I Have a Doomsday City

~: 1274th Prohibition Array

With strong wind behind him, Song Jian reached out to hold the soul lamp in his hand and turned to look at the ancient demon deity.

At this point, the ancient demon demon seemed very embarrassed, one flesh wing behind was missing, and the other flesh wing, already in this section, was pulled down and clung to its body.

On the left shoulder of the ancient demon deity, there is a deep bone scar, almost the entire left arm of which is scrapped. This wound continues to emit black mist, trying to heal the wound, but the wound surface is stained with a trace The silky gray breath, and the black mist once swallowed by it, was directly swallowed by it, and the wound couldn't heal at all.

Opening up the sky, the ancient demon demon was severely injured. The most important thing is that the chaotic atmosphere wipes out the characteristics of all things, so that the opponent's injury can never be healed. A bad effect of "chaos erosion" is also hung in the status bar.

This effect loses 500 points of qi and blood per second, and the state can continue to stack over time. For the existence of the ancient devil deity, if there is no way to expel the chaotic force on the wound, it will let it Constantly eroding itself, turning it into nourishment, strengthening yourself, and finally, this trace of chaos can even wipe out the ancient devil deity directly.

It’s just that the amount of this chaotic breath is really too small. Even if it can’t be eliminated in a short time, the ancient demon deity will not be on your mind. What’s most tense is that the soul lamp is controlled by Song Jian. Knowing that the soul heart lamp is equivalent to the magic weapon of the ancient demon deity, you must use the soul heart lamp to absorb the soul and turn it into nourishment, so that it can resist the formation of the seal of the Zhenmo Temple.

If the Soul Heart Lamp is destroyed, not only will it not be able to absorb the soul to recover from injury in the future, but it will also suffer more serious injury itself.

With its current weak state of inexhaustible strength, once the soul heart lamp is destroyed, I am afraid it will directly enter the eternal sleep.

It can be said that the soul heart lamp is the ancient devil deity. Once caught, it is even more uncomfortable than cutting it twice!

"Everywhere..." The ancient demon demon rushed towards Song Jian in spite of his injury, and his right hand instantly became a claw, grabbing the soul lamp in Song Jian's hand.

I have reached the soul heart lamp in Song Jian's hand. How could it be snatched back by the ancient demon deity again? Song Jian sneered. Five fingers pressed slightly, and five obvious finger marks immediately appeared on the soul heart lamp. Originally only soybeans The flames of all sizes suddenly swayed violently, as if they would be extinguished in the next moment.

A horrified look appeared on the face of the ancient demon deity. Its right claw is less than one foot away from the soul lamp, but this distance is like a sky.

Looking up, the eyes of the ancient demon deity and Song Jian are exactly the same. You can see that Song Jian's eyes are ridicule, while the ancient demon deity is frightened and angry.

"Humanity, hand over the soul lamp, I can give you a chance to loyalty to me!" Guhuang Demon stared at Song Jian and shouted loudly.

Song Jian's eyes rolled forward and handed the soul lamp in his hand forward, saying, "Here you are!"

The ancient demon demon was overjoyed, and his right hand snapped toward the soul heart lamp. At this moment, the lilac light curtain shrouded on the surface of the hall suddenly flashed a burst of electricity, and a thick purple thunder like a python was facing the ancient wasteland. The devil's right paw fell.

Bang, Bang~

In an instant, the ancient demon deity's right hand was hit by dozens of purple thunders, which instantly turned into coke.

The ancient demon deity made a heartbreaking roar, and retreated back and forth, realizing that the ancient devil deity was far away from the soul heart lamp, and the sky-wide purple thunder slowly dissipated.

Song Jian looked thoughtfully over the head, looking at the slowly dissipating purple thunder, and secretly said: "Although they are all purple thunder, the purple thunder here is completely different from the purple thunder."

Looking at the ancient demon **** with his face full of fear, Song Jian smiled and said: "I don't know how long this heart lamp has been placed here. If you can touch it, I'm afraid it will be hidden long ago?"

With that, Song Jian looked at the lamp in his hand, and his mind flashed abruptly, and suddenly said, "This ban is really forbidden by you. Although you can use the soul heart lamp to absorb the soul into nourishment, but this heart lamp is actually Connected to the entire banned array, it is the real position of the entire array!"

Soon, Song Jian traced his heart and slowly penetrated into the soul lamp. After a while, the soul lamp suddenly shone and became agile.

Song Jian laughed, wiped the lamp lightly with his hand, and said with a smile: "Sure enough, this soul lamp is the eye of the entire banned array. If you master it, you will master the entire banned array!"

The right claw of the ancient demon demon slowly began to grow back. The power of the formation of the banned formation is not as horrible as the power of chaos, which can prevent the wound from healing.

In just ten seconds or so, the ancient demon deity's right paw grew back, and during this time, Song Jian also completely controlled the ban on the formation in the hall.


The purple thunder, which had already subsided, once again appeared above the main hall, like a dragon, swaying above the main hall, emitting a terrifying breath.

The ancient demon deity could not help but take two steps back. Such a terrifying power was actually controlled by Song Jian, which made it feel a bit desperate.

However, Song Jian at this time was also uncomfortable. Although he was able to control the seal formation at will, but a simple start-up directly consumed a third of his mental energy.

You know, this is a formation that can ban the gods. With Song Jian’s current strength, although he controls the formation, it is impossible to completely control the entire formation.

Song Jian is now only manipulating the array of eyes to indirectly control the banned array, in order to barely control it.


A purple thunder descended from the sky and bombarded the ancient demon devil fiercely. The ancient devil deity who sacrificed all the weapons could only carry this lightning strike with a strong physical body!

"How is it possible, how can you be able to control it so quickly..." The ancient demon deity looked at him with an unbelievable look, staring at the soul lamp in Song Jian's hand~www.novelhall.com~ growled wildly.

Boom, boom, boom~

A series of three purple thunders bombarded the ancient demon deity and directly destroyed its millions of qi and blood. The ancient devil demon spit out a blood, his knees were weak, and he fell to the ground, looking desperately. Song Jian.

"Let me go, I can give you a secret treasure trove, which is one of the three treasure trove that I have accumulated for thousands of years, which contains hundreds of treasures..." The ancient demon **** shouted to Song Jian.

"Sorry, you are not dead, I don't worry!" Song Jian shook his head and refused. Although the ancient demon deity in front of him was seriously injured, it would be a hard battle to fight it. If it was not for Song Jian who controlled the banned formation here, he would make a comeback directly. It is still unknown who will die, how could it be so easy Let it go?



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