I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1285: Dragon God Altar


Heilong gave a roar, which was considered a response, but Song Jian's face showed some awkward expression.

"Dragon Trial...... Isn't it the Dragon God's blessing, how did it become the Dragon Trial?" Song Jian glanced at the Black Dragon silently. "You who have thick brows and big eyes, have learned to lie and lie to people!"


The black dragon's scorching breath left two frost-like marks in the air. The temperature in the cave was much lower than the outside. Ordinary people came here, and I am afraid that they will freeze into ice pops soon.

"According to your wishes, young people, I wish you a successful trial, become a real dragon family, and get the blessing of the dragon god!" The grand voice began to dissipate, as if never appeared.

The black dragon motioned Song Jian to move forward. The wide cave was silent. After a short walk, Song Jian saw a huge dragon bone lying in the cave in front of him. This bone and the giant beast he saw before The corpses are almost the same, they are all very huge, but the bones in front of them are obviously much more complete. You can see that they were a giant dragon about 10 meters long before birth.

And the surface of the bones in front of them has obvious strong magic fluctuations. Such bones can be used as excellent magic materials, and the fossils of the giant bones encountered before are of no use at all.

"This should be the real cemetery of the dragon family. Unfortunately, these dragon bones cannot be taken away..." Song Jian glanced at the dragon's remains and felt a little regret in his heart.

The further you go deep into the cave, the more bones there are, and some have even weathered into bone meal, which has accumulated a thick layer on the ground.

Song Jian walked while looking at the East with interest. Suddenly, there was a group of objects in the front like a small sun, emitting a hot light.

"Then, that's..." Song Jian felt agitated and couldn't help but glanced at the thing more. There was a greedy look in his eyes, and he almost couldn't restrain the urge to rush up.

"Dragon Crystal turned out to be a complete dragon crystal..." Song Jian was very excited. On the head of a huge corpse of dragon bones, this radiant glowing object, like a football-sized object, was a dragon roaring talent. The condensed dragon crystal is the essence of the body of a dragon. The legendary "dragon power" potion can only be made by using dragon crystal as the main material.

The Dragon Power Potion is the only legendary alchemy potion that Song Jian has heard of. After use, it can not only improve the user's own physical attributes, but also have a certain chance to let the user have the dragon blood. This kind of bloodline can be recognized by the dragon family, that is, as long as a bottle of dragon power potion is taken, it is possible to become a real human-shaped dragon and gain a lot of benefits.

This legendary potion is spread among nobles, and it is difficult to obtain. With Song Jian’s current strength and status, if he is willing to spend a little price, he can still get a potion formula, but he wants to refine such a potion. The potion can be hundreds to thousands of times more difficult to obtain than the formula.

It should be known that only the dragons in adulthood will have a certain chance to condense dragon crystals after death, and not every dragon will leave dragon crystals after death.

In the history of the game, there was once a king of a country who sent thousands of warriors to slaughter the dragon in order to obtain the dragon potion potion. After killing the three dragons, they finally obtained the dragon crystal and created the dragon. Elixir of strength.

But his country did not become more prosperous because he took the potion of the dragon's power, but instead angered the dragon family. His country was razed to the ground and became The world is purgatory, and the king himself is turned into coke by the dragon's breath, even the soul has not escaped.

Since then, no one has dared to hunt down dragons blatantly to obtain dragon crystals.

"This dragon crystal is an unowned thing in front of you. If you just lay it on the ground at random, even if you get it, you won't get the mark of the Tu Tu, and it won't cause the hatred of the dragon family..." Song Jian thought The thought flew, and the steps couldn't help but deviate towards the dragon crystal.

At this moment, Heilong raised his foot and gently touched his shoulder, almost knocked him down, Song Jian staggered, and finally stabilized his body.

After glancing at the black dragon's dark golden vertical pupil, Song Jian suddenly felt like a puff of cold water pouring down from the beginning.

"Damn, what is this place, I still dare to fight Longjing's idea, I don't know the life and death..." Song Jian said annoyed in his heart: "Sure enough, greed is the original sin, I was blinded by greed, if I really dare Take that dragon crystal, I'm afraid I can't leave here alive today!"

This is the last cemetery of the dragon family. If it is usually, let alone come in, it has not been approached, I am afraid that it was killed by the dragon soul guard. I even dare to deliberately obtain the dragon crystal appearing in the cemetery.

Wiping the cold sweat on his forehead, Song Jian followed the black dragon in a proper manner, and no longer dared to look towards the dragon crystal.

Previously it was because of his greed, so the immortal body didn't work at all. If it wasn't for the Black Dragon to remind him, I'm afraid Song Jian really did something irreparable.

In this way, one person and one dragon continued to move forward in the dark cave. On the way, Song Jian saw at least dozens of dragon skeletons and found three or four dragon crystals.

Some of these dragon crystals are the size of a football, some are only the size of a fist, but no matter what the size is, there will be no change in essence.

Without greed blinding his eyes, Song Jian can already treat these dragon crystals quite normally, and after a careful feeling, Song Jian found that these dragon crystals are nothing more than high-quality special energy bodies. Years or even hundreds of years later, the energy inside these dragon crystals will all be dissipated ~www.novelhall.com~ eventually disappeared.

Just when Song Jian lamented some waste, the black dragon in front suddenly stopped.

Song Jian looked up, and a huge cliff appeared in front of him, as if someone had split it directly with a sword. The end of the cave turned out to be an endless abyss. Even if Song Jian opened his eyes, he could not see Something under the abyss.

In the middle of the abyss, stands a mountain-like stone pillar, a winding stone step, from the place where the black dragon stands, all the way to the top of the stone pillar.

At the top of the stone pillar, there is a grand palace, which looks like it floats above the endless abyss from a distance.

"Is that where the Dragon God Altar is located?" Song Jian looked at the palace in front of him, and a thoughtful expression appeared on his face, secretly in his heart.


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