I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1227: Contribution

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The main reason why Yujianzong shared the ancient sword star with the ancient abyss is the abyss of the ancient abyss, which greatly weakened the disciples of the ancient sword. Once the disciples entered the ancient abyss, their attributes were directly reduced by 80%. Even ordinary people are not as good, facing the wild beast, there is no power at all.

For a long time, Yujianzong can only be forced to defend. Only the wild beasts leave the ancient abyss to stop it. If there is no seal of the town demon left by the ancient Jianzong, I am afraid that the entire ancient sword star has been ancient. The abyss has eroded.

The Demon Elixir is the only method that allows the disciples of the Yujian Sect to freely enter and exit the ancient abyss without being weakened by attributes. It is only the main material for refining the Demon Elixir, but the abyssal snake grass must grow in the ancient abyss. Formed a knot!

For hundreds of years, Yujianzong has been studying how to plant snake vine grass outside the ancient abyss, but it has little effect. If there is a large amount of snake vine grass to refine the magic demon potion, Yujianzong is absolutely confident that the ancient wasteland will be removed in a short time. The abyss is completely sealed or the ancient sword star is expelled!

"You, didn't you lie to me, Song Jian, really found a way to plant snake vine grass outside the ancient abyss?" Duan Xingliu stood up and asked excitedly.

On the other side, Venerable Lingyun looked at Song Jian with a surprised expression. She also knew about Yu Jianzong's heart disease.

Song Jian directly took a puppet beast out of the Broken Kingdom, and said to Duan Xingliu: "Master, this is a puppet beast who has mastered the abyssal planting technique. It can plant abyssal snake grass, and it can also Outside the ancient abyss, the abyss environment is simulated, and there is absolutely no problem in planting snakegrass!"

Duan Xingliu stared at the puppet beast carefully and looked at it for a long time. It seemed to be exploring whether it was like Song Jian said. After a while, Duan Xingliu laughed and said to Venerable Spirit Yunyun: "My Vener forgive me, This is a major event related to the life and death of Yu Jianzong. You must call the elders of the peak to come to discuss. The trading conditions mentioned by His Holiness, Yu Jianzong is no problem, but the time will be delayed by one month!"

A glance of joy appeared on the face of Venerable Lingyun, and he stood up and smiled softly: "Yu Jianzong's 100-year wish is finally fulfilled. Lingyun congratulates here first. Since I have negotiated, I have to go back and prepare, one See you later!"

Lingyun Zun glanced at Song Jian, his eyes full of admiration, and at the same time a somewhat surprised look, nodded, his figure turned into a colorful light, and rushed into the sky.

"Song Jian, how many puppet beasts do you have in your hands now?" Duan Xingliu asked quickly after seeing Venerable Lingyun leave.

"There are fifteen!" Song Jian said after a moment of hesitation.

"Okay, you keep three, and all the others contribute!" Duan Xingliu excitedly said: "With twelve puppet beasts, it is possible to plant three hundred acres of snake vine grass, barely enough, as long as you accumulate a few years, We will be able to fully counter the ancient abyss!"

"Master, there are probably seven or eight puppet beasts in Xin Ling's hands!" Song Jian sold Xin Ling without hesitation.

"Okay, okay!" Duan Xingliu's eyes lit up, nodding again and again, and said to Song Jian: "You are practicing here now. I'll call Elder Feng to have a meeting. I'll come to you after the meeting. What do you have to ask for? It can be mentioned that if the teacher can be satisfied, he will never shy away!"

Having said that, Duan Xingliu can't wait to cast a flying sword, and flew towards the main peak sacrificial hall.

"Hey, Master..." Song Jian was about to raise his hand to block, but Duan Xingliu was already invisible.

Song Jian sighed and could only sit in the pavilion helplessly, took a clean teacup at will, poured a cup of Wudao tea, and began to drink slowly.

At this time, Wu Dao tea was just cooked and tasted good. Although it was not the first time to drink Wu Dao tea and no longer had the magical effect of the first drink, the taste of Wu Dao tea still made Song Jian admire and sip. In the meantime, most of the kung fu and a pot of Tao tea came into Song Jian's stomach.

After drinking a pot of tea, Duan Xingliu returned from the ritual ceremony. After seeing Song Jian drinking all the pots of Taoism tea, he laughed and cursed, "The cow chews peonies, wasted!" He entered the study room of Dongfu.

"You did a good job this time, let's say, if you want anything, just speak!" Duan Xingliu smiled. Being able to plant snake vine grass has a decisive strategic role for Yu Jianzong. Within a few years, snake vine grass can be planted in large quantities in Yu Jianzong, and then there will be no shortage of demon pharmacy, attacking the ancient abyss. Nor is it just a delusion!

Although the strength of the ancient abyss is powerful, if there is no weak effect, Yu Jianzong has not really taken those wild beasts into consideration. This time, the three-way wild beast army, Yu Jianzong has only sent less than 10,000 people. The disciples blocked millions of wild beasts for more than ten days. Finally, they even counterattacked and chased all these wild beasts to the ancient abyss.

Duan Xingliu believes that, within a maximum of ten years, the ancient abyss can be completely expelled from the ancient sword star, and the half plane of the ancient sword star can be completely controlled by Yu Jianzong.

"I heard that there is a piece of Jianxian suit in Zongmen's collection?" Song Jian said with a smile: "I don't know if I can use it as a reward?"

Duan Xingliu shook his hand, stared at Song Jian with surprise on his face and looked up and down for a long time, and said: "Your kid is not ambitious, even the idea of ​​Jianxian suit dare to fight!"

"In any case, it's just a piece of equipment. Isn't the equipment used by humans, put it in a high cabinet, and let it fall to blasphemy it?" Song Jian laughed: "And I have collected two swords. The spare parts of the fairy set are ready for use when I raise my level!"

"Have you collected two Jianxian suits?" Duan Xingliu surprised: "It's amazing!"

After pondering for a while, Duan Xingliu shook his head and said: "If it is other equipment, even if it is in the secret store, it is only a sentence for me to take it out, but the parts of the sword fairy suit~www.novelhall.com~ I can’t do anything in the hands of the elders too!"

"Isn't it possible to use one million contribution value to exchange?" Song Jian raised his eyebrows. "Otherwise you can give me more contribution value, it would be better if you don't directly exchange it?"

"What do you think is the contribution value of Zongmen, how can you give it at will?" Duan Xingliu stared at the air and said: "Tens of thousands of disciples from above and below Zongmen stared at the contribution value with their eyes open. Who dares to mess up?" Yu Jianzong is not a word of my head. If I dare to do my part in the contribution value, the other peak masters will dare to unite to remove me from the head!"

"Then I contribute the planting method of snake vine grass this time. It's a great achievement. How much can I get?" Song Jian asked.

"One hundred and fifty thousand, but I can take the lead, give you some more, and count you two hundred thousand!" Duan Xingliu said: "Now you have 300,000 contribution value, and make up the other seven hundred thousand, the sword fairy set is scattered. The piece is yours!"


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