I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1266: Task options

This grievance provided Song Jian with 4.3% of combat experience, which is much higher than the previous Demon Bone Monk. If converted to a specific value, it has at least a hundred thousand combat experience.

In addition, several other demon bone monks also provided Song Jian with 1%-2% combat experience. After a battle, Song Jian's experience value has been increased by 10% and more.

Among the loot, Song Jian was most pleasantly surprised by the fact that Wraith dropped an amethyst, and the rest were all high-grade alchemy materials, which belonged to the category of alchemy biology.

These materials Song Jian can only be sold. He has some research on alchemy pharmacy, but he knows nothing about alchemy biology.

After finishing the booty, Song Jian walked towards the master.

At this point, the content of the task becomes "completed", but the content of the next task still does not appear. It seems that it will only appear after continuing contact with Master Yiwen.

"Ask the master, do you need me to rescue you?" Song Jian asked under the iron cage.

When asked the master, he shook his head and said: "These iron cages are all equipped with a warning formation. Once damaged, they will alarm the monsters in the whole Zhenmo Temple!"

"This little donor, thank you for killing those demons. It is also a breath for the monks who have been killed by it!" The master asked with a sigh.

Song Jian took out a bronze bell and asked the master: "I saw a soul of a monk before. It seems that the bronze bell was taken away. How can I rescue it?"

This bronze bell is a loot that fell after Wraith's death, but it doesn't have any attributes, but just shows the word "task item". Song Jian took it out and also wanted to see if he could continue from asking the master What task to receive.

"Thank you, the donor!" When asked the master, he looked at the bronze bell in Song Jian's complexion and stared at it for a long while. "This is a spirit bell made by monsters. You only need to destroy it. The monk held inside." The soul will be released..."

Song Jian nodded and squeezed the copper bell into a mass of scrap copper.

"Click, click~"

There was a broken sound inside the copper bell. This was the internal formation of the broken copper bell. The original flashing copper bell shone. After Song Jian squashed, a thick layer of patina covered the whole. Bronze bells, and at the same time, a lot of copper scraps fell from Song Jian's hands, it is clear that this magical bell was directly destroyed by Song Jian.

Seeing Song Jian destroy the Soul Bell, the Master's cheek slightly twitched when asked. This Soul Bell can also be regarded as a magic weapon, which can not only collect the soul, but also nurture the soul so that it will not dissipate. A treasure, but now it is destroyed in Song Jian's hands.

At the moment when the bronze bell was destroyed, three white figures floated out of the bronze bell and turned into three translucent white monks. One of them was the monk he had previously collected from the iron cage.

The three monks were all monks at Zhenmo Temple. They first paid a ritual toward Song Jian, thanking him for his salvation, and then paid a ritual to Master Yiwen again. The figure began to turn into a white spot and the whole collapsed. Come on.

When I asked the master and the other monks in the iron cage, they also folded their hands together and recited the buddha in unison, as if to send the three monks away.

Among them were several monks in iron cages, with envious expressions on their faces.

You know, they are detained here mainly because they all have good cultivation practices, and their soul quality is much less than that of ordinary people.

Wraiths imprisoned them here to torture their flesh, and then use the formation method to feed their souls back to a certain extent, and then use the soul-bell to summon their souls from the flesh and use them as nourishment for the devil. Devour.

Being able to reincarnate reincarnation is a very fortunate thing for these detained monks.

"The donor, in the Zhenmo Temple, originally suppressed an ancient demon head. Thousands of years have passed, and this demon head is about to be killed, but more than 100 years ago, a group of demons occupied the Zhenmo Temple and became ordinary. The appearance of the monk continues to deceive the ordinary people around him, and uses their flesh and soul to support the devil. When the devil obtains enough nourishment, it will wake up from the sleep. Once it wakes up, the whole world will be Re-suffer from the catastrophe of the ancient times!" The Master asked in a low voice.

"The donor, depending on your extraordinary strength, I wonder if you can stop the devil from awakening, or even directly kill the devil?" The master asked Song Jian, looking at him with a look of expectation.

At this moment, Song Jian's task bar, the tasks that had been completed, changed again, and new tasks appeared.

Song Jian glanced at the content of the task, frowning suddenly, and whispered to himself: "A choice, is it the end of a selection task?"

In the task content, one of the simpler tasks is to destroy the soul heart lamp of the Zhenmo Temple. This heart lamp is enshrined in the reincarnation pool. As long as it is destroyed, it destroys the connection between the world and the devil. It is no longer possible to use the soul to provide nourishment for the demon awakening;

After this task is completed, Song Jian will get a level upgrade, and the free attribute points will increase the task reward by five points. For Song Jian, this is already a very rich reward.

Another option is to use the soul lamp to summon the ancient demon lord, and then fight it to destroy it.

In the ancient times, the devil belonged to an evil spirit and possessed god-level strength, but the suppression of thousands of years of suppression has reduced its strength to the peak of the king level or even the dominance level. With Song Jian’s strength at this time, it is not Invincible.

But be aware that if you choose the second, Song Jian will not only defeat the weak devil, but also the hundreds of monsters in the Zhenmo Temple.

If it’s the Devil Lord alone, Song Jian is not worried, but coupled with not knowing how many Lord-level, Domination-level Demon-Bone Monks and Wraiths, UU reads www.uukanshu.com with Song Jian’s strength, if you choose The second option, I'm afraid there is a great chance to drink on the spot.

However, the reward for the second task option is also very attractive, almost a dozen times better than the reward for the first task. In addition to the tenth-level winning streak, a random item of legendary quality will also be rewarded. The tenth-level reward alone is enough for Song Jian to beat, let alone a legendary-quality item! only……

"If you choose the second task option, you will probably die if you fail." Song Jian could not help but frown, and began to secretly measure and count.

At this moment, the content of the task that had originally appeared in the task bar suddenly changed again. After the two task options, the third option appeared strangely, and the third option turned out to be dark red. The font appears as if it were written in blood.



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