I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1263: enter

The small door that the demon monk came to was a side door. Song Jian had seen it before, but this little door looked like a thin layer of wood, but no matter how Song Jian made it, there was no way to break it. It is as if there is a layer of invisible power protecting it.

There is a keyhole on this wooden door, but there seems to be a layer of energy on the surface of the keyhole. Even if Song Jian still has the key to the abyss, there is no way to open this wooden door.

The demon-bone monk came to the front door and stretched out his fingers. The original white fingers suddenly turned into a bone spur. In between, the demon-bone monk thrust the finger spur toward the keyhole of the wooden door. .

Soon, there was a "click" sound from the wooden door. The demon bone monk pushed the door in, and flicked the wooden door backwards, and walked forward without looking back. It seemed that there was something anxious, Wait for it to be processed.

At the moment when the wooden door was about to close, Song Jian lightly pressed the wooden door with his toes to prevent it from closing. After the demon monk was away, Song Jian carefully pushed open the door and walked in.

At this time, Song Jian was in an invisible state. Even if someone saw it, he would only think that the wooden door was blown by the wind, and he would not care much.

After Song Jian entered the door, he closed the wooden door, and then walked along the path toward the location marked by the master in the mission map.

At this time, Song Jian was in a quiet courtyard behind the temple. It seemed desolate. No one had cleaned it for a long time. It was covered with dead branches and leaves. Even the original small pond had dried up and distributed. It smells bad.

At this moment, two blood-bearing demon monks on the gray robes suddenly pulled in and walked in. They pushed and shoved while arguing about something quietly. The voice was very low, and it seemed that they were afraid of others hearing .

"Hurry up and take it out, there is no one here..."

"Don't worry, I have already sealed it, the taste is too strong, and will welcome other people..."

The conversation between the two was very quiet. Song Jian hid behind a rock less than five meters away, waiting for them to leave.

To Song Jian's surprise, instead of leaving, the two came in the direction of where he was, and stopped on the other side of the rock where Song Jian was hiding, as if fighting for something.

The attention of the two demon monks was attracted by a cloth sac, and they didn't notice it at all. Song Jian, who was separated from them by a stone, at this time, Song Jian's eyes also fell on the sac in the hand of the demon monk. .

The cloth looks similar to the gray robes on the demon monk's body, and the surface is infested with a layer of dark red liquid, a faint smell of blood.

A demon bone monk opened the cloth pouch and grabbed a red object resembling a jelly.


Song Jian behind the stone clearly heard another demon bone monk swallowing saliva.

"Is this contaminated with the flesh and blood of the reincarnation pool water, the taste is really sweet, I can't wait to take a bite!" A demon bone monk swallowed and said with a trembling voice.

"This is only the first time, there will be a lot of flesh and blood in the future, as long as you..."

The two demon bone monks seem to have reached a deal, but soon, the two have a contradiction in the distribution of flesh and blood!

"You can enter the reincarnation pool, it's all up to me to open the door for you, why only give me 30%, which is different from what I said before..." a demon bone monk shouted in exasperation.

"You just opened the door, all the materials and risks are mine, and..."

"Impossible, you must follow the points you said before..."

"You think about it, if..."

"Go to you*, give me the bag..."

"How do you..."

The two demon bone monks even tore up each other, and they all had to fight for the cloth. One demon bone monk's scarlet eyes shone brightly, and he seemed to be cheated after being deceived.

The demon bone monk has no exoskeleton of the whole body, and the bone spur is covered. It is still no different from the ordinary monk. It can communicate normally, but their emotions and thinking are completely different from ordinary people. When they encounter a little stimulation, they will be emotionally runaway and become Extremely bloodthirsty.

The two demon bone monks began to push each other by the rock, fighting for the cloth. One of the demon bone monks had bone spurs protruding from the body, and it seemed to be exoskeleton.

Song Jian looked at the two demon bone monks in close proximity, and was suddenly speechless. Originally, he thought that the two demon bone monks were just passing by, preparing to wait quietly for them to leave. It was here to divide the stolen goods, and in the end it was because of the uneven distribution of the stolen goods that it was ready to fight.

Another demon-bone monk also seemed angry, bone spurs protruding from his body, and the sound of quarreling became louder and louder, and he seemed to have no worries.

Song Jian stood up slowly and summoned the Po Tianjian in his hands. The two Demon Bone Monks could not continue to quarrel. Otherwise, more Demon Bone Monks, even the former Wraiths, would be welcomed.

"Give me what I want!"

"Stop thinking, at most 30%, you are too greedy..."

"Damn, I killed you!"

The deceived demon monk had reached his limit, and his emotions were on the verge of being completely out of control.

"what are you going to do!"

The other demon-bone monk was angry, but he could control his emotions, but he suddenly felt a strong wind coming from the back of the neck. He was shocked and turned his head to look behind him.


A white light flashed through, and the head of a demon monk was directly cut off by Song Jian. At this time, the demon monk with his head cut off still had a surprised look on his face, and he didn't seem to realize that he would be killed. Sneak attack.

The blood spurting from its neck, the face of another demon bone monk who was already irritated, and the face of this demon monk stunned for a while, when he saw the slowly appearing Song Jianying shadow, his face was shocked. , Opening your mouth seems to be calling for warning soon.


Song Jianyingying suddenly rushed towards it like lightning~www.novelhall.com~ The sky-breaking sword in his hand pierced fiercely into the chest of the other party, and a puff of blood shot out, and the sky-breaking sword broke through his chest. Ever.

Suddenly, the demon-bone monk discovered that he could not control his body, and the original shouting was also held in his throat.

Wow wow wow~

The sky breaking sword continued to penetrate the body of this demon monk with lightning, nine blood arrows shot out, and before the body floating in midair fell, Song Jian took a spin and came to his side , The Potianjian in his hand slashed fiercely towards its neck.


Po Tianjian groaned, and the demon-bone monk's body fell heavily on the ground. At the same time, his head resembled a ball, and he grunted and rolled out into the pond.


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