I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1237: Golden Holy Lion

The latest website: "Damn, can't you perceive with mental power?"

Song Jian's face changed greatly, stepping on a flying sword under his feet, escaped the purple thunder in the thickness of several buckets, and flew towards the distance.

The Golden Light Giant not only possesses strong melee ability, but also lacks the means of long-range attack. The purple thunder is full of the smell of destruction. This is not an ordinary thunder, but a thunder. It can only be a single blow. A strong man with third-order combat power was seriously injured and lost his combat ability.

Song Jian's speed is fast, but the speed of the Giant Colossus is not slow. Although Song Jian is flying, and the Giant Colossus is just stroking two legs to catch up, the distance between the two has not been pulled apart. Instead, it is constantly shortening.

At this moment, the thundercloud that had floated on the golden light giant's head began to move quickly towards Song Jian. In the middle of the thundercloud, a stream of purple thunder kept flashing, exuding a trembling breath.

"God, what monster formation have we triggered?" A disciple of the Imperial Sword looked at the corpses of the companions around him, and a collapsed expression appeared on his face.

This group of people also inadvertently triggered the golden light giant, the guardian of the mystery, to wake up the giant who had been sleeping in the mountains. This was just an accident.

In fact, after the secret guardians constructed by the Yin-Yang five-element formation method were deliberately triggered, killing almost ordinary elite disciples of Yujianzong, no more disciples would deliberately seek out the secret guardians.

After that, the situation of triggering the Mysterious Guardian is similar to that of the present. Unexpectedly triggered the Mysterious Guardian during the exploration. After all, these Mysterious Guardians are not always in the same place.

At this time, Song Jian became more urgent, and he could hide in the shattered kingdom of God to avoid the chase of the golden giant, but if he did so, then the remaining disciples of Yujian Sect would not survive, With their strength, it is impossible to escape the chase of the golden giant.

Looking back, Song Jian found that the surviving disciples were stunned and watched the Jinguang giants chasing and killing themselves. They were anxious and shouted at them: "Don't run!"

Everyone awakened, fleeing in exclamation, and no one dared to stay in place.

Just when Song Jian was about to hide in the broken kingdom of God, a stunned Kung Fu, a purple thunder fell from the sky and hit him hard.

Song Jian was suddenly wrapped in a purple thunder, and there was a sharp pain in his body, like a torn inch, and a "squeak" sound came from the flying sword under his feet, as if it would be completely broken in the next second. .

Song Jianjian's body fell sharply, and he immediately launched the skill of hiding in the kingdom of God. After waiting for a few seconds, he found that he was still constantly looking at the ground and falling.


With a loud noise, Song Jian's body fell like a stone from the sky to the ground, then bounced back and continued to fly forward, crashing a big tree and two rocks along the way, paddling on the ground There was a deep gully.

Song Jianqiang endured the pain, feeling that the bones of the whole body had been cracked, and the muscles were also bursting with tearing pain. Looking at his state at this time, the blood value had dropped to less than half, and the status bar was still hanging. A bad state of "serious injury".

In the severely injured state, the self-recovery speed decreases by 80%, the self-defense decreases by 50%, the movement speed decreases by 30%, and 5 points of qi and blood are lost per second;

A bitter smile appeared on Song Jian's face. He had forgotten when he had suffered such a serious injury before. It was only one step away from the near-death state. The blood loss effect did not disappear. I am afraid he will keep bleeding like this. To death!

"Why can't I enter the broken Kingdom of God?" Song Jian recalled the situation after his injury. If it was not impossible to enter the Kingdom of God, he would not fall so heavy after taking a blow, causing A serious secondary injury.

Song Jian thought about it and wanted to enter the Kingdom of God again, but found that he seemed to have lost contact with the Kingdom of God, as if the skill of entering the Kingdom of God was sealed, his face suddenly became difficult to look.

After the Jinguang giant hit Song Jian, he still chased toward him with great stride. Song Jian gritted his teeth and drew a slap-sized golden lion statue from the parcel, and threw it toward the Jinguang giant.

The golden lion statue shined brightly in the air, and turned into a huge golden lion with a length of 100 meters and a height of 40-50 meters.

Although this lion does not seem to be as burly as the Golden Light Giant, the fierce breath from his body is not weaker than the Golden Light Giant.

The golden holy lion binds the magic seal!

This is Song Jian's re-created formation using the materials of the previously dismantled stone beast formation. The golden holy lion binds the magic seal! The original slap-like golden lion statue is also similar to the existence of an array, and the mental force can directly stimulate the array.

The moment the golden holy lion appeared, he actively attacked the golden light giant. The golden light giant also waved the thunder in his hand and slashed towards the golden holy lion. Above his head, the purple thunder brewed by thundercloud, Also began to fall towards the holy lion.

Boom, boom, boom~

The purple thunder struck the body of the golden holy lion, but it only sparked the spark of the big pawn, which looked very bright, but the damage to the holy lion was minimal, and the only thing that could cause damage to it was in the hands of the golden light giant. Thunder's sword, but the golden holy lion's claws can also cause a lot of damage to the golden light giant. For a time, the two people's battle stalemate, and no one can immediately defeat the opponent.

Song Jian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. He first filled himself with a bottle of high-level healing potions, and then carefully checked the information bar to find out why he had lost contact with the Kingdom of God. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Soon, he found a clue in the information bar. It turned out that the purple thunder that had hit him before was not only powerful, it was amazingly hurt, but also had a special effect, that is, the space seal, the person hit by the thunder Using space skills, unable to teleport, teleport, and hide in an eccentric plane.

Now Song Jian is not only unable to use the skills to enter the kingdom of God, but even the soul walking skills are temporarily blocked, because the soul walking skills are actually entered into the soul plane to be possessed in the first three seconds. The ability to traverse any object!

After seeing the battle between the Golden Lion and the Golden Light Giant, at one-and-a-half, the victory and defeat could not be separated. Song Jian relaxed, opened the parcel bar, and looked over it. He wanted to find out if there were items in his parcel bar that could be lifted now Seriously injured!

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly discovered that "Chaos Sword Code", which had been placed in the parcel column, suddenly flashed purple gold, which seemed to remind him of something.


PS: There was only one chapter tonight when I met the wine bureau. I couldn’t be dizzy anymore. I’m going to vomit first, sorry, sorry!