I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1264: Buddha statue

Song Jian almost killed the two demon bone monks in seconds, on the one hand, because the two demon bone monks were not strong, and there was only one ring scar on the top of the head, on the other hand, it was also because of Song Jian’s talent skills "When hacking the vital parts such as the neck, there seems to be a trigger probability bonus, which makes the two demon bone monks suffer the indestructible decapitation effect.

System: You killed the demon monk;

System: Demonbone monk is an ordinary creature in the Demon Temple. The combat experience is increased by 0.5%. Since the Demonbone monk is a special sacrifice area, the reward is doubled and the combat experience is increased by 1%.

System: You killed the demon monk, the reputation of Zhenmo Temple decreased by 8 points, and your reputation with Zhenmo Temple is now indifferent;

System: You killed the demon bone monk, gain the reputation of the Holy Light Church at 6 o'clock, you open the reputation of the Holy Light Church, you and the Holy Light Church reputation are now normal


The two demon bone monks provided Song Jian with a total of 2% combat experience. Looking at the improved combat experience, Song Jian always had the urge to use his ten thousand sword tactics to destroy the entire town of the Devil Temple.

However, every time such thoughts spring up in Song Jian's heart, he will unconsciously feel a sense of terror threatening with it. This sudden terror makes him understand that there must be unknown terror in the Zhenmo Temple, which can be easily Kill him.

This is why he is so low-key, secretly infiltrating the Zhenmo Temple to complete the mission.

The two demon bone monks, only one piece of white equipment and three pieces of white quality material were dropped to Song Jian. Song Jian pouted and put all the loot into the parcel, and then the two that started to burn The corpse of the demon monk dragged to a hidden corner.

The transparent flame after the death of the monster will only burn the body of the monster and will not ignite other items in the game. The lower the strength of the monster, the faster the transparent flame will burn, and the higher the strength of the monster, the slower it will burn. The strength of these two demon bone monks is average. At most tens of seconds, the corpse will become a pile of white ash, which will not attract anyone's attention.

After tidying up the body, Song Jian was about to leave, but suddenly he saw the cloth pouch that was thrown aside by the two demon bone monks. With a move in his heart, he stepped forward and took the pouch in his hand. Grab items.

The cloth bag contained a semi-solidified scarlet object, which looked like jelly, trembling, and exuded an attractive fragrance.

"The flesh contaminated with the water of the reincarnation pool? Special items..."

Song Jian thought about it and put the bag in the parcel. Although the things in the bag did not have any effect on him, it was very attractive to those demon monks, and might be completed for him. Tasks have unexpected effects.

Leaving this remote small courtyard, Song Jian slowly moved towards the location of the master. Song Jian saw many demon bone monks who looked like normal people. These demon bone monks did what ordinary monks should do. I don't see anything unusual at all.

When meeting the demon bone monk with less scars on the top of the head, Song Jian will sneak in without hesitation. When meeting the demon bone monk with more scars on the head, Song Jian will hide in an obscure corner, Quietly waiting for it to leave on its own, and then pass slowly.

In this way, after spending more than an hour, Song Jian finally came to a hall deep in the Zhenmo Temple.

A bronze statue is enshrined directly opposite the hall. This bronze statue looks like a Buddha, except that there are dozens of arms growing behind the Buddha, which is similar to the Qianshou Guanyin in Song Jian's impression. .

It is strange that these arms are weird and weird, like the old roots of a strong old tree, with strange patterns on the surface, which looks like scales covering the arms. If you look closely, you will find that there are only three fingers in each palm, which is very different from the arms of ordinary people.

This Buddha has at least a dozen scars densely on the top of his head, and strange patterns on his forehead. If he stares for a little longer, he will feel that these patterns look like two curved horns, and they grow firmly on the Buddha. On the forehead.

Unlike ordinary Buddha statues, this Buddha statue has many unusual places. It has been staring for a long time, and even the smile on its face gives a creepy bloodthirsty feeling.

The bronze statue of the Buddha with his eyes closed slightly, sitting on the lotus platform, if not the strange arms behind him, caused Song Jian's suspicion, and he would not have noticed so many weird places.

Looking up, in addition to this strange Buddha statue, there are many iron cages in the hall. These iron cages are much smaller than what Song Jian saw before. In each iron cage, only one person is imprisoned.

These iron cages were hung high, most of them were dead, and even the corpses had been air-dried. Only a few monks in the cages were still alive, but they were also dying and looked weak.

In these cages, there was a monk covered with a big red cassock, and the gold wire was wrapped around it, exuding a bright light.

The monk was also skinny, but he didn't feel weak at all. He sat in a cage with his knees and chanted the scriptures softly.

Seeing this monk for a moment, the task request of "Find a Master" in the task bar was completed immediately, but the task content of the next ring did not appear.

Song Jian knew that he had to talk to Master Master to trigger the next mission.

Just before Song Jian was ready to step forward, he put down the master of a question and talked, there was a footstep suddenly outside the door, Song Jian suddenly entered a hidden state, after a while, Kung Fu, a wraith and several demon bones The monk came in from outside the door.

The wraith-headed man took out a small brass bell from his arms and gently shook it towards the monk imprisoned in the air.

Jingle Bell~

A clear ring of bells sounded, and Song Jian hiding aside, suddenly felt a little dizzy and dizzy. As the ringtone continued, a feeling of turbulent rotation surged from Song Jian's heart.

"Mida Buddha..."

A loud buddha sounded, when asked the master to recite the sutra loudly, against the bell in the hands of the wraith, as the master began to recite, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com As long as there are monks who breathe, also They all struggled to sit up, folded their hands together, and chanted the scriptures together with the master.

With the Buddha's sound, Song Jian's feeling of turning around before, suddenly relieved a lot. At this time, he felt a cold sweat in his back. After watching the blood value, he had already lost nearly one-third of the degree. The important thing is that he didn't notice it at all and he was attacked.

At this moment, a white translucent soul shadow floated out of the iron cage in the air and drifted toward the bronze bell in the hands of Wraith.

When asked the master, a sorrowful expression appeared on his face. He suddenly stopped chanting Buddhist scriptures, sighed, and said aloud: "This donor, please help the old man to help kill these demons and slay the demon for the Buddha!"


PS: Thank you "Book Friends 20180628090856258" for the 500 starting coins~

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