I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1224: Peak Master

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Duan Xingliu was about to explain, but suddenly stopped. He glanced out, and grunted: "Huh, please don't be irritable. Let's talk together after the infinite amount of time comes, or else Then I have to say it again, trouble!"

Duan Jian was expressionless and stood respectfully outside the hall door, as if he didn't hear the head talk. In a short while, a figure appeared in the distance, Yu Jian flew.

"Huh, master, Yu Jianzong is not your word. Those who want to **** me the infinite peak, even if I agree, the thirty-eight peak owners of the infinite peak will not agree in the spirit of heaven!" A white-haired white beard The old man came to the sacrificial ceremony and walked towards the hall, shouting loudly as Hong Zhong walked.

Song Jian could feel that the old man's sword spirit came in like an abyss like the sea, just like the tide, surging out uncovered, more than any king-level boss he had ever seen. terror!

"Here, is this the strength of the legendary strong?" Song Jian's face appeared amazed, and he secretly said.

"Old bastard!" Duan Xingliu secretly scolded in his heart, and then waved his hand to Duan Wuliang, angrily, and said: "Please don't be impatient. After listening to me, if Song Jian decides to enter your Wuliang Peak as an ordinary student , Then I won't stop!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" Duan Wuliang Yangtian laughed, with a playful look, turned his head and said to Song Jian: "Boy, you are Duan Jian's little ... cough, Duan Jian guide entry, as long as you don't want to , No one will force you! Rest assured, no matter what conditions his Duan Xingliu promises you, I will meet you twice without limit!"

In Duan Wuliang's view, Duan Xingliu is nothing more than a threat to attract that set. If he doesn't know it, then it's all right. Now that he knows, Duan Xingliu's set will never succeed!

In terms of combat power, Wuliang Peak ranks among the top three in the dozens of peaks of Yujianzong. On the basis of content, Wuliang Peak is not weaker than any peak, even if you want to compare with the main peak!

Gu Luo looked at Duan Jian with envious face. Although Gu Yuefeng was not bad, the peak vein ranking had already been ranked out of twelve. Even if the peak owner of Gu Yuefeng did not dare to talk to Duan Xingliu like this!

"Huh, Song Jian, would you like to be the master of Yifeng?" Duan Xingliu glared at Duan Wuliang and turned to smile with a smile on his head.

"What, Peak Master?" Song Jian looked surprised, and for a while, there was a feeling of auditory hallucinations.

You know, even if Song Jian and Xin Ling make great contributions, they can only be promoted from an ordinary disciple to an inner disciple. This has envied many disciples. You must know that from an ordinary disciple to an internal disciple. Even if those genius disciples need to achieve their strength, at the same time they can make great contributions to Zongmen. This time can range from three to five years to more than seven or eight years. Some disciples have even stayed in Yujianzong for more than ten years. An ordinary disciple.

Such treatment has already envied many disciples, but if it comes to Lord Feng, even if the disciples don’t dare to think about it, how could Duan Xingliu say it?

"What, Lord Feng?" Even Duan Wuliang trembles, staring at Duan Xingli in disbelief, pointing at Duan Xingliu, and shouting with shaking hands: "You, how dare you..."

You have to know that becoming the leader of Yifeng is not such a simple thing. The most basic strength is that the leader of Yifeng must have the strength of a legendary strongman in order to be qualified. With Song Jian’s strength, he can speak as the leader of Yifeng. , Will only make outsiders sneer!

"You, you are killing!" Duan Wuliang roared, pointing at Song Jian and shouting: "With his qualifications, I believe that up to thirty years, I can break through the legendary level, as the elder Zongmen, more than enough, even if it becomes one The Lord of the Peak is also barely deserved, but, but now he is a second-order boy, how can He De become the Lord of the Peak? Duan Xingliu, you did this and ruined a genius of my Imperial Sword Sect !"

Duan Wuliang has a distressed look, even if he becomes a legendary strongman, it is only the threshold to become the master of the peak. There have been more than 60 legendary strongmen in Yujianzong, but only a few have become the master of the peak. Many people, most of the others are only the elders of Zongmen.

"Huh, Zongmen wants to build the God's Devotion Peak, and specifically recruits the disciples of the Deity's Deeds. This is what Zongmen has already decided!" Duan Xingliu said with a cold sigh: "At first, your Duan Wuquan also raised his hand to agree! Since it is a peak that specifically recruits those who are dependent on the gods, the peak owner naturally also needs a person who is dependent on the gods. Why should I choose Song Jian as the owner of the peaks?"

Duan Wuliang was suddenly speechless, staring at Duan Xingliu and Song Jian with wide eyes. He really did not expect that Duan Xingliu had such courage that he had made a disciple who had just entered Zongmen become the master of the peak, and this disciple’s The strength is only second-order combat power!

"This, this..." Duan Wuliang didn't even know what to say for a time. With Yu Jianzong's current situation, Song Jian had just made a big contribution. Creating God's Deed Peak was a good strategy that had been decided long ago. In order to have a deity dependent as the peak master, Song Jian is really the best choice. After all, the entire Yujianzong has only two deities.

"Now the Emperor Sword Sect has only two deities, is it urgent to set up the Lord of the Peak, is it a bit urgent?" Duan Wuliang said with a black face: "At this time, it needs to be decided by the Opening Sect, not by the Sect Master. Determined!"

Duan Wuliang sighed in his heart, and said this, but it blocked Song Jian's path of advancement. Even if he had a thick skin, it would be difficult to ask Song Jian to join Wuliangzong.

"Hehehe, since Wuliangfeng did not agree that Song Jian became the owner of Shenfeng Peak, and he also requested a congregational meeting, that was naturally impossible. In that case, he would convene a congregational meeting three days later to discuss the matter!" Duan Xingliu Hehe laughed.

Duan Wuliang suddenly felt as if he had eaten a dead fly. He stared at Duan Jian bitterly, turned around and walked away without looking at Song Jian.

Song Jian was helpless, Duan Xingliu made Yangmou. If Duan Wuliang really agreed that he would become the Lord of the Gods, Duan Xingliu might also find a reason to refuse.

Song Jian still has self-knowledge~www.novelhall.com~ Not to mention that his strength can't suppress a peak, even if he is senior, he can't rank him a disciple who has just entered Zongmen a few days to serve as the leader of a peak!

The reason why Duan Xingliu did this was to break the possibility of Song Jian entering Wuliang Peak, or even other peaks.

When everyone else left, Duan Xingliu specially reserved Song Jian and comforted softly: "Song Jian, with your current strength and qualifications, you really can't be the leader of a peak! But it doesn't matter, the peak leader of Shenfeng Peak , Destined to be served by a deity, you have now obtained the Chaos Sword, once the strength is raised, the position of the peak master is yours sooner or later, now you have to do hard work, master as soon as possible Chaos Sword Code!"

"Now you are not suitable to enter other peaks. How about I be accepted as a disciple, and enter the main peak, how about being a master disciple?" Duan Xingliu looked at Song Jian with a smile, stroking Changsu with a smile.


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