I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1231: Jiuhu

The latest website: After losing the attack target, the stone beast suddenly stopped. After a while, only listening to the sound of "Wola", the whole stone beast collapsed and countless stones fell like rain, many of which shone with various lights. Material, mixed with gravel.

Song Jianying Ying flashed, and kept collecting all the shining materials, constructing the formation of the stone beast, which was seen by Song Jian, and after finding the formation, he directly disintegrated the entire formation.

While cracking the formation, Song Jian also harvested all the materials for constructing the formation, which was also a surprise.


The stones shattered and Song Jian fell down with surprise on his face, constructing the formation of the whole stone beast. There were 50 or 60 kinds of materials involved. If he was allowed to collect it by himself, it would take at least a few months The most important thing is that the formation method of the stone beast is similar to the golden holy lion binding magic seal formation method. Song Jian can use these materials to directly construct the golden holy lion binding magic seal.

System: You have realized the formation of the unknown stone statue, and the skill "Sword Array Catalog" has gained a lot of proficiency;

System: You dismantled the formation of the unknown stone statue and obtained the formation materials: Adamantite (3), Sky Hardened Steel (5), Sintered Silver (4), Cuibao Glass Gold (2)...

Song Jian glanced at the system prompt, just realized and dismantled the formation method contained in an unknown stone statue, so that the proficiency of the skill "Sword Array Catalog" was increased by nearly half. If one or two similar ones can be encountered again Formation, sword array catalogue can be upgraded to level 2.

"This time it was just good luck. I met the formation similar to the gold holy lion binding magic seal already mastered. If it is replaced with other formations, I am afraid it will not be so easy to realize and master!" Song Jian secretly said.

Looking at the materials in the package, Song Jian suddenly developed an urge to make the golden holy lion binding magic seal array, and said to do it, Song Jian sat cross-legged in front of a pile of gravel and began to follow the holy lion The production method of printing array is made.

More than half an hour later, a golden lion statue with a slap size appeared in Song Jian's hand. Song Jian looked at the statue in his hand and a smile appeared on his face.

This is the first time he has made an array, and the skill level of the sword array catalogue is only one level. Unexpectedly, he succeeded directly, which makes Song Jian feel very happy.

"If you don't have the enlightenment to dismantle the stone beast's magic circle before, I am afraid that even if the materials are complete, I can't make the golden holy lion bound magic seal array!" Song Jian secretly said.

At this moment, he suddenly received another system prompt;

System: You have created a golden holy lion binding magic seal array. The quality of the array is excellent. The skill "sword array catalog" has gained a lot of proficiency; the skill "sword array catalog" has reached 100% proficiency. Please upgrade the skill level as soon as possible. !

I made an array by hand, and I got more proficiency than the dismantling of the stone beast array. This made Song Jian understand that if I want to quickly improve the proficiency of the sword array, I still have to make it myself. Just fine.

Putting the golden holy lion bound magic seal into the parcel, Song Jian found two amethysts and began to absorb the energy in the amethysts to gain combat experience.

After a while, Song Jian's level rose from sixty-two to sixty-three. One level of upgrade cost Song Jian about fifty amethysts.

With the increase of Song Jian's level, the number of amethysts needed will increase, but this method of rapid level increase is really addictive, it is too fast.

The skill points obtained after upgrading the level are directly added to the sword array catalog, and the sword array catalog is upgraded to level 2.

The effect of the skill sword array catalog has been slightly improved, and the number of arrays that can be included has also been increased from five to six.

Now Song Jian only has two kinds of patterns, one is the incomplete seal of the demon town, and the other is the golden holy lion binding magic seal.

After upgrading his skill level, Song Jian continued to walk forward, bypassing the stone beast mountain, and a lake appeared in the distance. The lake only looked like three or four acres, surrounded by five or six disciples of Yujianzong It seems to be perceiving the formation contained in the lake.

"The difficulty of the formation of this lake should be similar to that of the stone beast mountain just now. It just happens to make me feel a little bit, maybe it will make my sword array catalogue level more." Song Jian secretly said.

After entering this mysterious area, Song Jian has discovered that the difficulty of the formation method has a lot to do with the size of the object constructed by the formation method. The previous poisonous insect formation, weed formation, gravel formation, even if not To enlighten and dismantle the formation, it can be easily broken down only by violent cracking, but the previous Stone Beast Mountain Formation, if it was not for Song Jian, who felt the formation formation in battle, wanted violent disassembly, I am afraid it is A very difficult thing.

As long as you understand the formations contained in the object and find the formations, it will become much easier to remove the formations. The most important thing is that you will get a lot of materials to construct the formations.

Song Jian has always wanted to use the spirit sword to replace the formation material, but this only exists in theory. At present, there is no way to replace the formation material with the spirit sword. I can only temporarily use the formation material to construct the favorite formation method. .

On the one hand, Song Jian cannot precisely control too many Spirit Swords at the same time, on the other hand, it is also just the entry method. If you can increase the skill level of "Array Method Catalogue" to a higher level, you will feel the perception of the method again. Deeper, maybe you can find a way to replace the formation material with the spirit sword.

When Song Jian came to the lake, he immediately smelled a strong scent of wine, which came from the lake~www.novelhall.com~ This, this turned out to be a wine lake? Song Jian was surprised.

The lake water full of lakes was full of syrup and jade liquid, but just smelled, Song Jian had a sense of fluttering into the air, and the whole body seemed a little lighter.

I glanced at the other disciples sitting cross-legged and saw that Song Jian was coming, but no one came forward to take care of him, but just sat quietly, feeling the formation contained in the lake.

Song Jian took two steps forward and wanted to scoop a spoonful of lake water, but found that he was not close to the lake. He was obviously less than three meters away. Song Jian took a dozen steps, five or six three meters. But, looking up, and the edge of the lake, the distance did not shorten a bit.

"It seems that if you want to get close to the lake, you have to feel the formation inside!" Song Jian secretly said.

Thinking of this, Song Jian, like other disciples, sat cross-legged on the shore of the lake and found a trace of spirit into the amber, carefully comprehending the formation contained therein.
