I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1225: Free sword body beads

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Song Jian officially became a master disciple of the master of Yujian Sect. After Duan Wuliang returned to Wuliang Peak, it seemed to have reacted, and he broke the curse in Wuliangfeng’s hall. It is said that he also smashed a set of very precious methods. Tea set.

Duan Jian, who used Feijian to spread the book, was even a dog blood sprinkler who was scolded by Duan Wuliang. He didn’t even dare to continue to wait at Wuliang Peak.

"Hi Song Jian, I'm miserable by you!" Duan Jian looked sadly out of the window, holding an open bottle of spirit wine in his hand, "Guru Guru" poured into his mouth, at his feet There are dozens of identical wine bottles rolling down.

Song Jian's face is more like a pot of gray, the price of this spirit wine is not cheap, a bottle even needs ten amethysts, Duan Jian has been staying in his small courtyard for a few days, and spent only on spirit wine Amethyst, it's almost two hundred.

"At least let me upgrade to a level!" Song Jian looked at the wine bottle everywhere, as if he saw him throwing amethyst into the water.

"This, mentor, drink too much spirit wine and hurt your body. You should drink less!" Song Jian persuaded helplessly.

Spirit wine also has the effect of improving skill. For Song Jian, it can improve the skill proficiency, and can also slightly improve the physical quality. This is almost useless for Song Jian. For Song Jian who has exceeded 200 in various attributes, I want to To continue to improve physical fitness, we must use more precious treasures.

"Song Jian, do you know that if you don't come back, I will go to the ancient abyss to find you!" Duan Jian bit out a bit of a bottle of imperial potions and said to Song Jian: "Look, I even redeemed the Demon Elixir, which took me ten years to contribute..."

When Duan Jian mentioned the magic potion, Song Jian immediately lit up. After looking around, he whispered to Duan Jian, "Teacher, this time I completed the sect mission, I also made a small amount of money and got a few Puppet beasts planting abyssal snake grass..."

"What, planting snake vine grass?" Duan Jian was surprised, but he shook his head quickly and smiled bitterly: "The planting of snake vine grass must be in an ancient abyss environment. There is no way to plant it in ordinary areas. The group of people have been pondering for hundreds of years, and in the end, can't they be planted?"

"Hey, mentor, you only need to place a hundred wild beasts in the acres to simulate the environment of the ancient abyss..." Song Jian explained the information obtained in the ancient abyss carefully, even a puppet The beast showed Duan Jian that the Broken Kingdom is one of Song Jian’s cards. Naturally, it is impossible for Duan Jian to take a look at it. You know, at this time, in the broken Kingdom, Song Jian planted snake grass, It has exceeded 500 acres, and most of them are close to maturity.

"Your kid..." Duan Jian looked shocked, looking at Song Jian, as if looking at a huge amethyst.

"Do you want to plant it yourself, or do you want to contribute this method to Zongmen?" Duan Jian thought for a long time: "If you plant it yourself, I am afraid that Lingzhi Summit will overturn the main peak, even if you are a disciple of the master, I'm afraid It’s not good. In the end, we still have to divide it out. If you contribute to Zongmen, you can definitely get a lot of contribution value, but the contribution value is not too much for you now..."

Thinking of this, Duan Jian suddenly shot his thigh and said: "Yes, Zongmen still has a sword fairy set in it. If you contribute enough, you can exchange it. It is said that as long as there is a sword fairy set scattered Pieces, you can meet other parts of the set by virtue of the inherent causal connection between the sets..."

Song Jian was stunned. He didn't expect that there was a sword fairy suit in Yujianzong. He now has two pieces. The sword fairy suit has a total of eight pieces. If he takes this piece collected by Yujianzong again When you get it, you are almost halfway there.

"How much contribution is needed?" Song Jian asked quickly.

"About a million or so!" Duan Jian thought about it and smiled.

Song Jian's contribution value this time is as much as one hundred thousand, but the parts from the sword fairy set are only one-tenth.

"You said, I contributed this planting method and puppet beast, how much can I get?" Song Jian asked.

"Hey, the precious demon potion, I don’t need to say, in order to exchange a bottle of demon potion, in addition to the large amount of contribution value, it also needs a snake vine grass. If you return from the completion of the task, if there is no snake vine grass turned over, next time You can’t redeem the Demon Elixir anymore, and you have to compensate three times the contribution value..." Duan Jian laughed: "If you contribute to the planting method of the snake vine grass, the contribution value will not be lower than your completion of the mission this time. Contribution!"

"Is it also one hundred thousand?" Song Jian touched his chin and thought carefully. After thinking for a while, Song Jian slapped his thigh and said, "Then contribute!"

This method even if Song Jian does not provide it, Zongmen can also get it from Xin Ling, it is better to throw it out earlier, get the contribution value, and exchange the sword fairy set.

However, if Zongmen obtains this method, then the price of the wild beast Nedan may soar in a short time!

"Teacher, I still have 500 amethysts here. I would like to troubleshoot the tutor to help me acquire some wild beasts, the more the better, I will first tell this cultivation method to Master Zun!" Song Jian took out 500 Amethyst said to Song Jian.

Song Jian stared at Song Jian with five hundred amethysts dumbfounded. His envious eyes were red: "How come you have so many amethysts? I have saved ten years of contribution and amethysts, just want to buy a sword I can’t save so much..."

"Sword body?" Song Jian froze, asking: "Did the instructor understand the sword body from the sword pool?"

Duan Jian's face was reddish, and he sighed: "My qualifications are too bad. I have entered three times and have not realized the sword body. Even if I enter again in the future, the chances are not great, I can only exchange for purchase..."

"Teacher, I have a white bone chaos edge sword body ball here, don't know if it is suitable for you?" So, Song Jian took out the white bone chaos edge sword body ball obtained before and handed it to Song Jian.

"White, white bone chaos blade sword body?" Duan Jian looked at this sword body bead in Song Jian's hand~www.novelhall.com~ excitedly shivered.

Compared with the ever-changing sword body, the white bone chaos blade body is more suitable for him, especially it can be promoted to the jade bone million blade sword body, which is simply a tailor-made sword body for him.

"Well, what a shame!" Duan Jian clutched the Jianzhu in Song Jian's hand tightly, and the green tendons in his hands burst out.

"Say no to your mouth, but your body is very honest!" Song Jian lowered her mouth in her heart, loosened the sword body bead, and arched Duan Jian's hand: "Teacher, don't forget Dandan in the Wild Beast, I'll find it first Master!"

With that said, Song Jian ran toward the place where the main stream of the main stream lived.

"Relax, Song Jian, I'll give you the right thing to tell you!" Duan Jian behind him shouted with a bright red face and a loud voice.


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