I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1241: Open day

The latest website: According to the energy required by the sword imprint of the previous sword, this huge tower of sword gas in front of you will only require more energy. After all, this is the last stage of the evolution of Wan Jianjue!

In the state of Song Jian at this time, the sword qi value and the spirit value are all consumed, and the qi blood value is less than half. In such a state, I am afraid that the sword gas tower can not be sucked into him before it is fully formed!

Casting the dragon sword body, Song Jian's state immediately returned to its peak, and at the same time added 30,000 points of false life. Even if the sword qi value and spiritual value were sucked again, these 30,000 points of false life were enough to kill the sword qi Stone Tower Condensation!

Soon, Song Jian's sword qi value was exhausted, then spiritual value, then Song Jian's Qi blood value, 30,000 points of false life was consumed, and Song Jian's 10,000 points of Qi blood value began to slowly consume. Rising, but at this time, the Jianqi stone tower above the head has been completely condensed and shaped, and Song Jian can even see the lines on the surface of each brick on the stone tower.


The Jianqi Stone Tower was pressed hard against the Golden Light Giant with a thunderous speed, and once again pressed the Golden Light Giant on the ground, and a damage value of more than 3 million floated from the ground.

Song Jian stared at the stone tower expectantly, but for a long time, the first floor of the stone tower did not light up, a disappointed look appeared on Song Jian's face, and he sighed slightly.

The biggest effect of Jianqi Stone Tower is not to crush people, but to allow enemies who are dying or seriously injured to directly absorb their souls, and then decompose the souls in the stone tower to improve the proficiency of Wanjian Jue!

But the golden giant in front of him is completely constructed by the formation method, there is no soul or similar things at all, the most important role of the Jianqi stone tower has no effect on the golden giant!

"Unfortunately, it seems that only the last move can be used!" Song Jian secretly said.

Song Jian slowly lifted the Sky Breaking Sword. The movement was like a Sky Breaking Sword with a weight of 10 million tons. Waving a trace of it was extremely strenuous. The surrounding air seemed to become a hindrance to Song Jian’s movement. , Ripples rippled in the air!

The space around Song Jianjian's body seems to be collapsing. The huge pressure seems to squeeze Song Jian's body like steel!

Stagnation, depression, frenzy!

Song Jian instantly felt his bones start to rattle, and his body was in pain. It seemed that his physical value of more than two hundred points was fake.

"This pressure has exceeded my expectations..." Song Jian looked ugly and secretly said in his heart: "Sure enough, the moves in the Chaos Sword Code really require legendary strongmen to easily exhibit them!"

Song Jian can only decide whether to start the moves in the Chaos Sword Classic, but it cannot end halfway. Once the moves are running, it seems that tens of thousands of tons of stone **** are pushed, and then they rely on inertia to roll completely. If they want to stop it, The end result is crushed bones crushed by stone balls.

Song Jian at this time is also the same, he can only clenched his teeth to persevere, show the move completely, once given up halfway, his whole body may be blown to pieces!

"Chaotic Sword Classic..." Song Jian's muscles on his face were so distorted, his mouth was full of blood, and a low roar: "Open the sky!"

A huge breath rose from Song Jianjian. In an instant, it was like a nuclear bomb. Strong shock waves spread in all directions. Mountains, rivers, forests, and monsters formed by countless arrays spread out in shock waves. All of a sudden, they were collapsed!

This is not an orthodox crack, but completely destroyed directly by violence, crushed strongly, and directly erased!

Open the sky!

This skill is the only skill that Song Jian learned after learning Chaos Swords. With his current strength, even if he meets the requirements of Chaos Swords, it is impossible to comprehend any skills from Chaos Swords. Give a one-year-old child a Qinglongyan moon knife, he won't swing any knife at all, and he can't even hold it.

But the previous yin and yang mistakes, when they were about to be blown to the head by the ideas in the Chaos Sword Classic, the Golden Saint Lion's magic seal gave him a blow and directly knocked him out of the chaotic state of comprehension.

At the moment when he was out of consciousness and the aura of light flashed, this trick opened to heaven, and somehow appeared in Song Jian's mind!

Even in the skill bar, there is only the skill of Chaos Sword Code, but there is no "kaitian" sword trick!

Song Jian has been wondering whether Kaijian's sword move is his own illusion, but after failing in the industry's fiery red lotus and Wan Jianjue, and unable to cause a devastating blow to the Jinguang giant, Song Jian can only be forced to try it in his mind. This trick has been emerging!

If this move is really an illusion, I'm afraid Song Jian can only hide in the broken kingdom of God without hesitation, to escape the pursuit of the Golden Light Giant!

The Jianqi Stone Tower slowly disappeared, and the Golden Light Giant stood up again. At this time, the Golden Light Giant was flowing with tiny golden runes. When they touched the air, they directly collapsed and collapsed, and slowly disappeared in the air, even if Regardless of its qi-blood value at this time, Song Jian also knew that the Jinguang giant had been seriously injured at this time, and the formation of its formation was already on the verge of collapse, but this was not the case that Song Jian cracked the formation of the Jinguang giant. But, with a more powerful formation force, violently cracked the formation of the Golden Light Giant!

At this point, the Golden Light Giant has been injured, and it is a good opportunity to use his mental power to penetrate into it and look for the formation of the array! When the Golden Light Giant is intact, it is completely immune to mental power perception. No matter who it is, if it uses mental power perception to detect its formation, it will be counterattacked by it for the first time!

But now, the formation of the Golden Light Giant is on the verge of collapse, and the Golden Light Giant is already in a state of serious injury. At this time, there is no way to be immune to mental perception!

It's a pity that Song Jian didn't know that he now wanted to kill the Jinguang giant directly like killing BOSS. He even directly exhibited a sword move that he couldn't even grasp. Open the sky!

The Jianqi Stone Tower, which had been slowly dissipating~www.novelhall.com~Suddenly appeared hundreds of Spirit Swords, just like the Jianqi Stone Tower collapsed and transformed into a Spirit Sword again!

Countless spirit swords burning dark red flames reunited together, and a giant axe appeared in mid-air. Such a long axe was much taller than Song Jian, but it was a hundred feet tall. In the eyes of the King of Lights, I am afraid that even a toothpick is not worth it!

At the moment when the long axe appeared, there was a breath of chaos in the air. This breath, even the golden light giant sensed it, also showed a fearful color. Escape towards the mountains in the distance!

The Colossus giant had escaped once before, but that time, it gave people the feeling of a strategic retreat. Even if chased, beware of its counterattack, but this time, it was completely a fleeing after the defeat, giving someone a chase. Feeling without psychological pressure!

At this moment, the long axe that had been floating in the air, suddenly moved, and suddenly an imaginary phantom of a tens of feet wide appeared in the air. As the long axe waved in the air, the phantom of the axe It was also severely cut towards the neck of the golden light giant!
