I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1229: Burial Sword Canyon

The latest website: Song Jian and other disciples rushed into the Jianmu Forest, and soon discovered that an oval purple transmission light gate with a height of more than two meters appeared in the Jianmu Forest.

"Here it is, all the brothers and sisters wish you good luck!" A disciple dressed in the costume of a proselytist smiled, arched his hands towards the crowd, and took the lead into the portal of transmission light.

Soon, all the disciples walked in one by one. After stepping into the light gate, Song Jian felt only a flower in front of him, and then the whole person seemed to be pushed from the back and staggered forward two steps.

When he stood firm again, he found himself standing on the edge of a canyon.

Looking from afar, the rock walls on both sides of the canyon were as smooth as mirrors, as if a huge rift had been cracked on the ground, penetrating straight out without reaching the end.

"This is the secret realm?" Song Jian looked around and found no other brothers and sisters. It seems that everyone was dispersed after entering the secret realm.

"This is the secret realm of Zhenfa's catalog, I don't know what kind of sword array I can encounter!" Song Jian said, striding to walk towards the canyon.

After just two steps, Song Jian saw a poisonous insect with the size of a fingernail in front, drilled out of the small holes on both sides of the canyon cliff, waving two tentacles, and stopped him in front of Song Jianjian, toward him There was a sharp hiss.

Song Jian smiled slightly, and his right index finger gently pointed towards the poisonous insect. With a "chirp" sound, a sharp sword gas burst out from the index finger and stabbed the poisonous insect.


With a soft bang, the poisonous worm exploded directly. This was just a small worm with no rank. It couldn't bear Song Jian's power at all.

Song Jian smiled slightly and stepped forward to continue to move forward. At this moment, the scenery in front of him suddenly flickered, as if entering another world. On the cliffs on both sides of the canyon, thousands of densely popped out suddenly The poisonous insect flew towards Song Jian.

Song Jian was shocked, and immediately understood that he had already made the way. The previous poisonous insect was actually constructed by the formation method. The correct cracking method was to perceive the formation of the poisonous insect formation. After mastering the formation, he found Array core, and then crack.

But the finger just mentioned was equivalent to direct brute force cracking. Instead of successful cracking, it completely inspired the full power of the formation.

In front of each of these dense poisonous insects, each possesses the strength of at least 50 ordinary monsters. If you change to another ordinary player of more than 60 levels, facing the overwhelming poisonous insects, I am afraid that you will have to flee when you first enter the secret realm. .

Song Jian thought about it, and countless spirit swords burning with a dark red flame slowly swirled around him, forming a huge spirit sword whirlwind.

Huofeng Hunting, all the poisonous insects that were rushing towards Song Jian were all plunged into the spirit sword, and the bones burned by the Red Lotus Industry disappeared, and they turned into a handful of black ash and scattered around.

In less than three minutes, the overwhelming number of poisonous insects disappeared, leaving only a layer of black ash around and a hint of sweet poison in the air.


A shattering sound rang in Song Jian's ears, and everything in front of him suddenly showed water marks, as if a blister had been pierced, and the surrounding scenes were all broken apart.

In front of Song Jian, there was only one broken poisonous worm. The residual rhyme of the formation of the poisonous worm was also quickly disappearing. After a while, this poisonous worm only had some broken materials. These All the materials needed to build the formation have been destroyed and cannot be used again.

"I'm going to violently crack the formation of this poisonous insect?" Song Jian looked at everything in front of him and suddenly realized.

From the beginning when he used sword gas to smash this poisonous bug, he entered the stage of violent cracking. Otherwise, if he caught this poisonous bug and slowly realized it, he would be able to realize the formation of this poisonous insect. After the method, you can slowly dismantle the formation to obtain the materials to construct the formation. This is the normal step to crack the formation.

Vigorously violent cracking like Song Jian, in addition to not allowing the formation to hurt themselves, has nothing to gain. If this has always been the case, then entering the secret realm of the sword array will have no meaning.

"Sure enough, all the grass and trees here may have been formed by formation. You have to be careful!" Song Jian nodded and didn't care about such a poisonous formation, and continued to move towards the canyon in front. Go.

As soon as he entered the canyon, Song Jian felt a gust of wind, and the air was filled with a strong sword, and he was shocked, standing at the entrance of the canyon and stopped.

"How can there be such a strong sword intention here, as if, it seems..." Song Jian couldn't help but said to himself.

"This canyon is called Burial Sword Canyon, and at least three seniors with sword intentions are trapped in it!" A voice sounded after Song Jianjian.

Song Jian looked around, and two people wearing the costumes of the disciples of Yujianzong's inner disciples were slowly walking towards this side.

"Brother Song, fortunately, you didn't go in directly, otherwise, you might also be buried in the Jian Canyon, the sword storm inside, but no one can resist the past." Duan Da smiled at Song Jian and said.

"Jianyi Storm?" Song Jian raised his eyebrows and couldn't help looking into the depths of the canyon, but saw nothing.

"Don't your brother believe it?" Duan Da glanced at the person next to him. The person next to him nodded, and even out of a storage bag, he found a white rabbit over a foot long and threw it into the canyon. .

The white rabbit lost its restraint~www.novelhall.com~ quickly ran towards the canyon, but as a result, it didn't run out of ten meters, and his body turned into thousands of pieces in a flash, and spread all over the place.

"Jianyi is intangible and qualitative. Once it detects living things, it will automatically gather. Even if it is to practice the body to be as strong as steel, it is impossible to survive in such a sharp sword storm." Duan Da He shook his head and said: "But this is also the only place in the secret realm that can understand the sword intent. At least one third of the people who enter the secret realm want to come here to feel the sword intent!"

A trace of enlightenment appeared in Song Jian's eyes, watching Duan Da and the two said, "The two brothers also came to understand Jianyi?"

"Haha, Brother Song, neither of us came to realize the sword intent!" Duan Da shook his head and said: "In the depths of the buried sword canyon, there is a sword spirit tree, which will bear nine sword fruits every 100 years, as long as Take one, and you will be able to gather the most suitable sword meaning in your body!"

"Sister Brother Song, in the next section, this is my brother Chen Shuyou. We are all disciples of Zhan Jianfeng. There is a lot of crisis in Sword Canyon. It is not as good as the three of us. When the time comes, Jian Yiguo will also be divided equally by the three of us. How?" Duan Da invited sincerely.
