will be no scene of the dragon chasing and killing me?" Song Jian secretly said.

In the game, there is no way to force a dragon to become a pet or a mount. If the dragon is forced, then the people who force it will be chased endlessly by the dragon family. Killing, Song Jian also encountered once before, but that time because of Black Dragon’s acknowledgment, the killer did not continue, but the dragon mark on Song Jianjian has not been eliminated. As long as it is owned, Song Jian will not Really recognized by the dragon family.

One dragon and one person entered the dark cave at the same time. The black dragon's eyes exuded a faint dark golden light, which allowed it to have no effect on its sight in the dark, and Song Jian already had a dark vision, even if it did not open. Looking straight, you can see everything around you.

"Young tribe, I can feel the power of the boiling blood in your body. Is this human being the combat partner you are looking for? Are you sure to participate in the Dragon Trial with him?" A grand voice in Heilong and Song Jian's ear rang, so Song Jian couldn't help but jumped in his heart, looking nervously around.


PS: Thank you for the 500 starting coins rewarded by the "tearing tree"~

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