I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1247: News

Duan Xingliu glared at Song Jian and sneered. "Hold it, for you, I offended the Taishang elders. If you can't do more for Zongmen in the future, see how I clean up you!" "

Song Jian took the wooden box with a smile and opened it. A helmet with a purple-gold light lay quietly in the wooden box.

This helmet looks a bit different from the other two Jianxian suits obtained by Song Jian. The entire helmet is made of steel, and the head can be wrapped up when worn. Even the front, there is a faceplate about an inch thick. Can be dropped, the style of the entire helmet is somewhat like those of the medieval heavy armor knight.

Song Jian took out the helmet and carefully checked the attributes.

[Sword Fairy Streamer Killing Helmet (Legendary)]: Equipment requirements: Strength 320, Dexterity 280, Constitution 300, Level 120;

Item description: This is the only legendary helmet of a professional sword fairy. It condenses the spirit of the sword fairy's professional perseverance. It must be inherited by the sword fairy and approved by it to be eligible to wear it.

Item Attributes: Physical defense +430, resistance +320, has a very high resistance to mental attacks; spirit +100, spiritual recovery speed increased by 50%, toughness +25, set components 1/8, once the item is equipped , Binds the automatic soul, cannot be dropped, and cannot be traded.

Item effect: Spiritual shock (active), causing mental damage (sum of all attributes * 100%) to all hostile targets within 100 meters, the target attribute will be checked during the damage! When one attribute is lower than itself, the target is stunned for 2 seconds, when two attributes are lower than itself, the target is stunned for 3 seconds, and so on! This effect has domain priority. 60 minutes cooling time;

"There is a magical power in this piece of equipment. It seems that it has already produced mental intelligence. If you can't get its recognition, you can't wear it even if you can meet the conditions of the equipment!" Duan Xingliu looked at Song Jian. He couldn't help but remind him of his love.

"That's why Elder Taishang has been in his hands for more than ten years, and he hasn't studied the reason for understanding it yet?" Song Jian glanced at Duan Xingliu, put away the helmet and whispered.

Duan Xingliu nodded slightly. This is no secret in Yujianzong. When the ancient sword immortal fell, its equipment flew away, and no one knew where these equipment fell.

Only this helmet did not fly away, and it lay quietly on the spot and was put away. The Yujian Sect inherited the legacy of the ancient Jianzong. This helmet naturally came to the hands of Yujian Zong.

It’s just that the treasure has spirits, it cannot be recognized by it, and it is impossible to wear this equipment. This is also the consensus of the senior officials of the Royal Sword Sect! If it weren’t for Song Jian who already owns two sword fairy suits, if he didn’t make great achievements, if he didn’t show the extremely powerful potential, Duan Xingliu said nothing would offend a too elder for him!

"Treasures have spirits, since you have obtained three pieces of Jianxian suit parts, then other parts will be met by you sooner or later, you can do it yourself!" Duan Xingliu glanced at Song Jian, shook his head, and turned around Walk towards the sacrificial hall.

Song Jian was pleased in his heart, and did not put Duan Xingliu's words in his heart. He is now only at level 70, and is not too far from the third-order combat assessment, but there is still a long way to go from the legendary realm. Whether we can collect the Qi Jianxian suit and whether we can get its recognition is still unknown!

On the way back to Song Jian, a sharp alarm sounded suddenly from the communicator. Song Jian sank into the heart and quickly opened the communicator.

"City, the city's lord, many abyss monsters appeared outside the city of hope, and there are many players of the abyss race, they seem to be ready to attack us!" Wang Qi's anxious voice suddenly sounded in the communicator.

Song Jian frowned. He had cleaned the abyss fortress within three hundred miles of the City of Hope more than once before. He was worried that he would encounter this situation now.

"How could this be, is there an abyss fortress found near the city of hope?" Song Jian asked in a deep voice.

"City Lord, a mobile abyss fortress appeared in the sky, all these monsters came out from there..." Wang Qi said.

"What, the moving abyss fortress?" Song Jian was shocked, how could such a thing happen, and after a moment of hesitation, Song Jian said immediately: "I will go back immediately, you are now ready to prepare for war!"

The City of Hope has nearly 30,000 players, and there are hundreds of thousands of other game NPCs. Song Jian has already started to build a moat army, most of which are NPCs, and players are recruited into the battle. In the league.

With such a strong combat power, coupled with the existence of sheltered black mist, if it is just an ordinary abyss monster siege, Wang Qi will not notify Song Jian at all, but now he has encountered an abyss fortress that can fly in the air, so shelter The defense effect of Black Mist will be minimized.

After ending the call, Song Jian immediately found Duan Xingliu, and after explaining the situation to him, Duan Xingliu looked at Song Jian with some surprise. He did not expect that the cheap disciple he collected was still the master of a city!

Duan Xingliu said after a moment, "Yu Jianzong is now in a state of sealing mountains and avoiding the world, and there is no way to support you too much, but I can send three elders to guard the city with you!"

Song Jian was very happy, knowing that he did not expect to receive the help of Yu Jianzong, inheriting the legacy of the ancient Jianzong, Yu Jianzong can be said to have been targeted by many gods, as long as he dares to appear in the world, it must be Will be hit by the gods.

Unless a god-level strong can appear in Yujianzong, the disciple of Yujianzong can walk freely in the main world!

"Thank you, Master!" Song Jian thanked. Those who can become elders of the Imperial Sword Sect are at least at the peak of the third-order combat power. With the assistance of the three elders, Song Jian has a greater grasp of guarding the city of hope.

Duan Xingliu nodded and summoned the three elders of the main peak. These three elders had two third-order peak levels and a legendary state. After a brief talk, Song Jian and the three elders came together. Before the main peak teleportation array, through the teleportation array, left the ancient sword star!

A burst of white light flashed through www.novelhall.com~ The three of them appeared in a valley of birds and flowers, and at their feet, there was a shallow temporary mark of the formation.

Song Jian glanced at the map. This is not the former Snow Mountain Valley. It seems to be the location of the random transmission. It is about 300 kilometers away from the City of Hope.

After confirming the position, Song Jian respectfully said to the three elders: "Elder Wang, Elder Qian, Elder Xiao, the City of Hope is more than three hundred kilometers away from here. We only need to fly in this direction, and estimate two Arrive in many hours!"

Elder Wang smiled slightly, stroking the next leader and said, "The three old guys came to help you to defend the city at the order of the suzerain, and naturally obey your arrangement!"

The other two elders nodded slightly, and several of them flew together with the sword, turning into white light and flying towards the city of hope.


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