I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1262: nourishment

There are too many demon monks in the courtyard, the number is more than two hundred, and with the judgment of the outgoing breath, the strength is mostly at the lord level and the dominance level. If Wan Jianjue is not displayed, if Song Jian dares to break in, I'm afraid it's hard to come out alive.

Although he has not yet felt the existence of the king-level boss, Song Jian still feels that there is an extremely terrifying atmosphere deep in this temple, and it is slowly spilling out. If it is not strong enough to sense, it is very It's hard to notice its existence.

"There are too many monsters, it is difficult to quietly enter the temple..." Song Jian looked at the half-covered wooden door opposite the courtyard and secretly said.

As for why the town girl forced her to come here, Song Jian could not find a clue for a moment, and could only follow the task prompt to complete it temporarily. If he hurriedly fought here, there was no way to sneak in quietly.

Thinking of this, Song Jian touched the necklace on the neck. Although the hidden necklace is epic, but the item level is only forty. In this group of more than eighty or even ninety-level BOSS, I am afraid that I will perform the perfect concealment. It's hard.

As Song Jian thought about how to sneak in, the half-covered wooden door across the courtyard was suddenly pushed open, and two gray-robed monks, who looked like souls, floated out of the wooden door and came to the iron cage to take a closer look. .

Scarlet eyes are full of greed, and looking at the ordinary people in the iron cage is like looking at piles of food, without concealing the desire to swallow them.

With the arrival of the two gray-robed monks in their soul state, the demon-bone monk guarding the side immediately opened the gate of the iron cage.


The cage full of rust and blood was opened, and the ordinary people detained inside looked like a group of frightened small beasts, hiding in a position away from the iron gate, all with a look of horror on their faces.

Song Jian looked towards the two gray-robed monks in their soul state. There was no scar on their shiny heads, but the demon bone monks around them were very respectful and treated with pleasing eyes. look.

"Wraith, Dominance BOSS, Skeleton..." Song Jian stared at the two wraiths carefully, because without the insight, he could only see each other's name and judge each other's strength based on breath and experience. Only get general information.

However, this information alone makes it impossible to underestimate the spirits of these two souls. Their strength is even higher than that of the demon monk in the courtyard!

"This, this, and this..."

One of the wraiths pointed to five people in the iron cage. The five people who were pointed to began to tremble their calves, their lips were blue, and they looked like they were about to cry. They looked scared.

"Don't choose me, I'm only twenty-five years old, I, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..." A young man with a desperate face finally couldn't bear the fear in his heart, his emotions collapsed, and he began to shout loudly, hands He grabbed the railing of the iron cage behind him and looked like he would never go out.

The cry of this young man caused a chain reaction, and the other four selected people, including others in the iron cage, also began to cry for mercy, and the scene suddenly became a mess.

Their cry did not arouse sympathy between the wraith spirit and the demon monk. Several demon bone monks dragged the five out of the iron cage without expression, standing in a row and standing in front of the wraith.

Two wraiths stood in front of the five ordinary people one after another, staring at them for a while, then turned around and left.

It is strange that the five people who had been struggling to cry, after staring at the wraiths for a while, all became quiet, their eyes dull, like marionettes, swayingly followed the two wraiths Behind him, walk slowly forward.

Song Jian watched the five of them walk out of the courtyard following the wraith and enter the wooden door. It didn’t take long for the wooden door to reveal a scarlet light, which seemed like blood, which made people see a kind of Feeling slippery.

With the appearance of the light, a wailing wailing sounded loudly, and the others in the iron cage of the courtyard heard the wailing, and all shivered and huddled together.

A wailing sound came from the door, making people listen to the creeps, and soon, the wailing sound slowly weakened, and finally quietly, at the same time, the scarlet light rippling inside the door gradually dimmed.

After a while, a bald monk, wearing a brand-new gray robe, folded his hands, walked out of the door, and entered the courtyard with a fake smile.

Song Jian frowned slightly, and looked at the gray-robed monk's face as if he were crying and struggling.

"New compatriots have appeared, ha ha ha, yes, convert to the devil, you will also get eternal life!" A demon bone monk with five red stutters above his head stared at the newly coming man, ha ha laughed.

I saw that the demon-bone monk pulled a girl directly from the iron cage and threw her fiercely on the ground. He said to the new demon-bone monk: "This is to reward you, only new talents will Some benefits, after eating her, let me see your potential!"

Song Jian looked at the demon monk with a smile on his face. His eyes suddenly showed a greedy and greedy light, but his face showed a struggling look, and a cry of pain rang out from his mouth. The whole person Can't help but bend down, his hands propped on the ground, his mouth wide and gasping, he can clearly see that a large amount of hot white mist is emerging from his nose and mouth.

Click, click~

A pale bone spur bloomed out of his body, his whole body bones turned out, and a thick armor was formed on the surface of the body. The whole person was elongated by dozens of centimeters, which was only one meter seven. A few, it has now become a burly man with a height of two meters and fifty-six.

Seeing its appearance at this time, the demon bone monk with five ring scars on his head showed a satisfied look on his face, watching it rush towards the fallen girl, with sharp fangs piercing into it Among the girls' necks.

Watching it swallow and swallow, the five bone scarred monks laughed: "Yes, yes, at least have the strength of the three rings. After the ceremony is completed, let him go to the Devil's Ancestral Hall to guard the more important ones. nourishment!"

Song Jian stared at it for a long time, shook his head slightly, loosened his hand holding the edge of the fence, and fell silently. Obviously, there was no way to sneak in quietly from here, unless Song Jian was willing to open a killing ring, use Wan Jianjue to move here Flattened to the ground, otherwise, you can only find another place to sneak in.

Song Jian continued to detour along the wall of Zhenmo Temple~www.novelhall.com~ After he entered the area of ​​Zhenmo Temple, a golden light spot appeared on the mission map, where it should be asked where the master was.

However, Song Jian went around for more than an hour, and did not find a suitable place to dive in. It was not that there were monsters behind the fence, but that almost all of the fences were behind a black lantern hanging above the main entrance of the temple. The two lanterns are much smaller, but it feels like Song Jian is as dangerous as the two **** lanterns.

Feeling embarrassed and ready to break in, I suddenly saw a demon bone monk, hurried along the path outside the wall and came to a small door.

With a move in his heart, Song Jian immediately performed the abyssal concealment technique and quietly approached the demon bone monk.


PS: Thank you "Austin Orm" for the 100 starting coins~

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