I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1242: Unexpected joy

As the long axe in the air waved, the huge phantom of the axe blade also fell fiercely towards the neck of the golden light giant!

In an instant, Song Jian felt that the air within a few hundred meters around him seemed to be evacuated at once, and the whole person was completely suffocated!

The surrounding space also gives people a faint feeling of collapsing. Song Jian even by the side of Jinguang Giant saw the space barriers and space cracks that will appear only when the space is about to collapse!


The thunderous loud noise directly cracked the earth with dozens of gaps of hundreds of meters. Song Jian covered his ears tightly with both hands, and there was still a painful look on his face, a ray of blood, slowly from him Seeped through the fingers!

After Song Jian was rushed out by hundreds of meters away with invisible sound waves, he fell to the ground fiercely. When he struggled to climb from the ground again, there was still silence all around, what happened to his ear for a while I can't hear it either.

Even in his vision, there was a blood red, as if wearing a pair of red eyes!

"Golden Giant has disappeared..." At this time, all of Song Jian's mind had been put on the body of the mysterious guardian Jinguang Giant, and the fencing trick in his mind was able to affect Yehuo Honglian Wanjian Jue to evolve again. At the same time, Song Jian was surprised and surprised!

You know, Ye Jianhonglian Wanjian Jue, Song Jian has felt that he has reached a bottleneck. Even if the level is increased, there is no potential for further evolution, but this time, the Chaos Sword Code is open to the sky, even Wan Jian The trick broke through the limit and evolved a trick that Song Jian didn't expect.

Just when Song Jian was looking for the golden light giant, the golden light suddenly bloomed on his body, and the information in the information bar slipped down from above like a waterfall!

The combat experience has increased madly, and the level has been increased with a speed that makes Song Jian dumbfounded!

Sixty five, sixty six, sixty seven, sixty eight,...

Song Jian's level has been broken through to the 70th level, and the speed of improvement slowly stopped, and finally stopped at the level of 65% of the 70th level!

"Six levels up?" Song Jian's face was unbelievable. You must know that after upgrading to the second-level combat power, you want to rely on killing monsters to obtain combat experience upgrades. It has become a painful torture. Take level 64 as an example. If you want to upgrade, you must kill at least half of the same level of monsters before you can upgrade!

Therefore, when the player's level is increased to a certain level, the way they upgrade the level will be changed from Daguai upgrade to getting Amethyst and extracting energy to upgrade!

But even so, the combat experience required for the sixty-fourth level to upgrade one level is still massive!

"Sixth level, even actually upgraded to sixth level!" Song Jian's ecstatic smile, which made him one more step away from passing the third-tier combat assessment, and it was still a big step!

The six-level upgrade brings Song Jian six skill points! This makes him no longer need to consume the amethyst to upgrade the level every time the sword array catalog skill proficiency is full!

Similarly, the proficiency of the Skill Sword Array Catalog reached the full value in an instant, and the original golden full value was once again covered by the purple proficiency, and then the purple proficiency bar was full again, and then the black proficiency Article covered!

In this way, the proficiency of the Skill Sword Array Catalog has been improved five or six times at once. Although the level has not changed because of no increase in skill points, the proficiency of the Sword Array Catalog has been improved by five or six. Levels!

This is absolutely impossible at ordinary times. After the skill proficiency is full, no matter how you practice, it is impossible to obtain a little more proficiency. Only after consuming skill points and raising the skill level can you continue to increase proficiency. Degree, but now, the proficiency of the sword array catalog skills has been directly improved by several levels. Song Jian believes that as long as the skill points are consumed, this skill can be upgraded several levels in a row.

Then, Jian Jian saw that in the skills of the sword array catalog, unless there were "Zhenmo Seal (Remnant)" and "Golden Saint Lion Binder Seal", a new "Zixiao Robbery" was added. "Zhu Shen array".

Although the Town Demon Seal is a torn formation, the name is also fuchsia, which means that only a torn Town Demon Seal has reached epic quality, and the name of the Gold Saint Lion Bound Demon Seal is gold, which means this formation The grade of the law is gold, and the name of Zixiao Robbery Thunder God Array is also fuchsia, so the smile on Song Jian's face is even more exuberant!

"Because of the incomplete seal, even if the materials are complete, I can’t build it at all, I can only look at the eyes, but this Zixiao robbery is a complete formation. As long as the materials are complete, I can Like the gold holy lion binding magic seal before, create an array of Zixiao robbery thunder **** array!" Song Jian secretly said: "This is simply to create a mysterious guardian Jinguang giant again. At that time, I am afraid that even each The owner of the peak, he will not be able to take it in half past one!"

You know, all the guardians of the mystery have a common feature, that only the power of the formation can cause damage to them. If they encounter the peak masters who are not proficient in the formation, even if they can’t kill them, they will also be helpless to the golden light giant. This is a great advantage for Song Jian!

Immediately afterwards, a large amount of formation materials with different colors appeared in the information bar. These are probably the trophies obtained after violently cracking the golden guardian of the guardian of the realm!

There are hundreds of these materials, that is, Song Jian's parcel column is large. Otherwise, ordinary players may only look at a pile of precious materials and cry without tears!

"These are all the materials used to build the Zi Xiao robbery Thunder Zhu Shen Array..." Song Jian took a deep breath, forced his slamming heart, and carefully counted it.

Sure enough, UU reading www.uukanshu.com these materials to build a Zixiao robbery Thunder Zhu array array is still surplus, which makes Song Jian's confidence, inevitably added a few points!

You know, the more powerful the array, the richer the materials needed. The reason why Song Jian was whimsical before, and wanted to use the spirit sword of Wan Jianjue as the material for constructing the formation, and because of this, collecting the formation materials is really too time-consuming. Effortless!

Just when Song Jian felt that it was already a bumper harvest, the name of an item suddenly jumped into his eyes. This made Song Jian, whose eyes were already congested, rubbing his eyes hard again. Then I opened the parcel bar again and looked carefully. For a long time, Song Jianyangtian made a loud laugh: "Hahaha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect to find you here in the end, what a surprise, surprise! Ha! Haha~"


PS: Thank you for the starting currency of 100 yuan from "Yuan Nei Xiao Feng"~

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