I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1273: Open day

At this time, the image of the other party is completely different from the previous charming woman, but it is exactly the same as the statue of the ancient devil deity seen by Song Jian before!

At this time, the dark red task option in the task bar appeared behind "completed", and Song Jian's ear also heard a smirk, the voice of the girl in the town.

"Your mission is done well, and I did not live up to my expectations for you! The next step is your reward, reward your soul and become the first sacrifice to the devil, and the body becomes the devil in this world. The first host in the body!"

A sneer appeared on Song Jian's face: "Sure enough, there is no good intention!"

The ancient demon deity in front of him gave Song Jian the feeling that he was not as threatened by the girl in the town. It seems that thousands of years of imprisonment, even if there are demon bone monks and wraiths, sacrifice sacrifices to it from time to time. , It is impossible to recover completely.

Although the ancient Demon God now gives Song Jian a feeling of incompetence, it does not give people a sense of powerlessness that they can't resist like the girl in the town.

However, being able to break through in the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Array, the strength of the Ancient Devil Demon God is beyond Song Jian's expectations.

"Having been cut so many times by you, it is time for you to try my means!" A thunderous roar sounded, and the eight arms of the ancient demon devil slapped each other fiercely.

"Boom" with a loud noise, full of vigor, eight weapons shining with precious light, as if they were manipulated, flying towards Song Jian, each weapon seems to be controlled by a highly skilled weapon master In general, eight different sets of combat skills were displayed.

For a time, Song Jian seemed to be fighting with eight BOSSs at the same time, and these eight BOSSs cooperated with each other in tacit understanding, and the difficulty was not only superimposed, but increased in geometric multiples.

After a while, Song Jian's left shoulder was severely smashed by a small tower, and his right arm was cut by a short spear to a length of one foot, and the blood value fell by 3,000. More points, quickly fell towards the half position.


A short knife fiercely slashed towards Song Jian, Song Jian was able to escape, and then two weapons flew towards him, one left and one right, the goal was where he dodged from the ground.

Song Jian waved Po Tianjian towards the weapon on the left, and behind him, a pair of wings shining with steel shine suddenly appeared, protecting his body firmly.

Bang Bang Bang!

Almost in no particular order, three weapons bombarded Song Jian's steel wings at the same time. The defensive degree of the steel wings dropped sharply. Countless broken steel feathers were ejected towards the surroundings, just like darts. Into the surrounding stone columns and walls.

The debris of one of the steel wings flew straight towards the statue behind the reincarnation pool, rubbed the hole in the statue's chest, and shot into the back wall.

The ancient Demon God's face changed greatly, even withdrawing five weapons at the same time, re-circling around himself, and himself, approaching the reincarnation pool, approached a few steps.

Song Jian looked up at the big hole in the chest of the statue, and there was a trace of enlightenment in his eyes: "He is not afraid that I hurt the statue, but that I am damaged by the soul lamp!"

A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Song Jian's body was full of anger, and he rushed towards the Po Tianjian.

A trace of gray breath spread from Song Jianjing, and the ancient Demon God face was surprised. Although this trace of breath is extremely shallow, it is the purest chaotic breath. This is an energy that all demon gods are afraid of and can wipe out everything. !

Thinking of this, the ancient demon deity even had the urge to jump into the reincarnation pool to hide. After all, it was not in its peak state at this time, and its strength could not be saved. Even when he was at his peak strength, he would retreat in the face of chaotic power. Not to mention now!

Before he could decide what to do, he heard Song Jian give a soft drink: "Open the sky!"

Over the hall, there appeared a ghost image of a long axe, and countless sword qi surged towards the ghost shadow. Song Jian could feel the sword energy in his body, and he continued to rush toward the ghost shadow, even before The ancient fiery demon **** broke the karma red lotus sword array, and the scattered spirit swords also flew towards the long axe in the air like a bird's nest.

A moment later, the long axe phantom became solid, and with an unstoppable power, he chopped towards the ancient devil deity.

In an instant, the ancient demon demon felt that within a few tens of meters around him, he was firmly locked by this sword gas sky axe, no matter whether it was space or time, he could not break away from this constraint.

Even if there is a skill like teleport or time backwards, there is no way to show it at this moment!

"Mortal, I am afraid of this power, but you still have too shallow control. Do you think that with this trace of chaos, you will be able to kill me, too naive!" Ancient Demon God roared with a roar. His arm turned out to be like porcelain, and it shattered one by one. With the disappearance of the arm, all the weapons disappeared.

Instead, the body of the ancient demon deity began to grow rapidly, from the original height of more than three meters, directly turned into a burly body more than five meters and nearly six meters.

At the same time, at its shoulder blade position, two bulges were bulged. Soon, a sharp bone spur protruded from the bulge. Then, a pair of wing wings with a length of seven or eight meters unfolded. The position of the scapula was protruded, and the dark purple blood on the wings of the meat followed the membrane, dropping on the ground drop by drop, corroding the hard floor into small holes.

Six of the eight arms were sacrificed, leaving only two arms, one of which held a long knife and the other arm held a kite shield.

The ancient demon demon went back and stepped forward, striding forward a few steps, the whole body was like a spring, and it bounced high from the ground. The meat wings were fanning and the wind was strong. He was ready to take advantage of the sword. Before the axe is fully formed, destroy it!

Looking at the ancient demon demon that had jumped high, Song Jian gave a chuckle, and his figure was like electricity, rushing towards the statue behind the reincarnation pool.


A tremendous roar sounded after Song Jianjian~www.novelhall.com~ Kaitian axe and the ancient demon demon collided fiercely, the hall was full of vitality, and several stone pillars supporting the hall even began to crack apart Later, a crack appeared on the ground, and the surrounding walls even collapsed directly, revealing the appearance of the back mountain.

At this time, Song Jian had rushed to the statue before reaching for the soul lamp in the big hole in the chest of the statue.

"you dare!"

An angry roar sounded after Song Jianjian, the wind was trembling, and the ancient demon deity rushed towards Song Jian desperately, trying to stop him from touching the soul lamp.



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