I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1265: Swinging Demon

When asked about the master's words, it seemed that Hong Zhong Da Lu was trembling in the hall. Song Jian was shocked. Unexpectedly, when asked about the master, he had already explored himself who had been in stealth.

"Old monk, what hysteria do you have? Your apprentices are almost dead. Hurry to dedicate your soul so that the demon awakens soon, hahahaha!" Wraith shook the bell in his hand again, Let the monk in the jail do not want to live.

However, shaking the bell seems to be very harmful to the Wraith, or it is very expensive. Even if it can't shake the bell all the time, it just stopped for a moment.

I used the bell to collect the soul of a monk before, and it was already very satisfying for Wraith.

"Ha ha ha ha, old monk, we'll see you tomorrow, I want to see, how long can you persist..." Wulin smiled smugly.

"This donor, what are you waiting for, do you really want to watch this group of monsters succeed?" the master shouted indignantly.

At this moment, the hidden tasks in Song Jian's task bar began to change, and the contents of the next task appeared.

"Dang Yao Demon? Did you just kill these demon bone monks and wraiths?" A smile appeared on the corners of Song Jian's mouth, and the broken Tianjian waved forward in his hand, and countless spirit swords appeared out of thin air.

The moment the hundreds of swords appeared, the headed wraith seemed to perceive something and turned his head to look in the direction of Song Jian.

"Who is it, dare to break into the Demon Lord's Ancestral Hall?" The Wraith groaned with a murderous intention. The demon bone monk behind it also showed a fierce face, and a burst of beasts roared in his mouth.

Swish swish~

Countless spirit swords flew over towards several monsters, and the sharp sword gas cut all the air in the hall, shattered, and a feeling of suffocation enveloped these monsters.


A low roar came, and several demon bone monks began to transform in an instant. A bone spur protruded from the body. The bone penetrated the skin and wrapped the entire body. The whole person seemed to grow tens of centimeters. .

A transparent energy shield also appeared in front of Wraith, protecting its entire body.

Song Jianjian is like a movie. With the spirit sword, he rushed towards the monsters. The speed of killing these monsters must be fast. Otherwise, once the movement is too large, it will attract more monsters. Even if Song Jian is tough, he will not Way out alive from here.


Countless spirit swords hacked on the monsters, and bursts of roar suddenly, and after a while, all the demon bone monks burned a dark red flame.

Song Jian was stunned. The damage of the spirit sword to them was only four or five thousand points, but the damage of the red lotus industry fire attached to the surface of the spirit sword was unexpectedly exaggerated, and tens of thousands of burning damages , These red lotus industry fires touched the demon monk, just like the flames touched the gasoline, the fire became more intense, and every second above the demon monk's head would beat tens of thousands of points of damage. It is like a tarsal maggot. Once contaminated, they will not go out unless burned to ashes.

"The red lotus fire is also called the fire of purification, it is simply the nemesis of these monster monsters!" Song Jian looked surprised, and moved away from the demon monk, locked on the head of the wraith.

This wraith is an 80-level dominance-level BOSS with powerful strength and a wave of energy, which is an energy shield with a defense degree of more than 10,000 points.

The Spirit Sword chopped on the energy gas shield, but only produced a slight ripple, and could not cause any harm to it. The words "Immune" floated on the top of Wraith's head.

"Ji Jie, a powerful human being, your flesh and blood will be more delicious than ordinary people, and your soul will be stronger. As long as you catch you, you will be able to wake up the devil in advance..." Wraith stared with scarlet eyes With Song Jian, it seems that Song Jian has been treated as food.


The sky-breaking sword in Song Jian's hand was severely chopped on the energy gas shield of Wraith, and immediately cut the gas shield into a crack, and thought of it, countless spirit swords hit the air after killing the demon monk. After a spin, he continued to fly towards Wraith.

For the red lotus industry fire on the spirit sword, the resentful spirits also seem extremely afraid, and they dare not let them contaminate themselves.

A wave of the right hand, two energy shields, appeared beside it, surrounding its body, resisting the attack of the spirit sword.

Dang Dang Dang~

A series of Mars burst out from the three shields beside the Wraith, but the surface of the shield was rippled, and it did not hurt the Wraith at all.

A crack that Song Jian had hacked before, slowly recovered over time, and no trace of it was visible.

"Humans, although you are very powerful, but you are not my opponent, obediently offer your flesh and soul, I will make you die less painful..." Wry Ling's face showed a grinning smile, his right hand raised, a ball The gray light, blooming from its palm, rushed towards Song Jian like a tentacle.

Song Jian's eyes narrowed, his thoughts moved, and all the spirit swords began to rotate around the wraith spirit, forming a wall of impenetrable spirit swords. Those gray breaths, as they approached the spirit sword, were strangled by the fierce sword spirit. Smash.

Yehuo Red Lotus Sword Array, get up!

Song Jian lifted his left hand and slammed it. All the spirit swords evolved into flaming lotus leaves, and they gathered towards the wraith. Soon, a flaming red lotus sword array with a diameter of only five or six meters was in the hall. Within the formation.

The wraith at this time no longer had the proud smile on his face, but instead showed a trace of fright. It could feel that the karma red lotus sword array surrounding it had already threatened its life. !

Song Jian's face was calm, but his high left hand was bulging with blue muscles, trembling, and seemed to be struggling to maintain something.

In fact, with Song Jian's strength, Wan Jianjue's subsequent formation has been able to evolve at will, without the need for the sword spirit to evolve step by step as before.

However, if you want to shrink or expand the sword array at random, for Song Jian now, it is still a bit reluctant. In order not to disturb too many monsters~www.novelhall.com~ Song Jian can only compress Yehuo Honglian sword array to a diameter of five At six meters, this is already the limit of his ability to maintain. No matter how small, the power will increase exponentially, but the difficulty of maintaining the sword array will also increase exponentially, which is not what Song Jian can do now.

But even so, the flaming red lotus sword array in front of him has no problem dealing with an 80-level dominant boss.

In the sword array, the wraiths kept roaring, wanting to summon other wraiths to come to the rescue, but in the sword array, its voice could not be heard at all, and they could only watch the three shields around their bodies. The sword array collapsed and shattered a little bit, but it had no solution at all.


A blaze of flames rose into the sky, and the flaming red lotus bloomed with dazzling light, and then the red lotus disappeared, leaving only a pile of ash and a few items of various colors shining.


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