I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1223: Chaos Sword

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Guluo and Duanjian went directly to the Treasure House after the celebration, and they exchanged a few bottles of magic potions for their attacks in the Beast War.

"I exchanged seven bottles, and I can only stay in the ancient abyss area for seven days..." Gu Luo looked at the follow-up exercises he had always wanted and sighed.

Guluo practiced the Taiji Liangyi sword code only to the sixth floor, and the seventh floor required a lot of contribution value exchange. Originally, after this wild beast war, he wanted to exchange the seventh floor sword code, but now all the contribution values All have been exchanged for Elixir of Elixir, the exchange of the seventh layer of the sword code, I don't know when it will be dragged.

"I can exchange ten bottles and give you a bottle!" Duan Jian looked at Gu Luo and said with a sigh, you must know that the demon potion is a very precious potion in Yujianzong. In addition to the contribution points, every time you exchange a bottle of magic potion, you must turn in a snakegrass afterwards.

"You have so much contribution value?" A look of surprise appeared on Guluo's face, and he did not hesitate to pass Duan Jian's bottle of magic potion into his arms.

"This is the contribution value I have accumulated for ten years, and it's all used up!" Duan Jian's eyes flashed a fleshy look. After looking at the Zhenbao Building, he sighed and said.

"Wouldn't you really want to exchange a versatile sword body?" Guluo's eyes appeared clear, and said: "That's the sword body, even if you save the contribution value for another thirty years, you may not be able to exchange it. , Might as well exchange for a few more opportunities to enter the sword pool, and realize the sword body that suits you."

"I have entered the sword pool three times, then again, hope is slim!" Duan Jian shook his head and said: "My ten thousand blade sword code has reached a bottleneck. If I can have a variety of swords, maybe my strength can be improved. Further, step into the realm of half-step legend!"

Guluo shook his head, and the rank of the Wanblade sword was slightly lower than that of his Taiji Liangyi sword, but the biggest advantage of Wanblade was that it could condense the sword gas into the shape of various weapons. , Use other exercises besides swordsmanship.

The most important thing is that the use of other weapons with the Ten Thousand Blade Sword will not be affected by 80% of the power and flesh. It is more flexible and changeable in battle. Even people with higher strength than Duan Jian will feel very headache when meeting him.

"It's too late to say anything, let's go, let's hurry up and hope that the two little guys can hold us until they find them!" Guluo sighed and summoned the Flying Sword, preparing to fly with the Royal Sword to the Ancient Abyss. region.

At this moment, the whole Yu Jianzong suddenly sounded a low bell.

Dang, Dang, Dang~

"How did the celebration bell ring again?" Gu Luo looked strangely towards the main peak. You know, the celebration bell only sounds when you make a big performance. The more the celebration bell rings, the more it stands. The greater the credit! After the previous Beast Wars, the celebration bell sounded three times, but this time, the celebration bell sounded six times and had not stopped.

Gu Luo and Duan Jian looked at each other, and they both saw a surprised look in each other's eyes.

"Duan Jian, Gu Luo, come to the main peak of the sacrificial hall!" The voice of the head of the star stream sounded in the ears of the two.

"Nine times, the celebration bell sounded nine times!" Guluo said in surprise.

"Why did the head tell us to go to the hall, do we say?" Duan Jian's eyes flashed with a look of surprise, and he seemed to guess what.

"Wouldn't it be the two little guys who came back, hum, whether they would come back sooner or later, but they would come back at this time, really..." Guluo glanced at the demon agent in his arms, his face suddenly became difficult to look .

The magic potions can also be recovered after exchange, but the recovery price is only two-thirds of the exchange, which is equivalent to a circle from them. The contribution value is lost by a third, which makes Guluo feel very meat. pain.

"Okay, go to the main hall to see!" Duan Jian can't wait to fly the sword, flying towards the main peak main hall.

Gu Luo sighed and followed closely behind Duan Jian.

Soon, the figures of the two appeared in the ceremonial ceremony. Sure enough, the figures of Song Jian and Xin Ling were in the center of the hall. The head of the star stream was handing a book that shone with purple gold to Song Jian.

"Song Jian, according to your contribution, you get the original Chaos Sword Code, Xin Ling, you get a copy of Chaos Sword Code!" Duan Xingliu smiled and said: "The original is the same as the copy, but when using the original, Improve a certain level of understanding, and be able to better understand the Chaos Sword!"

"Thank you, Master!" Song Jian and Xin Ling said in unison.

Duan Xingliu nodded, looking at Chao Jian's sword code in Song Jian's hands, a look of reluctance appeared in his eyes, you know, this sword code is inherited from the ancient sword sect, and belongs to the most superb sword in the royal sword sect One of the classics, even the Zhou Tianxing sword fighting classic he cultivated, was slightly inferior in rank.

It's just a pity that this sword code has a strange attribute, and it must be learned by a sage. No one in this world, no matter how talented, can't learn this sword code.

Someone once was unconvinced, tried to practice for more than ten years, and had no entry, but finally gave up, wasting more than ten years in vain.

"I hope this sword can be carried forward in the hands of these two..." Duan Xingliu secretly said that the reason for opening the mountain gate and enrolling disciples of the gods is also because of this sword.

"Can you two have the peaks you want to join?" Duan Xingliu asked. Because of the damage of the seal of the town demons, the two have not yet decided to belong, and it is precisely this opportunity that allows them to make a choice.

"I want to join Gu Yuefeng!" Xin Ling glanced at Gu Luo standing at the door and said softly.

Duan Xingliu nodded and said, "Yes, and follow your master to Gu Yuefeng. After recording your identity, you will officially become a member of Yujianzong!"

Xin Ling happily walked towards Duan Xing after a ceremony ~www.novelhall.com~ walked to Gu Luo's side.

"I want to join..." Song Jian is preparing to speak, but Duan Xingliu reaches out and blocks: "Song Jian, you have another important task and cannot join other peaks for the time being!"

Song Jian was stunned and turned his head to look at Duan Jian. Duan Jian also changed his face. After glancing at Duan Xingliu, he quietly pinched a sword tactic. After whispering a few words, a three-inch transparent flying sword , Flew out of Duan Jian's hands, disappeared without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Song Jian is a disciple of Duan Jian. It should be the same as Xin Ling, adding to the infinite peak where Duan Jian is located, but now, the star Duan Xingyu obviously wants to cut the Hu, Duan Jian can't let this happen.

However, as an inner disciple of Duan Jian, he was not even qualified to speak in the sacrificial hall. How could this be prevented? Only the peak master of the infinite amount of peaks is eligible to come to the main hall and the star stream in the head section to grab people.


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