I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1230: Stone Beast

The latest website: You only need to eat a piece of fruit, you can have the sword intention immediately, such treasures, Song Jian has not heard of it, and such treasures are definitely valuable.

It takes only one hundred years to produce nine pieces. If the three of them can get one, they will get three pieces each. After eating one piece, there will be two pieces left. They are very good for trading with people or exchanging treasures suitable for them.

Song Jian was very interested, but after a moment of hesitation, he shook his head and said: "The two brothers took the lead with good intentions, and their strength is low, so they dare not deliberately obtain the sword fruit, so leave!"

After finishing talking, Song Jian arched his hands towards the two, waiting for Duan Da to stop them, flying directly to the sword and flying in the other direction.

Looking at Song Jian's back, Duan Da's originally smiling face suddenly became irony.

"Brother, did he find something?" Chen Shuyou next to him came up and asked in a low voice.

"Huh, I thought what a great disciple the master had accepted, it turned out to be just a coward!" Duan Da Leng snorted with a disdainful expression on his face.

"Senior brother, even without him, only the two of us are nothing. Just a few more sword fruits can be shared by each one!" Duan Da smiled again on his face, and said kindly to Chen Shuyou: "Just follow As we planned before, as long as we take this ice stone pill that reduces qi and blood, Jianyi Storm will not sense us!"

"Yes, Brother, everything is in accordance with Brother's instructions!" Chen Shuyou said respectfully.

"Okay, younger brother, let's go in." Duan Da finished, taking a grey elixir with a chill, and walked towards Burial Sword Canyon first.

Chen Shuyou looked at Duan Da's back, a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then quickly converged, followed by also taking Bing Shi Wan, followed closely by Duan Da.

Song Jian glanced back and saw that the two entered the Burial Sword Canyon one after the other, and they could not help but sigh slightly.

There are not many chances to obtain Jian Yi Guo. The fruit can only be ripe once in a hundred years. This time it happened to him. It is a rare opportunity, but he always feels that there is an inexplicable maliciousness in Duan Da and the two, and he seems to deliberately invite himself.

"Wouldn't these two people want me to act as a cannon fodder, so they could benefit from following behind?" Song Jian secretly said.

For Jianjian Canyon, Song Jian didn't have any information at all. Duan Da said all the information. Once inside, Duan Da would be too easy if he wanted to pit him.

Before Duan Da used the sword-induced storm triggered by the rabbit, Song Jian also felt clear. The rabbit's strength was weak, and only a sword-thickened sword-shaped storm was triggered, but such a small sword-shaped storm made Song Jian feel When it comes to a deep threat, if Song Jian enters the canyon, once the Jianyi Storm is accidentally triggered, with his strength, I am afraid that he cannot resist it.

"Gentlemen don't stand under the dangerous wall, if they can really take the sword fruit from the canyon, then it's a big deal to exchange them with other treasures for them." Song Jian secretly said.

Thinking, Song Jian suddenly felt a chill coming from behind his neck, and a huge threat was approaching him quickly. At this moment, a thick lightning flew from the sky and flew towards him.


With a loud noise, Song Jian, who was flying with the sword in the sky, was directly smashed from the sky by this lightning, and a human-shaped deep pit was smashed out on the ground.

For a long time, Song Jian sat up slowly from the ground, and a faint smoke squirted out of his mouth.

"Huh, damn, forget the ban on the secret realm, you can't fly with the sword, otherwise you will be attracted by sky thunder!" Song Jian looked ugly. I just wanted to leave the burial sword canyon as soon as possible, but I forgot to forget the ban on flying in the secret realm. , Incurred the sky thunder bomb!

This blow directly caused Song Jian to lose a third of his qi and blood value, comparable to a full blow of the third-order combatants. If it were not for Song Jian's powerful strength, the equipment was of dark gold or higher quality. Uncertainty will directly enter the state of dying.

Ten minutes later, Song Jian recovered completely and was preparing to continue to walk forward, but suddenly saw a stone mountain in front of him. This stone mountain seemed to be composed of a huge rock, with a height of more than 100 meters.

Looking closely, this stone mountain does not seem to be a sharp stone, but more like a huge stone carving, but after being sharpened by the years, it can only vaguely recognize the original outline.

"This looks like a four-legged beast. As for the original appearance, it has been unclear. This stone carving has existed for at least thousands of years..." Song Jian secretly said.

After staring at it for a long time, Song Jian suddenly felt that the stone mountain in front of him seemed to move, and he was startled. He couldn't help but cast an eye of insight and continued to observe the stone mountain.

"It also seems to be constructed by the formation method..." Song Jian suddenly noticed something strange.

At this moment, a roar exploded in his ear, as if a giant beast screamed. The stone mountain in front of him turned into a huge stone beast and ran towards Song Jian.

Song Jianqiang endured Shi Zhanwan Jianjue to directly slash the stone beast in front of him, but instead found out a touch of spiritual touch, carefully perceiving the stone beast.


With a loud noise, the stone beast waved his paws and grabbed him fiercely towards Song Jian, but he was blocked by Song Jian with his broken sword. During the battle, the golden light on the stone beast bloomed, and the formations that were originally hidden in the body The lines slowly emerged, making it easier for Song Jian to detect the formation structure contained in it.

"It turns out so!" A smile appeared on the corners of Song Jian's mouth. This is the correct way to perceive the formation in the secret realm. While resisting the attack of the stone beast constructed by the formation, he felt the formation of the formation. The stronger the attack, The more obvious the array appears, the clearer the structure of the perceived array.

Only in this way~www.novelhall.com~Most of Song Jian's new gods should be placed on the structure of the sense formation, and they can only passively resist the attacks of stone beasts.


Unexpectedly, the stone beast's right paw was firmly caught on Song Jian's left shoulder, and a strong voice came, knocking Song Jian out seven or eight meters away, and there was a heart-shaped pain on the right shoulder. .

Song Jian stood up and looked at the stone beast like a hill, but his eyes showed surprise.

"The formation of this stone beast's formation is actually similar to that of the Golden Saint Lion's Binding Demon Seal. No, not a few points. Almost 80% of the formation content is almost the same as the Holy Lion Seal..." Song Jian Secretly.

Just thinking, the huge stone beast made a "rumbling" sound, like Taishan's pressure, and rushed towards Song Jian. After Song fitness, the flame light flared out suddenly, without retreating, and directly toward the belly of the stone beast. He rushed past, as if a flame, got into the body of the stone beast.


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