I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1240: hurt

The latest website: At this time, the Jinguang giant has a sword mark from the left rib and extends to the knee of the left leg, almost splitting the entire left leg in half.

It can be seen that the golden runes are constantly pouring out of the wounds of the bones. The fine runes are like blood, flowing along the left leg of the golden light giant to the ground and spreading out.

Injury of the left leg means that the Jinguang giant has lost the ability to move quickly. For Song Jian, it is definitely a good thing. You must know that the Jinguang giant's moving speed is not much slower than Song Jianyu's sword. , Even able to catch up with Song Jian flying Yu Jian!

At this time, the Golden Light Giant continued to roar, and countless golden runes poured out of the Golden Light Giant's body, covering the wound, trying to repair the injury on his left leg! However, there was always a fierce sword gas around the wound, and the golden runes that poured into the wound were constantly broken, so that the injury of the Jinguang giant's left leg could not be healed.

"Originally I thought that the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword would cause some minor injuries to the Jinguang Giants. I didn't expect..., hehe!" Song Jian's face appeared a joyful look, and the Yehuo Red Lotus Sword gave him a surprise!

Just as the Golden Light giant roared in anger, a huge palm phantom that covered hundreds of feet on the top of his head suddenly appeared, and countless sword qi condensed towards this imaginary palm, making this palm more real.

Song Jian frowned slightly, and he could feel that the sword gas in his body was like a flood flooding the gate, constantly consuming and flowing into the unknown.

You know, once the evolutionary sword formation of Wan Jianjue is formed, it is almost out of relationship with Song Jian, and it will not consume the Jian Qi in Song Jian's body, but at this time, it is not only the speed of the sword Qi palm above the head that condenses. And, it started to consume Song Jian's body and finally recovered two-thirds of his sword energy, which made Song Jian feel a little surprised!

"Is it because the sword is so huge?" Song Jian looked at the shadow above his head and secretly said.

You know, the condensed Jianqi palm at this time has covered the area of ​​hundreds of feet, which is hundreds of times that of the previous Jianqi palm, and the consumption is naturally hundreds of times that of the previous Jianqi palm!


The Jinguang giant seemed to be aware of a greater crisis, and even controlled the thunder cloud above his head, constantly moving towards Jianqi palms, and countless Zixiao robbery flew in the opposite direction toward the sky, bombarding in Jianqi palms.

Faced with hundreds of feet of sword-qi palms, these Zixiao robbery can only leave black dots on the palms. In the blink of an eye, these black dots will disappear and seem to have almost no effect.

Zi Xiao Shenlei, who can blow Song Jian into a serious injury in a single blow, has been suppressed so much in the sword array that Wan Jianjue has evolved, which is simply not as good as the ordinary Thunder.

Seeing that Thunder Cloud didn't seem to have any effect on Jianqi's palm, Jinguang Giant roared, threw the Thunder Sword out of his hand, and spurred toward the center of Jianqi's palm.


With a loud noise, the Thunder Sword actually punctured a large hole with a diameter of tens of meters in the palm of Jianqi's palm. The palm of the entire palm was pierced, and the sky behind the palm could be seen from below.

This made Song Jian's heart suddenly tense. No one has ever allowed Jianqi palm to be so seriously injured. It seems that Jianqi palm seems to be broken soon.

But soon, Song Jian rested his mind. As the sword gas continued to condense, this large hole in the palm of a few tens of meters in diameter began to recover slowly. This made the Jinguang Giant feel extremely frustrated, his powerful blow, It turned out that it simply prevented the time for Jian Qi's palms to condense, and had no other effect.

The golden light giant who felt the threat, turned his eyes quickly. It had foreseen the danger of destruction. After hesitating for a while, he turned and fled towards the distant mountains.

A smile appeared on the corner of Song Jian's mouth. This is probably the most powerful one of the disciples of Yu Jianzong in history. The top three secret guardians who escaped took the initiative to escape. I am afraid that no one will believe it!

However, just after the Jinguang giant ran back two steps, the sword energy palm above his head seemed to feel the escape of the Jinguang giant, and the condensed sword energy accelerated a lot.

Song Jian had already recovered two-thirds of his sword energy, and the "soo" fell to the lowest. At the same time, his mental strength began to decline rapidly, as if something was desperately squeezing all the energy in his body.

When the mental value dropped to half, the Qi blood value also began to decline, which made Song Jian startled. He quickly found out a lot of medicines that immediately restored the Qi blood value and mental value from the package bar, and stuffed it in. Mouth!

In less than five seconds, Jianqi palms have been condensed, a huge real palm, even the palm lines are clear!


As if hundreds of planes were falling, the low-pitched sound of the sky resounded through the ground, and the palm of the sword was shot fiercely towards the top of the golden light giant!

The huge palm print first dispelled the thundercloud above the Jinguang giant's head, as if penetrating a piece of thin paper. Thundercloud couldn't even block the sword gas palmprint, and then broke up directly. After the blast, slowly dissipate in the air!

Then, Jian Qi slammed the golden light giant's back fiercely with his palm and suppressed it directly to the ground!

This blow, a multi-million-point injury, floated from the ground, but Song Jian's face, without any look of joy, instead became dignified.

Millions of points of damage, even for a dominant-level boss, is also very serious. Some dominant-level bosses with a lower qi and blood value may be directly dying.

But for the guardian of the mysterious realm, the giant of the golden light, the millions of UU reading www.uukanshu.com's damage is only a slightly more serious attack, and it will not be fatal!

Sure enough, after the Jianqi palm print slowly dissipated, the golden light giant once again climbed up from the ground. At this time, it suffered serious injuries to the spine and back neck. If it is a creature, such a serious injury is absolutely It is impossible to get up from the ground again, but it is the formation method that builds the Golden Light Giant. As long as the core is not destroyed, the formation method will only weaken the effect, and will not be broken directly!

Looking at the golden light giant's entire back covered with golden runes, Song Jian couldn't help but show a disappointed look: "It seems that the eye that constructs the golden light giant formation method is not on the back of the head and spine!"

If you want to completely destroy a formation, you must find the formation. Only when the formation is removed, the whole formation will completely collapse!

Just as the Golden Light Giant roared and stood up again, a huge sword gas tower phantom slowly appeared on the Golden Light Giant's head!

Song Jian saw the phantom shadow of the Jianqi Stone Tower, which was hundreds of feet tall, and his face suddenly changed greatly, and he did not hesitate to display the sword body of Rongqing Qinglong!
