I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1238: Perception

The latest website: Chao Jian Jian Dian, he tried to practice the first time Song Jian got it, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t learn this Jian Dian, even when he tried to memorize the Jian Dian, he found that No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember any sentence in the sword.

Even, Jian Jian didn't even know the conditions that he had to meet in order to practice the Chaos Sword. He could only press this legendary quality exercise in the parcel box.

I originally thought that this exercise would take a long time to be practiced, but I did not expect that after taking a blow to Zixiao, the Chaos Swords in the parcel began to radiate a faint purple-gold light, which seemed to be in Calling Song Jian in general.

Song Jian couldn't wait to take out the Chaos Sword Code and took it in his hand. The sword code burst into a dazzling light and enveloped Song Jian.

System: Do you learn legendary exercises and Chaos Swords now? whether

A long-awaited system message appeared in front of Song Jian.

Song Jian couldn’t wait to choose, the Chaos Sword was suddenly transformed into a purple-gold light, and entered into Song Jian’s mind. In a flash, the Jian Qi in Song Jian’s body all boiled, uncontrollably from Dan Tianyong To all the limbs of the whole body, every pore is blazing outward, and the whole person is like a hedgehog.

However, this state quickly subsided. Song Jian suddenly found that his body began to be out of his control, just like a puppet, standing stiffly in place, and a thick sword in the body was constantly Shock in the meridians, along a specific route, around the body.

Song Jian knows that this is the specific running mode of Jianqi of Chaos Jiandian, and immediately sinks his heart to memorize it carefully. This time is different from the memory of Chaos Jiandian before. After Jianqi circulates for a week, Song Jian will repeat this specific cycle. The route was written down.

At the same time, a huge stream of information suddenly exploded in Song Jian's mind. The contents of Song Chao's original code that Song Jian couldn't remember at all were poured into Song Jian's mind in an instant, even The upper limit of Song Jian's mental value is already very high, but such a horrible amount of information flooded into Song Jian's mind in an instant, or Song Jian felt that his head was about to explode, and he couldn't help but hold his head in both hands and issued a painful moan.

"How could there be such a horrible amount of information?" Song Jian thought painfully. You know, he didn't know how many times he read the entire Chaos Sword. Although he couldn't remember anything, he also knew that the whole book The book is only a few thousand words. It is these thousands of words that contain such a huge amount of information, which makes Song Jian unbelievable.

Song Jian fell to his knees on his painful knees, and no longer had the illusion of understanding all the information at once. He now only hopes that the impact of these information streams will end sooner. Otherwise, he may have no use of the enemy skills of death. , Are all triggered.


With a loud noise, the battle between the Golden Lion and the Golden Lion in the distance continued. The Golden Lion inspired numerous black ropes bound to the Golden Lion. These ropes bound the movement of the Golden Lion, but the Golden Lion It was still hit by the Jinguang giant with a strong body.

The body of the golden holy lion directly crushed a mountain. On his body, there were already signs of a burst of bursts, like a wound, and the golden runes continued to flow out.

Song Jian was breathing heavily, and the contents of the Chaos Sword Code were all engraved on his mind. At this time, Song Jian and Qiqiao began to ooze out blood, which looked very miserable, but in fact, After the Chaos Sword Code's information flow ended, Song Jian felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Even the original seriously injured state and the remaining Zixiao robbery on the body have disappeared. Song Jian, although looking miserable at this time, is very energetic, and a pair of gray flashes in his eyes The air mass is constantly spinning, and countless sword qi continuously flows toward these two gray air masses, and these two gray air masses, constantly swallowing all the sword air, seem to be a bottomless hole.

At this time, Song Jian's thoughts were flying in his mind, as if there were millions of villains, holding a long sword and constantly practicing a set of swordsmanship. Whenever a set of swordsmanship would be penetrated by Song Jianrong, this waved sword The villain will disappear, and then there will be a new villain brandishing a long sword and practicing another set of swordsmanship.

This is simply Song Jian's comprehension of tens of millions of swordsmanship at the same time. When the number of swordsmanships started to be practiced was small, Song Jian could bear it, but as the swordsmanship practiced increased, Song Jian lost control again. The whole person seemed to be forced on a high-speed road and couldn't stop even if he wanted to stop.

However, Song Jian's perception of swordsmanship is also increasing at an extremely rapid rate.

In fact, with the current strength of Song Jian, it is impossible to learn Chaos Swords. Although Chaos Swords can only be learned by the deity, that is, players, but want to learn this legendary quality method, in addition to asking the deity In addition, there are many other prerequisites for learning!

The first one is that there must be an epic sword skill above the tenth level to practice, and also need to go through a life-and-death catastrophe, at the same time must have the power of thunder to help!

Song Jian's Wan Jian Jue, after being mutated, became Ye Huo Hong Lian Wan Jian Jue, which has been upgraded to legendary quality, and the level has also been upgraded to eleventh level. In addition, this time, he was severely injured by Zi Xiao’s thunder, and the power of thunder contained in Zi Xiao God’s Thunder, but the top thunder power, even if Song Jian is split, there are still many The power of Thunder Rattle remains in his body, which is also the result of the Chaos Sword Code sensing the power of Thunder Raider from Zixiao, which triggers the learning conditions!

Entering the Secret Realm and encountering the Golden Guardian, the Guardian of the Secret Realm, is a disaster for Song Jian, but it is also an opportunity, depending on whether you can grasp it, if you grasp it, you can fly into the sky!

But now, Song Jian has clearly felt that his mind is once more about to burst, his eyebrows and eyes are slowly opening uncontrollably, and at the same time he begins to shed a trace of blood.

At this moment, Song Jian was suddenly shrouded by a huge shadow, and the huge body of the Golden Lion was grabbed by the Jinguang giant, and still came towards where Song Jian was.

Originally at the speed of Song Jian ~ www.novelhall.com ~ can completely escape, but now, all of Song Jian's mind has been used to realize a variety of tens of millions of swordsmanship, completely lost the surrounding environment Perception.


With a loud noise, the body of Huang Jingsheng lion hit Song Jian fiercely, pressing Song Jian directly under him!

At this time, the Huang Jing Sheng Lion, with a broken appearance, had numerous wounds on his body, and continually squirted golden runes outwards, even struggling to stand up, unable to do so, and lying on the ground helplessly.

It didn’t take long for the body of the Golden Saint Lion to collapse and disintegrate directly into countless golden runes, rushing toward the air. In mid-air, the countless golden runes swayed up like a tornado, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

A slap-sized golden lion statue appeared on the ground, the surface was covered with cracks, and a hand was suddenly stretched out, holding the golden lion statue in his hand, but in the moment the hand held the golden lion , The whole golden lion statue, the sound of "poo" splattered down the finger slits for powder.
