I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1211: Legendary Shard

The latest website: The movements of the battle are getting bigger and bigger. Looking at more and more monsters, Song Jian's forehead slowly oozes sweat. The spiritual strength and sword energy value are constantly decreasing, and the spirit sword is beginning to be destroyed by constant consumption. , A monster has broken through the defense of the spirit sword and attacked the stone man Guru.

"Damn, how many monsters are being held here, how are they getting more and more ..." Song Jian was anxious, he had seen several boss-level bosses, and was slowly approaching this side. If he didn't want a solution, he would have to hide in the broken kingdom of God.

"Come on"

At this moment, a crisp popping sound sounded, Song Jian's spirit was shocked, looking in the direction of the sound, a treasure chest with purple gold gleaming, glittering in a pile of amethysts, especially conspicuous in the darkness !

"Legendary treasure chests, how is this possible?" Song Jian showed a surprised look on his face. You should know that legendary treasure chests can only be knocked down by bosses above the dominance level, even the bosses of the dominance level can drop. The odds are also very small. It is said that the boss-level BOSS also has a chance to drop, but it is conceivable that the probability is almost zero. If it is not the game system ’s pro son, I am afraid it is impossible to burst the legendary quality from the boss-level BOSS. Items.

Song Jian glanced, it turned out that a spirit sword actually triggered his talent skill "Jiansheng", directly cut a dominant-level BOSS into two segments, triggering a death effect, and as a result, this dominant-level BOSS This treasure chest of legendary quality burst out.

Song Jian glanced at the monsters around him, and with a bite of his teeth, he directly collected Wan Jianjue, and behind him fluttered the flames, and flew towards the legendary treasure chest.

In a blink of an eye, Song Jian put this legendary treasure chest and a bunch of amethysts into the parcel tray. The soul walk skill was directly displayed, passed through a monster, and hid into a broken one. In the cage.

At this time, the stone-man grunts were still fighting in the same place, and the earth magic was endless, and all the monsters near them were bombarded into fragments, but soon, its body was covered with monsters, and stone debris continued to fall from the grunt. Although Guru is strong in defense and difficult to break through, but his fists are invincible with four hands, more and more monsters finally throw Guru on the ground.

Under the state of battle, there was no way to put Guru into the space of the pet of war. Song Jian glanced at Guru, and with a slight sigh in his heart, he turned and walked towards another channel.

The sound of Guru battle is getting weaker and weaker behind him. Soon, Song Jian received the news of Guru's death. Ordinary war pets died. Just spend a certain amount of Doomsday to the pet training master to resurrect, but Guru is already a Over 100 levels of lord-level BOSS, the resurrection needs to complete a resurrection mission, but also requires a lot of doomsday coins and precious treasures.

"This time I was stunned by Amethyst, otherwise, Guru will not die here!" Song Jian secretly said, looked at the next battle pet interface, at this time Guru is in a state of death, at the same time the two are close The degree also fell by five points.

The intimacy between Song Jian and Zhan Pet has always been maintained at a very high level. Even if the black dragon is no longer beside him, the intimacy is also above 80 points. After gurgling off the five points intimacy, there are still eighty. At nine o'clock, there is still a long time before the 50-point defection.

After losing the attack target, the monsters began to spread out slowly. Song Jian took advantage of the monsters to be attracted by the battle and ran quickly in the channel, almost opening a third mission map.

After making a big circle, Song Jian returned to the place where he was fighting. At this time, in addition to a large pile of crushed stones, there were many falling objects with various colors flashing.

In the previous battle, Song Jian had no chance to pick up all the loot. He could only pick it up after all the monsters had left.

"Good luck, get rich!" A smile appeared on the corners of Song Jian's mouth. Among these loot items, there were only six or seven items of dark gold quality, and there were many bright gold and silver quality equipment. These equipment Most of them are equipment of level 50 or 60, which is suitable for the current player level.

After picking up all the loot, Song Jian discovered that more than one hundred amethysts alone had been picked up. So many amethysts were enough for him to upgrade two or three levels.

"No need to worry about upgrading the level, let's take a look at what is in the legendary treasure chest first." Song Jian secretly said, took the legendary treasure chest out.

All the treasure chests were unlocked. Song Jian opened the chest and suddenly an object with a flash of purple gold fell from the treasure chest. The treasure chest turned into a crystal light and disappeared slowly.

Song Jian picked up the item and looked at it, suddenly stunned.

"Town demon tower (fragment), 1/3, quality: legend; Item description: During the ancient war, the town demon tower was accidentally shattered in the battle between humans and ancient abyss, and one of the fragments fell here; you need Collect two other pieces to make a complete town demon tower! Item Attributes: The person who owns the piece increases all his attributes by 60 points, increases deterrence against monsters by 30%, and reduces monster damage by 30%; this effect Put it in the parcel box to take effect! "

This turned out to be a fragment of a town demon tower!

You should know that one of Song Jian ’s purposes for entering the ancient abyss was to look for the Zhenyao Tower, but after so long, the trace of the Zhenyao Tower was never found. Unexpectedly, he suddenly obtained the information of the Zhenyao Tower here. , This is so surprising to Song Jian!

"Sure enough, it is a legendary quality item, just a shard, the attributes are so powerful, I really don't know how powerful it is to collect three shards and synthesize a complete town demon tower!" Song Jian looked at the town demon tower (shards ) Attribute, a look of excitement appeared on the face.

Put the demon tower debris into the parcel bar, and suddenly a faint purple breath spread out from under Song Jian's feet, a circle of purple breath seems to be emitted from Song Jianjian's body, forming under his feet A little purple halo!

At the same time, in Song Jian's status bar, UU reading www.uukanshu.com also appeared a "deterrent" effect;

Deterrence (Passive): Aura skill, aura range of 10 meters, which has a deterrent effect on monsters within the range, the monster's crit rate is reduced by 30%, there is a certain chance to escape during the battle, a certain chance to interrupt the monster's spellcasting, a certain chance to make The monster triggers the chaos effect;

The deterrence effect is very powerful, but it is the most effective for monsters. After a glance, Song Jian did not take it into consideration. In fact, this effect has a greater benefit for melee occupations. Song Jian is now a long-range attack occupation, as long as The monster he can see has been killed by him before he rushes to him. Many times the deterrent effect is too late to play its role unless he is under siege as before!

Song Jian continued to open the map in the prison, and soon, he heard the roar of monsters in the distance, accompanied by the sound of knocking on the iron fence.

"It seems that I met a big guy!" Song Jian thought for a while, and turned slowly towards the sound of the roaring monster.


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