I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1272: Ancient Demon God

The strength of Jianying's avatar is not much different from that of Song Jian, but in the face of a female avatar with only 25% strength, he was beaten with no strength. Although the other party has a large number of avatars, it also shows Song Jianhe The strength gap of the opponent.

The Jian Qi in Song Jian's body instantly poured into the Potian Sword. Six hundred spirit swords almost filled the whole hall. So many spirit swords burning dark red flames, even if this woman who claimed to be a **** , A cautious look also appeared on his face.

"Fucking sword repair again!" The woman whispered in a low voice. The figure suddenly shook like a wave of water. The original image of the gold helmet and gold armor and the sword shield changed greatly. When the figure stabilized, the woman's ribs and scapular position Suddenly, a few more arms were added, each holding a different weapon, and he looked awe-inspiringly at the spirit sword that had overwhelmed him.


Song Jian's mind was lost for a while, and Jianying's avatar lost contact with him. In just ten seconds, the other party's phantom avatar wiped out Song Jian's hard avatar, which caused Song Jian to sink into his heart.

Dang Dang Dang~

A crisp metal collision sounded, the woman's eight arms, waving eight different weapons at the same time, her body covered her body tightly, there was only a series of rapid weapon collision sounds.

There are three women’s phantom avatars left. After killing Song Jian’s phantom avatar, maybe it’s because of the loss of the target, or because the skill time is up. These three phantom avatars, slowly disappeared, leaving the sword alive. Song Jian, empty, slightly relieved.

At this moment, a spirit sword was shot by a woman and flew towards the statue behind the reincarnation pool. The woman suddenly changed her face, even flew towards the spirit sword, waved her weapon, and turned the spirit again. The sword chopped before falling slowly to the statue.

Song Jian's eyes lighted up, the woman's powerful, far more than the boss of the dominance level, even if he fought with hundreds of spirit swords, it did not fall.

And she seems to be extremely good at formation, even with her sharp instincts, she was able to fly out the spirit sword that was going to evolve into Yehuo Honglian Sword Array several times, interrupting the evolution.

In such a situation, Song Jian only saw it once in Yujianzong's elders.

Song Jian glanced at the woman, and then turned to the statue behind her.

"She seems to care about that statue?" Song Jian secretly said.

As soon as his thoughts moved, Song Jian controlled more than ten spirit swords and hacked towards the statue. When he noticed that the spirit sword was abnormal, the woman glared fiercely at Song Jian and whispered, "Vile!"

After he finished speaking, he intercepted all the more than ten spirit swords.

Seeing this, Song Jian laughed, and controlled the flying spirit sword, chopping towards the statue.

The statue is a dead object. Even if the woman's strength is strong, it is impossible to protect the stone statue under the attack of hundreds of spirit swords.

Boom, Boom, Boom~

The Spirit Sword continued to hack on the statue, which surprised Song Jian. The statue did not know what material was used to make it, but it was hard and abnormal. With the damage of the Spirit Sword, ordinary iron and steel can be easily broken, but the statue was cut. In the above, only a shallow white mark can be left on the statue. The red lotus industry fire has no effect on the statue at all.

Seeing Song Jian's goal transferred to the statue, the woman's heart was relieved, but the surface still made an anxious look, desperately constantly intercepting the sky-spirit sword, even if she was injured by the spirit sword, Ken let the spirit sword hack on the statue.

After more than ten seconds, countless spirit swords surrounded the woman, but they could not form a sword array. Song Jian frowned, snorted, and directly controlled the spirit sword, forcibly condensing the industry fire red lotus sword array.

In the past, Song Jian used the ten thousand sword tactics to control the spirit sword and evolve the sword formation by the sword spirit of the broken sword. But since he entered the Yujian Sect, especially after consulting with the elders of the Yujian Sect, Song Jian began to slow down. Slowly control the Spirit Sword and directly condense the Spirit Sword into the formation to kill the enemy.

With the strength of Song Jian, except for the slight congestion of the Jianqi Stone Tower, other formations have been skillfully used freely. The first-level karma red lotus sword formation is naturally not a problem.

When the thoughts moved, the fire on the surface of the countless spirit swords, the fierce flames rose up, as if there was a large invisible hand in control, all the spirit swords gathered towards the woman.

The woman was shocked, and her eight arms were moving more and more vigorously, trying to destroy the connection between the spirit swords, but this time the speed of the spirit sword was more than doubled. Soon, a handle of the spirit sword began to evolve. A lot of burning lotus leaves gathered together.


Countless lotus leaves wrapped around the woman, and surrounded her layer by layer, countless sword qi, in the red lotus sword qi, the sword qi was invisible and quality, even if the woman had ten more arms, there was no way withstand.

Song Jian saw that thousands of points of injury fluttered from the Red Lotus Sword Formation;

"Do you think this way can trap me?" In the sword array, the woman's voice came out, and the originally charming voice slowly became neutral.


A fist print appeared on the surface of the Red Lotus Sword Array, and Song Jian frowned slightly, and he could clearly feel that after the appearance of the fist print, the lotus leaf transformed into a sword by more than ten handles had lost contact with him.

Bang Bang Bang~

The woman feared by the sword array actually throws dozens of punches in an instant, and each punch makes a deep fist mark on the surface of the sword array, and hundreds of spirit swords are swept away by her.

Boxing power world!

A deep anger broke out from the sword array, and Song Jian felt the spirit sword that formed the sword array suddenly, as if encountering the violent wind and rain-like strength attack, there were instantly fifty or sixty spirit swords lost contact with him .

Song Jian sinks in his heart. Although the evolution of the Red Lotus Sword Array is completed, if the number of Spirit Swords that make up the Sword Array is destroyed by more than one-third, the Sword Array threatens to collapse. Now the number of Spirit Swords destroyed by the opponent has already Nearly two hundred handles.

"We must speed up the evolution of the sword array!" Song Jian secretly said: "With her recovery ability, the Yehuohonglian sword may not have much effect on her, and the evolution of Jianqi palm is directly printed!"

Just as Song Jian was preparing for a changeable array~www.novelhall.com~ There was a sudden roar inside the sword array, a huge fist print over five meters in diameter, highlighting the surface of Yehuohonglian.

In a flash, Hundred Handling Swords and Song Jian lost contact and broke apart. Yehuo Honglian, which originally wrapped the fist print, was immediately punched by the fist print into a large hole of five or six meters in diameter. Immediately afterwards, the eight arms grabbed the sides of the hole and tore them apart.

There was a loud bang, and Yehuo Honglian Sword Array was torn open by the opponent's bare hands. At this time, a huge figure more than three meters tall appeared in front of Song Jian. Each of his eight arms was like Like the pillar of sky, standing behind him, each piece of weapons, shining with precious light, slowly swirled around his body.

At this time, the other party showed a real face!

"Ancient Demon God!" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and whispered.


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