I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1228: Mystery

The latest website: The contribution value system of Yu Jianzong, but it is related to the well-being of the whole family. No one dares to do anything in it. Without credit, even the head of Duan Xingliu does not dare to distribute contribution values ​​at will.

However, if you make a big contribution and give contribution value, there are certain limits. Taking Song Jian’s contribution to the planting of snake grass as an example, it is a big contribution. Generally speaking, such a contribution is enough to give 150,000 contribution value. , But Duan Xingliu wants to give more, and other peak owners are not easy to say anything. After all, Song Jianli’s great work is real.

It’s just that there is a limit to give more, up to 200,000. No matter how much, it will cause dissatisfaction with other peak masters and disciples.

"Master, I have mastered the Wanjian Jue, which can evolve the flaming red lotus sword array..." Song Jian asked: "But the sword array is evolved from the Wan Jianjue skill. I want to use the spirit sword, is it feasible to evolve other arrays? ?"

"Evolve other formations?" Duan Xingli froze, laughing: "One formation, broad and profound, your idea is theoretically feasible, Wan Jianjue also has a name, known as the basis of formation, To use Wan Jianjue to evolve all formations, you are not the first and will not be the last one, but whether you can succeed depends on how much effort you can put in!"

"There are also seniors in Zongmen who have evolved other formations with Wan Jianjue?" Song Jian asked in a hurry.

Duan Xingliu shook his head and said: "Wan Jianjue has long been lost, and I just read it in the Zongmen classics. In the ancient Jianzong, some predecessors used the long sword in their hands to evolve the Ten Thousand Worlds Formation, with one person The power to suppress tens of thousands of monsters without effort is fascinating!"

"Unfortunately..." Song Jian shook his head, disappointed.

"You don't have to be a pity!" Duan Xingliu waved his hand and said: "One month later, Yujianzong's sword array secret realm will be opened. With your credit, you can win a place to enter the secret realm. , You may be able to understand how to use Wan Jianjue to evolve the sword array!"

"Sword Array Recording Secret Realm?" Song Jian froze for a moment, his face suddenly showed a very interesting look, and he smiled in front of Duan Xingliu: "Master, can you explain this secret realm to your disciples in detail?"

"This secret realm is inherited from the ancient sword sect and is used by disciples to comprehend the sword array!" Duan Xingliu caressed Chang Xu: "Sword arrays are everywhere in the secret realm, one mountain, one stone, one grass and one wood. It may be that the sword array was built. The most famous sword array in the secret realm is the seal of the demon, the Wanjian slaughter and the four holy sword array..."

Duan Xingliu's explanation took three hours. Song Jian heard dizziness and dizziness, but he also had some understanding of the secret realm of Yujianzong's sword array.

This mysterious realm was originally set up by the ancient sword sect to train disciples under the door. There are many types of sword arrays in it, and the number is more than one hundred thousand. When I first entered the mysterious realm, I encountered some lower-grade sword arrays, which went deeper into the mysterious realm. Go, the higher the rank of the sword array. Although the most famous ones are the three sword arrays mentioned by the head of Duan Xingliu, in fact, it is only because of the disciples who entered that the highest-ranked sword array is the three. Behind these three sword arrays, there are more powerful sword arrays, but the disciples who entered are simply unable to continue to go deeper.

The sword formations in the secret realm begin from simple to complex, and the power increases in order. As long as they are not too greedy, they can always retreat, but every time the secret realm is opened, there will always be some disciples who fall into the powerful sword formation. In the end, Duan Xingliu repeatedly told Song Jian at the end. He must do his best to enter the secret realm. Once he is not enemies, he must exit in time. As long as he returns in the same way, the surrounding sword array will not actively attack, at least can keep one Little life!

A month's time is fleeting. During this month, Song Jian has borrowed almost all the books on the formation of Yu Jianzong to study, and he has gained a lot. Even Wan Jianjue has improved a lot more than before. Song Jian I tried to arrange some simple formations with the spirit sword, but they all failed. It seems that there is still a key point. He didn't realize it. He had to wait until he entered the secret realm of the sword array to touch the opportunity.

This day soon came. Song Jian was trying to figure out the formation in his small courtyard. More than ten spirit swords were hesitating, flying up and down around his body. The speed was very fast but they did not interfere with each other. It seemed quite mysterious. .

Every time, the number of spirit swords will increase by one. When the number of spirit swords increases by fifty-six, it finally exceeds Song Jian’s control. One of the spirit swords appears a bit uncoordinated in flight. Shaking and slamming towards a spirit sword next to each other, the two spirit swords collided together, as if a switch was turned on. The remaining spirit swords also deviated from the previous flight track, colliding with each other, crisp The impact sounded in the small courtyard. After a while, all the spirit swords disappeared, and Song Jian slowly opened his eyes. A tired look flashed in his eyes.

The constant control of the spirit sword consumes too much for the mind. If Song Jian's spiritual value has exceeded 3,000 points, I am afraid there is no way to control so many spirit swords.

At this moment, a three-inch white sword with white jade flew from the air and floated in front of Song Jianjian. The sound of Duan Xingliu was emitted from the small sword: "Song Jian, the secret realm of the sword array will be in a Open after hours, come to the main peak Jianmulin!"

"The disciples obeyed the orders!" Song Jian arched his hand toward this jade sword, and the jade sword shook, as if nodding his head, and then flew back in the same way with a whine.

Song Jian was already prepared, and after a little tidying up, he ran towards the Jianmu Forest at the back of the main peak.

Jianmu Forest is located in the mountain behind the main peak, where Jianmu is planted, and each plant looks like a long sword, straight into the sky, without any skew.

Jianmu is a kind of precious forging material. It is generally used to make the sword handle of long swords. It is more used to make wooden swords. The wooden swords made of Jianmu are no worse than metal forging, and use wooden swords. When releasing the spell, the power not only does not have any damage, but also contains a trace of sword energy. Therefore, many elders of Yujianzong like to carry a wooden sword made of Jianmu with them.

Seeing the arrival of Song Jian, Duan Xingliu nodded slightly towards him, beckoning him to stand aside. At this time, there were more than ten disciples of Yujianzong standing in front of Jianmulin. Strong.

The qualification to enter the secret realm of the sword array is not so precious. You can enter it after spending a certain amount of contribution. After all, it will be opened once a year. However, there are not many disciples interested in the formation method in the royal sword sect, so there are only a few ten at a time. The others attended ~www.novelhall.com~ After waiting for a while, a few people came and stood quietly. Song Jian glanced and found no trace of Xin Ling. It seems that she is not interested in the sword array. Otherwise, with the contribution value of Xin Ling, you can fully redeem the entry qualification.

At this moment, an elder took two steps forward and said: "All the disciples have arrived, the secret realm of the sword array is about to open, and finally I will tell you to do my best and try my best to understand those who are right. For yourself, a safer formation, safety first!"

After the elders tirelessly repeated a few words, a dazzling purple light suddenly burst into the sword wood forest.

"The portal is open, and all the disciples can enter!" The elder looked back and said to the disciples blankly.

Song Jian and other disciples made a salute towards the star stream and the elder, and quickly ran towards the glowing position in the Jianmu Forest.


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