I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1248: Obliterate

In the conference room of the main palace of Hope City, Wang Qi's face was ugly. A 3D projector was placed in the center of the conference table. At this time, the City of Hope and the surrounding area of ​​10 kilometers were all displayed on it.

"I have notified the city owner. It won't take long for the city owner to come back. Don't worry!" Wang Qi said in a deep voice.

"Now this situation, even if the Lord Lord returns, can't change anything?"

"There are too many monsters in the abyss, the number exceeds one million, and every once in a while, a large number of monsters will come out of the moving abyss castle. As long as it has been there, we will have a hard time winning!"

"The surrounding abyss players have also received news. They are gathering towards the city of hope. Now it is estimated that there are more than 1,000 abyss players, mixed in these monsters..."

"The range of sheltering the black mist is also shrinking, these abyss monsters are completely destined to fill in..."

"Vice-City Lord, do you have any plans to retreat once you can't defend?"


There was a lot of noise in the conference room, and most people were not optimistic about the city of hope to be able to hold this abyss monster siege. After all, the abyss monsters that appeared in front of them, their strength and number have greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

In addition, there is a floating fortress like a moving hill in the distance, which makes people feel powerless and desperate.


Wang Qi slammed a circle towards the conference table and shouted loudly: "In any case, we must stick to the return of the city master. At that time, it is withdrawn or guarded, and the city master will naturally decide!"

At this moment, Luo Tianyu in a red armor rushed into the conference room: "Vice-City Lord, civilians are almost transferred, and now there are 3,000 players and about 100,000 NPCs remaining in the city!"

"Okay, rain, you go to command the moat army and turn on all the defense systems in the city. We must defend until the city master returns!" Wang Qi shouted loudly.

"Understood!" Luo Tianyu just rushed into the meeting room and left in a hurry.

Wang Qihuan glanced at everyone in the conference room and shouted: "I don't care what you think now, but if the city master returns, you won't see you, and you will be responsible for all the consequences!"

After talking, Wang Qi snorted and strode toward the outside of the meeting room.

At this moment, the projection at the center of the conference table suddenly changed, and the speed at which countless abyssal monsters attacked and sheltered the black mist suddenly increased, and even the distant abyssal fortress began slowly approaching the city of hope.

"Are they about to launch a total attack?" Someone said with a slight trembling tone.

"Damn, how can it be so fast, originally thought that at least until the shelter of the black fog was completely worn out before launching the general attack..."

"No, the city of hope will definitely not be able to hold it. You, while the teleportation array is still available, I will take a step first. Everything in the city of hope seems to be giving up!"

"Brother Zhu, you have invested more than ten billion yuan in the city of hope, just give up, you are willing?"

"Huh, the city is going to be ruined, life is going to be gone, what's the use of the extra money?"

"Forget it, since even Brother Zhu is so courageous, I will not mention any of my assets, so I will throw it all away. Brother Zhu is right, as long as the person is still there, I will not worry about making money!"


Seeing the abyss monsters begin to speed up the siege, the people who still had a little perseverance also shook up, preparing to give up everything in the city of hope and escape.

For the City of Hope, the active evacuation of these people is undoubtedly worse, which has a great impact on morale, but now they can't take care of these anymore, and it is important to escape.

At this time, Wang Qi was already standing on the city wall, and he seemed very busy. The sound of running around and the urging sound kept coming, and a team of armored armoured soldiers ran past Wang Qi, but he didn’t see it. At a glance, his eyes have been falling into the distant black mist, as if his sight can penetrate the black mist and see the abyss monster outside.

A player hurried up, whispered something in Wang Qi's ear, and then asked: "Vice City Lord, do you want to turn off the teleportation array?"

Wang Qi pondered for a moment, then sneered: "No, keep on, since they want to leave, then all their properties in the City of Hope are confiscated, which was clearly stated in the original contract!"

"Yes, Vice-City Lord!" After the man finished, a look of hesitation appeared on his face. He looked around and suddenly asked in a low voice: "Vice-City Lord, we, can we keep this time?"

Wang Qi turned his head and looked at this player. This player was also one of the 300 players left when he built the city. Is he even hesitant now?

"Relax, as long as we can stand firm until the city master returns, we will be able to hold it!" Wang Qi said firmly.

After hearing the word "City Master", this player suddenly showed a look of expectation. After nodding, he said nothing, turned around and walked towards the wall.

Wang Qi frowned slightly, looking at the sheltered black mist in the distance, but he kept muttering in his heart: "Song Jian, City Lord, you must come back soon!"


Outside the City of Hope, the abyss monsters roared and roared, rushing towards the sheltered black mist. After a while, there was a sound of fighting in the black mist. The abyss monsters that rushed in never appeared again. But the monster behind the abyss went forward and succeeded, constantly impacting the sheltered black mist and fighting with the guardian in the black mist.

When the guardian in the black mist is killed, the surrounding black mist will be thinner. In this way, the abyss monster completely leans on the flesh and body, and wipes out the black mist in the hard.

In the distance, a large group of abyss players, either boring or standing or sitting in the distance, watched the tide-like abyss monsters hit the sheltered black mist, chatting with each other quietly.

"How many days has it been, haven't the protective array been broken up? Almost one hundred thousand abyss monsters have died in it?"

"It's at least a five-level protective team~www.novelhall.com~ But it looks like it's just passive defense, no one is hosting! It's good news for us, if someone hosts this group, the number of monsters eliminated, At least it has to be turned over."

"This is just a city that has just been established. Is it worth paying such a big price to break through? Don't even get the cost back then!"

"Well, if you want to blame, you can only blame him on our way to take the Holy Grail. Such a small city, just kill it. These monsters will not be painful to death. Anyway, moving the abyss castle can connect to the abyss hell, so How many monsters are there."

The abyss player suddenly looked up and looked at the abyss castle moving in the distance at almost the same time. They seemed to sense something at the same time. Sure enough, in a short while, a fallen angel demon with black wings, from the abyss castle Zhong Fei came out, and this time, it was the only one who came out of the Abyss Castle.


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