I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1283: Keel plain

Although the black dragon can't speak, because it is Song Jian's darling, he can tell Song Jian what he wants to express in a similar way to the heart.

This is a special way of contact between the pet and the host, but Song Jian rarely obtains such complicated information from the pet, usually "eating", "hungry", "fighting", "resting", "anger" Simple emotions.

Then, another large stream of information came to Song Jian's mind. This time, it was more detailed information on the promotion of the Dragon race. The Dragon God Altar is deep in the Dragon Bone Plain, and this is a place known only to the Dragon Clan.

The pure dragon clan will only go here twice in a lifetime, once from the lord level to the dominance level, you need to go to the dragon **** altar to receive the blessing of the dragon god, develop your own bloodline power, and obtain your own bloodline inheritance, and the other time, then When the dragon clan is about to die, they must return to the dragon bone plain and die in this unique tomb of the dragon clan.

"Are you sure I can go with you?" Song Jian showed a strange look on his face. You know, because the black dragon is his darling, he even received hostility from the dragon clan, and even an ancient red dragon even broke directly. Entering the city of hope, almost flattened the city of hope.

Dragons are very disgusted to become the pets and mounts of other people!

Heilong looked at Song Jian, gave a soft whisper, nodded slightly, and at the same time pulled Song Jian's clothing corner to make him get on his back.

"Huh, okay, let's go with you!" Song Jian nodded, rolled over and mounted on the back of the black dragon, and screamed with a dragon chant, a violent wind, and the black dragon flew its wings and flew towards the air.

Players of the City of Hope, when they saw Song Jian riding the black dragon and left, their eyes showed envy. No matter who they were, they dreamed of having a powerful flying mount, and the black dragon is the top one.

Flying in the air riding a black dragon is indeed much more comfortable than flying with wings or Yujian, and the speed of the black dragon is no slower than that of Yujian. After a while, Song Jian can no longer see the city of hope.

Song Jian does not know where the Dragon Bone Plain is, and can only ride on the black dragon, letting it fly with itself in the sky. At first, Song Jian remembered some ground features, but when the black dragon flew out of the clouds, Song Jian completely lost his sense of direction.

After flying for at least one day and night, the black dragon slowly fell down. They came to a mountain forest and found a cave at random. Song Jian lit a pack of medicine and threw it towards the cave.

After a while, a strong smell of sulfur medicine filled from the cave, with thick dark yellow smoke.

This is an insect repellent kit made by a player with pharmacy. When the pharmaceutical is ignited, it can produce a strong pungent odor and expel the surrounding poisonous insects. Players who are adventurous in the wild will always wear some such medicine packs.

Soon, a lot of poisonous insects sprang up in a seemingly deserted cave. Song Jian waited until the smoke in the cave slowly dissipated. After no poisonous insects came out, he took the black dragon into the petting space and left by himself. Go in.

Longgu Plain does not know how long it will take, but at this time Song Jian is at least 800 kilometers away from the city of hope.

Just when Song Jian just settled in, he suddenly heard a roar from the depths of the forest. It seems that there are some monsters fighting with each other. Song Jian turned over. This mountain forest has not yet been set foot by the player. There are many powerful Monsters, but because of the breath of the black dragon, all the monsters near the cave have fled.

The roaring sound continued for most of the night before slowly stopping. Listening to the sound seemed to be two powerful monsters fighting, Song Jian could feel the faint **** smell coming from the air, and the feeling of mountain vibration from time to time.

When the sky was white, Song Jian turned over and sat up, summoned the black dragon to continue his journey. When the black dragon flew into the sky, Song Jian saw a huge unicorn python lying hundreds of feet long lying down in the forest, it lay softly. In the forest, there are traces of fighting around.

Song Jian's eyes flickered, and the Insight Eye suddenly spread out. This one-horned python turned out to be a 120-level dominance boss. I am afraid it was the fighting protagonist last night. Unfortunately, it seems to be defeated. , Leaving only one body here.

"It won't take long for this body to be chewed into a pile of bones..." Song Jian secretly said.

The body of the powerful BOSS has great appeal to other monsters. Eating their flesh and blood can improve the qualifications and promotion chances of weak monsters.

It's just that this unicorn python is another BOSS spoils. Before the breath of the victors has dissipated, other monsters dare not step forward.

The black dragon soon flew into the clouds and flew in one direction.

After flying for nearly a week in this way, the black dragon finally fell from the clouds and continued to soar in the sky. Song Jian knew that the Dragon Bone Plain should be approaching soon.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt that he and the black dragon were covered by a large shadow, which was originally thought to be a large cloud, but when Jian Jian looked up, he suddenly found that on top of his head, there was a A giant dragon that is dozens of times larger than the black dragon. This giant dragon is like a small island, floating above Song Jian's head. His posture is very elegant, and the speed seems to be slow and fast. After a while, he will fly. To the front of the black dragon.

Song Jian looked at this dragon, and he was shocked, and the strength of this dragon was beyond his perception. Although such a huge body, under Song Jian's perception, he couldn't feel the opponent's. exist.

This kind of situation will only happen when the sense is crushed!

However, Song Jian felt the breath of death from this dragon. This should be a dragon that was about to die. He foretelled his own death, so he came to the Dragon Bone Plain in advance to find a piece of his final habitat.

You have to know that even if the dragon that has entered the end-of-death period is still alive for more than ten years or even decades, it is completely able to find its last habitat and cemetery during this time.

Soon, Song Jian saw a large plain in front of him. In this plain, a pale skeleton of fossils stood, and the corpses of countless beasts spread throughout the wasteland.

"Are these all the skeletons of giant dragons?" Song Jian was surprised. The skeletons of these giant beasts, even if they were only nails, were larger than his entire body.

However, Heilong only glanced at him and sent a message to him.

"These are not the skeletons of dragons, but the skeletons of poachers who want to enter the dragon plains and obtain the remains of dragons!"

Song Jian was shocked~www.novelhall.com~ But soon I realized that the dragons are all treasures, and the dragon bone plain is their last habitat. The dragon corpses that are difficult to encounter in other places can be said here. It’s easy to find. If you find one, even if you swallow some flesh and blood of some dragons, you can get great benefits from these giant beasts. But obviously, this plain has its own defensive power, which makes these giant beasts come back, even Some giant beasts have stayed here forever, their bones turned into fossils, warning those who want to enter the plains to poach!


An angry roar suddenly exploded in Song Jian's ears. In the distant empty air, a translucent phantom suddenly emerged. This phantom looked like a giant dragon, blocking Lived in the black dragon.

"This is... Dragon Soul!" Song Jian surprised, staring at the Dragon Soul in front, his body trembling slightly.


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