I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1271: woman

Song Jian couldn't help swallowing her saliva, her eyes were full of intoxication. From the naked shoulders of the girl, she could see that she was not in an inch.

The woman was probably in her twenties, staring at Song Jian, showing a charming smile to Song Jian, reaching out and waving at him.

"Come here, help me up!" the woman said in a fateful tone, but it gave a feeling of coquettishness, and Song Jian didn't feel the slightest offense.

Unconsciously, Song Jian stepped forward, and when the coolness in his mind emerged again, Song Jian suddenly found that he was less than three meters away from the reincarnation pool.

Song Jian was shocked and couldn't help but retreat and asked in a low voice: "Who are you?"

The woman threw a wink at Song Jian and complained in a low voice: "It's really incomprehensible!"

With that said, the woman actually floated out of the reincarnation pool and waited until her feet stepped on the water before taking a graceful step forward and approaching the pool.

At this moment, the woman was not in the middle of the body, but it made people never show blasphemous thoughts, just like watching an artwork. However, the bath fire in Song Jian's heart continued to emerge, and he seemed to be burning It looks average.

Just as Song Jian was about to sink again, a clear "ding bell" sounded in my mind, and the whole person suddenly woke up like a pot of cold water.

Open the skill bar, the talent skill "Indestructible Body" is automatically upgraded to level 2, you know, talent skills are improved, but gold skill points are required, this time, even without consuming gold skill points, it is directly upgraded by one level, which Song Jian was very surprised, and the look in the woman's eyes became meaningful.

I originally thought it was an enemy, but I didn't expect the other party to appear, but I was able to improve my talent skills directly without gold skill points.

"This sister, I don't know what I can do for you?" A smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth, and he slowly backed away. Soon, the distance between the two was ten meters away.

The woman looked at Song Jian, an amazed look flashed in her eyes, gently stroked her hair, smiled and said: "Are you afraid of me, why go back and come over, are you not willing to be close to me?"

With the call of the woman, the power of charm has been fully exerted, and the woman walked towards Song Jian step by step, with a faint red light in her eyes.

Song Jian felt the power of charm more and more, and was surprised in her heart, but after opening the skill bar and glancing, her face could not help showing a disappointed look.

After being upgraded to level 2, the indestructible body began to remain motionless. Although it also exudes a light golden light, which shows that it is in effect, but its proficiency has not been improved.

Song Jian couldn't help showing a disappointed look, looking at the woman's heart secretly: "You can only get here..."

Seeing the woman getting closer and closer, Song Jian clenched the broken sky sword and began to walk slowly towards the woman.

The woman saw Song Jian walking towards herself, and a satisfied smile appeared on her face, but when she saw the broken sky sword in Song Jian's hand, she said, "Let you put the long sword in your hand, it is safe here, You don’t need to use it, and it’s too heavy. It’s tiring to hold it. You’re tired now, don’t you?”

Po Tianjian made the woman feel a hint of threat, she did not want Song Jian to hold it close to herself.

With that, the woman stretched out her hands towards Song Jian, and it seemed that she wanted to hug him in general: "Leave it down, it is too sharp, it will hurt me, are you not afraid of hurting me when holding me?" Body?"

Song Jian did not say a word, but quickly approached the woman. When the distance between the two was less than five meters, the woman's face changed greatly. She suddenly found that Song Jian seemed to be running too fast towards him, and the other side I haven't put down the long sword in my hands.


Po Tianjian slashed towards the woman fiercely. After a cry, a tragic sword mark appeared on the woman. This sword directly cut the woman's throat and chopped from the left neck to the right waist. Almost split the woman in half.

But what is surprising is that for such a serious injury, the woman did not shed a drop of blood, and even the cut wound did not see any human tissues and organs, just a deep darkness, just like the woman’s body , Connected to a cosmic starry sky.

"Is it quiet for me to swallow badly, why should I struggle?" The woman's head, like a heavy flower bud, was slanted on the body, with two eyes still staring at Song Jian, and her face emerged. Weird smile: "Your behavior will only make you die more painful! No matter how you struggle, your soul will eventually become my nourishment!"

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, and the eyes of insight immediately spread out.

However, he just glanced at it, and suddenly felt a burning pain in his eyes, and tears could not help flowing down.

A ridiculous smile appeared on the woman's face: "Mortal people also want to spy on the gods?"

Song Jian rubbed his eyes vigorously, and when he recovered his vision, he suddenly discovered that the woman who was about to be split in half by him had recovered completely, only this time, her body was not naked, but Putting on a set of pale gold armor, the whole person looks like a Valkyrie.

The woman held a shield in her left hand and a long sword in her right hand and said to Song Jian: "Humanity, I will defeat you in the place where you are most proud, and let you see how big is between a mortal and a deity. difference!"

That being said, the woman took the initiative to charge towards Song Jian, using the most frequently used skill "charge" of the warrior profession!

Song Jianying's shadow shook, and the woman's lock was released in an instant. Soon, two identical Song Jian appeared in front of the woman.

One Song Jian rushed towards the woman, while the other retreated, and at the same time the Po Tianjian slashed fiercely towards the woman. Numerous spirit swords appeared out of thin air and flew towards the woman.

The shield in the woman's hand hit the "Song Jian" who was rushing towards her, stunned him directly, and then looked at the flying sword flying over the sky, a sneer appeared in the corner of her mouth.

The figure shook, and the woman actually exhibited almost the same skills as the Jianying Doppelganger skills. In an instant, five or six identical women appeared in front of Song Jian.

"Sword Shadow Doppelganger?" Song Jian said in surprise, but soon he realized that this is not a sword shadow Doppelganger skill, but a special epic skill of the warrior class. Phantom Doll Only 25% of the strength of the body, in terms of grade, is completely inferior to the sword shadow avatar.

The woman's use of this trick is also to learn Song Jian's appearance and use the avatar's instant to unlock the lock. However, she did not expect that the spirit sword is not only locked at the beginning, but the whole lock, the most important thing is There are too many spirit swords, and her attack range can completely cover her body and avatars.

To Song Jian's surprise, however, these same women, all of them were extremely powerful, and the sword shadow around Song Jian was constantly attacking, and there was no sign of weakening.

"Her body strength is too strong, even if it is weakened by 75%, I am not able to deal with it!" Song Jian sinked in his heart and suddenly understood that this battle in front of him may be the most difficult battle since he entered the game. !


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