I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1236: loose the temper

The latest website: Guichuan glanced at Song Jian and explained what is called the guardian of the secret realm.

It turned out that in the secret realm of the sword array, not only there are all kinds of everything composed of the sword array, but also nine powerful bosses, which have been guarding the secret realm.

These nine powerful BOSSs are completely constructed from the most advanced formations. They are powerful, and no matter whether they are physical attacks or spell attacks, they are useless for these BOSSs. Only the power of the formation can be used to do this BOSS got rid of.

"This giant, with a golden glow, can be ranked at least among the top three of the nine Guardians of the Secret Realm, and it is not something that we can deal with at all!" Guichuan said with an ugly face.

"Does it say that the secret realm has existed for so long, haven't these BOSSs been killed once?" Song Jian looked at the powerful BOSS that seemed to be slowly awakening in the distance and couldn't help asking.

"Defeat? Haha..." Guichuan couldn't help laughing, and said: "The nine Secret Guardians can't be defeated at all, they can all be built by the most advanced formations, even my teacher Respect here, it is not its opponent at all!"

"There were also disciples who were arrogant and arrogant, united all those who entered the secret realm, and wanted to defeat a BOSS, except that these people selected the weakest guardian of the secret realm, which was constructed from the yin and yang five elements array. It is such a weakest BOSS that killed half of the disciples who entered the secret realm at that time, and the other disciples also hid each other. After the rest of the time, they came out of the secret realm..."

"Since then, there have been several records of awakening the guardians of the crypts, but they are unintentionally awakened. As long as the guardians of the crypts are awakened, all of us will have a hard time in the next days!" Guichuan A bitter smile appeared: "There are more than ten days left, don't think about cracking the formation, improving the formation level, let's escape each other, try to hide from this guardian as far as possible, if it is caught by it, just Only a dead end!"

Song Jian looked up, and several other disciples had already seemed to burn their ass, and fled away from the guardian of the secret realm. Only Guichuan, who had just expressed his affection, stayed and explained to him in detail. Some.

"Thank you, Brother!" Song Jian arched his hands and said, "Brother Brother's relationship, I remember it in my heart. Now let's escape quickly."

Guichuan smiled. He was waiting for Song Jian. He patted Song Jian on the shoulder and said, "This guardian of the golden light giant's secret realm is built from the Zi Xiao robbery Lei Zhu array. Don't think about trying to crack!"

After talking, Guichuan took out a slap-sized array, and after activating the array, his body turned into a white light, and the sound of "shoo" rose into the sky and disappeared.

Song Jian smiled, and he still behaved a little obviously. Even Guichuan felt that he wanted to try to contact this golden giant.

"Guardian of the Mystery Realm, I'm afraid it is the most dangerous and valuable thing in this mysterious realm. Since I came, I will not take the opportunity to touch it, and I will regret it when I go out." Song Jian said to himself, looking at the distant Jin Jin giant, a confident smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Before cracking the Jiuhu Formation, Song Jian tried to enter the Broken Kingdom to avoid the counterattack. Although every time he enters and exits, he will consume some soul energy, but this soul energy will not be at all for Song Jian. Killing a few boss-level bosses will replenish the consumed soul energy.

It can be said that among the entire secret realm, the one with the strongest life-saving ability is probably Song Jian. Therefore, others dare not approach the guardian of the secret realm. The only way to survive is to keep avoiding and staying through time, but Song Jian As long as you hide in the broken kingdom of God, the guardians of the secret realm will not stay in place, but will continue to chase down the disciples of the Yujian sect who have entered the secret realm.

Song Jian Yujian flew towards the Golden Guardian, the guardian of the secret realm. As soon as he approached, he saw more than ten disciples of the Imperial Sword, who were controlling the longevity sword and attacked the Golden Giant continuously, but their attack, For the Golden Light Giant, they are completely immune and do not suffer any harm!

"The power of the array must be used!" one of the disciples shouted loudly, and at the same time, he threw an array towards the golden giant. The slap-sized array flashed in the air, turning into a giant of more than thirty meters long. Python, this giant python has a horn of more than one foot on its head, which looks just like the legendary dragon.

The dragon formed by the formation uttered a low roar and rushed towards the golden light giant. The long tail with a whip lashed **** the golden light giant's calf. A thousand points of damage from the top of the golden light giant's head Floating up.

Seeing that Jiaolong had caused damage to the Golden Light Giant, everyone was immediately excited and threw out the array that had been made in their hands. After a while, the Golden Light Giant surrounded by more than ten beasts composed of formations. At the same time, the surrounding environment began to change rapidly.

The poison mist is pervading, constantly corroding the defense of the Golden Light Giant. The thick cane of the arms is constantly growing and spreading, like a spider web. After a while, it will cover an area of ​​hundreds of meters.

Song Jian stopped in the distance and watched carefully, wanting to see how strong the Jinguang giant is. After all, it is a secret guardian built by the top three Zi Xiao robbery Thunder Zhu Shen array, if so simple Beating, I am afraid Song Jian will be very disappointed.

Sure enough, the Jinguang giant gave a roar. With his right hand, the huge palm darted into the thundercloud above his head. After a while, Kung Fu held a tens of meters of lightning in his palm.

This piece of lightning seems to be frozen. In the hands of the Golden Light Giant, it turned into the most terrifying weapon. It simply waved twice. Surrounding him, the constantly attacking monsters were all split by this lightning sword. In a few pieces, the whole body broke apart, reverted to a constellation, and then all collapsed into crystal debris and disappeared into the air.

Then, the Golden Light Giant shouted again, and the thundercloud above his head instantly dropped hundreds of thousands of purple thunders. In an instant, the area several kilometers away was covered by purple thunders. All the formations in the range The Fa was completely destroyed by the Thunder in an instant. Some formations had not even worked, and they disappeared directly.

"How could it be so strong!" A dozen Yu Jianzong disciples showed a horrified look on their faces. A few clever ones even escaped secretly, and the rest also had an unbelievable expression, looking at the golden light giant .

"Sure enough!" A look of excitement appeared on Song Jian's face~www.novelhall.com~ A look of eagerness, the mental power instantly condensed into a long needle, and spurred towards the golden light giant.

Since the formation of the formation, he can use his mental power to perceive the formation of the Golden Light Giant, to understand the formation, understand the formation, find the formation, control the formation, and finally break the formation, which is the standard The process of cracking the array!

However, what surprises Song Jian is that as soon as his own mental strength touches the body of the Jinguang giant, it is as if he has hit a wall of steel, and he cannot penetrate into the body of the Jinguang giant!

The inability to enter means that the formation of the formation cannot be sensed, which makes Song Jian how to continue the following steps!

A trace of surprise appeared on Song Jian's face. At this moment, Song Jian's mental strength discovered that it seemed to irritate the Jinguang Giant. It even gave up and continued to attack the dozen or so disciples of Yujian Zong. A big step towards Song Jian, "Rumble" ran over.


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