I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1249: Zudi

"Is this a dominance level abyss demon?" one abyss player said to himself dumbly.

"Maybe it's the Demon King level. Although the mobile abyssal fortress is only level 4, if it is forcibly summoned, the highest can call the Demon King level abyss demon!" another abyss player whispered.

"Well, how could it be the Demon King level, know that once the Demon King level is called, which abyss castle will not be able to summon the Abyss Demon again for a long time in the future, and the situation is not urgent now, and the Summon Demon Level is not used at all. BOSS."

Everyone stared at the fallen angel demon floating in mid-air. Behind it had two pairs of black wings, holding a long sword with a black flame in his hands, and his eyes were scarlet.

At the moment of appearance, the fallen angel demon did not look towards the city of hope, but his eyes fell in the other direction.

"The city of the sky, I didn't expect that there would be a city of the sky here, which is an unexpected joy!" The fallen angel demon Curensia's mouth showed a smile of evil charm, even ignoring the city of hope in front of the dark mist. , Turned around and flew in the other direction.

Its actions puzzled the abyss players, but soon became indifferent. Although they have switched races and professions, these abyss players can’t control the movements of the abyss monsters. After invading the main world, they are at most followed. Behind the abyss monster, it is cheap to pick up.

The most dangerous siege allows these monsters to do it. After breaking through the city, it is cheap to pick up, but their movements are not slower than anyone. This is safe, rewarding, and rich. Why not do it!

The only disadvantage is that the process of waiting for monsters to break through the city is a bit boring. They have been doing this for five or six days. In the face of a city that has just been established, such monsters, these monsters have not broken even the outermost guards. It’s just waste!


At the cost of life, the abyss monster consumes the effect of sheltering the black fog formation. The originally sheltered black fog that was a few kilometers in length is now only a few hundred meters wide, and the guardian in the black fog is lost. It won't last long before it will dissipate.

Watching the black mist getting thinner and thinner, Wang Qi's face became more and more ugly.

"For up to three more hours, before dark, the sheltered black mist will completely disappear!" Wang Qi secretly said.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and in a blink of an eye, the sky had become dim. A torch of arm thickness was erected on the city wall, and every ten meters there would be a huge searchlight shining towards the outside of the city wall.

At this time, some monsters had broken through the black mist and rushed towards the walls of the city of hope. As soon as they appeared, they would be beaten into countless pieces of meat by countless long-range attacks.

The number of abyss monsters that first broke through the black mist was very small, but as time passed, the black mist became thinner and thinner, and more and more monsters broke through the black mist. The people on the city wall suddenly felt pressure.

"Prepare to launch the flares! After the flares are launched, attack freely!" Wang Qi shouted loudly: "The searchlight locks the boss above the lord level, and everyone has priority to attack the BOSS locked by the searchlight!"

Wang Qi's voice was loud and instantaneous, and spread across a wall of hundreds of meters. Everyone responded in unison, the momentum was like a rainbow, Wang Qi nodded, and the morale of everyone was still very high!

Following Wang Qi’s command, flare flew obliquely toward the sky, illuminating the surroundings like small suns, a large area in front of the city wall, which was suddenly illuminated like the day, and the abyss monster was ugly and ugly. It looks like it immediately printed in everyone's eyes.

At the battlement gate of the surrounding wall, a famous guard NPC is holding a spear and aiming at the abyss monster constantly rushing over! At the same time, standing next to the players holding the staff or the longbow, these players are all players of the City of Hope Battle Alliance. To a certain extent, these players are much stronger than the City Guards, but the players But there is no record that the City Guards NPC prohibits it.

"Open the fire!" Wang Qi ordered, from a few different directions, at the same time, orders to speak were also heard at the same time, and the sound of a popping gun sounded.

"Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly..."

Mars splashed, and the area hundreds of meters in front of the wall suddenly became a battlefield. The stray bullet bounced around. The abyss monster that just rushed out of the black mist was suddenly torn into pieces by countless bullets and scattered all over the place.

At the same time, long arrows and gleaming spell attacks also followed. The overwhelming attack caused the abyss monsters that had just rushed out of the black mist to be devastated. Some powerful monsters rushed for ten attacks. A few meters later, he finally fell down helplessly, and the monsters behind continued to rush towards the wall. The distance between the two began to shrink a little bit, and from the black mist to the wall, began to be covered with a large number of monsters.


With a loud noise, a monster finally rushed under the wall of the City of Hope. The strong body hit the wall hard, but the surface of the wall only swelled with ripples, as if there was a layer of transparent energy shield. Protect the city wall.

At the moment when the monster rushed up, a dozen people locked it. During its second collision, countless attacks landed on the monster's head, and in a blink of an eye its blood The value is exhausted.

More and more monsters have broken through the protection of the black mist and looked around. Within a few hundred meters of the city walls are all monsters. Even a lord-level BOSS with a height of more than ten meters has also broken through the black mist. Charged towards the city wall.

"The magic crystal rail gun is ready!" Wang Qi shouted loudly. His voice spread across the battlefield in an instant.

At every distance, there is a huge magic crystal cannon on the city wall, like a tiger lying on the city wall. At this time, these magic crystal rail guns slowly protruded the thick barrel, a bright white light, Brewing in the barrel.

A few seconds later, a deafening roar resounded throughout the battlefield. For a time, the already dim sky was instantly like daylight.

The dense abyss monster completely vaporized in an instant, and even a complete strength was not left. The area hundreds of meters in front of the wall, the ground was directly cut off a thick layer, leaving a channel like a gully Deep hole.

All the abyss monsters that rushed up disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. This blow killed thousands of abyss monsters. www.novelhall.com~ But soon, there were countless abyss monsters. Rushing out of the sheltered black mist, the tall city wall shone again with the brilliance of magic, the crisp sound of a row of rifles rang at the same time, the battle continued, looking at the dense abyss monster, Wang Qi knew that it was more difficult The moment is still behind.


At this time, the four-winged angel demon just flew out of the mobile abyss fortress, floating in the air, and there was nothing in front of it, but if you look closely, you can see that there is an empty area in front, and light occasionally occurs The deflection is like an invisible transparent light curtain.

"Oh, the legendary ancestral land, the city of the sky!" The fallen angel Kulun Si Ya's eyes are full of excitement: "Let me see if there are really a lot of angel crystals in this legendary ancestral land, If the legend is true, with the help of Angel Crystal, I will definitely be able to break through to the Demon King level..."


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