I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1210: Burst Amethyst

The latest website: Devouring ghosts, able to absorb the target's blood and energy value in combat, and some can even absorb energy values ​​such as mana, magic, sword gas, whether it is melee or long-range, physical occupation or legal system Occupation is very headache for such monsters.

In addition, there are very few of these ghosts, and every time they appear, they are a large group. Even if they are swarming up and down, even Song Jian will feel a headache.

"The purpose now is to find the cage of evil. The monsters inside can be avoided just by avoiding it!" Song Jian secretly chose another channel and slowly touched it.

There were a lot of monsters in the prison. After a while, Song Jian met another team of skeleton soldiers. These skeleton soldiers shone with different colors of light, with three or five hands holding long knives, followed by two or three One with a bow and arrow, and one skeleton soldier with a red glowing bone in his hand.

"Warrior, archer, mage, looks like a complete adventure team ..." Song Jian secretly said. Originally he wanted to bypass this group of skeleton soldiers, just turned a corner, a long green arrow hit his shoulder.

Suddenly, a green ray of light covered Song Jian's whole body, but blinked, this layer of green light disappeared.

"Toxin attack?" Song Jian frowned slightly, looking towards the skeleton archer with green light on his body.

Each of these skeleton soldiers has different attributes. According to the light emitted from them, they are divided into poison attributes, fire attributes, wind attributes, ice attributes, etc. Even ordinary attacks are accompanied by these attribute attacks, which is very difficult to tangle.

Looking back, the skeleton soldiers rushed straight towards him. The skeleton soldiers holding bows and arrows were constantly drawing bows at him. The skeleton master holding the bone staff was also rubbing a fireball, and his spirit was locked in Song. Jian himself.

"It's at least ten meters away. How did they find me?" Song Jian felt strange in his heart, but he didn't hesitate in his hand. With a move of thought, more than ten swords of spirit appeared around his body. Team skeleton soldiers flew away, in front of each skeleton soldier, at least two or three spirit swords were flying up and down continuously, chopping them.

With the improvement of Song Jian's strength, his control of Wan Jianjue is gradually improving. Now he can control more than ten spirit swords at the same time and use it freely. Of course, it is just an ordinary attack. I want these long swords to play different swords. Technology, can't do it for now.

This pair of skeleton soldiers is just a team of elite bosses of level 60. For ordinary players, because of the perfect professional matching, it will be a headache, but for Song Jian, it only takes more time.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over, and there were scattered pieces of skeletons on the ground of the tunnel. These skeleton soldiers each had different attributes, and after their deaths, they all burned their own flames of different colors.

Jingle bells ~

A pleasant burst of sound rang out. Around the bodies of these skeleton soldiers, there were items all over the place. Song Jian stepped forward and took a closer look. Most of them were some materials and some equipment of level 50 or 60, except for one. In addition to the silver equipment, the other is white and green quality equipment.

For Song Jian now, these items are worth at most hundreds of thousands of doomsday coins, and he will not be put in his eyes at all, and he will pick up all these equipment at will.

However, when Song Jian picked up the last item, he suddenly felt stunned and looked carefully into his hands.

"Amethyst, Amethyst?" A smile of surprise appeared on Song Jian's face. Amethyst would be dropped directly here, which was an unexpected joy.

Unexpectedly, Amethyst could still fall down from the monster, which made Song Jian suddenly interested in the monster in the prison.

You should know that Amethyst is not only a more precious currency than the Doomsday currency, but also can absorb the energy inside to obtain the combat experience upgrade level. Song Jian estimates that after the players upgrade to a certain level in the future, the monster hunting upgrade will It becomes very painful, and using Amethyst to upgrade will become the first choice for players to upgrade their level in the future.

It's just that Amethyst is too precious and too difficult to obtain, it's not much easier than hunting monsters.

"Here is not a prison, but a treasure trove!" Song Jian secretly said, he held the amethyst in his hand, and immediately dismissed the idea of ​​finding a prison of evil immediately, preparing to kill here and make a good amethyst, Then upgrade your level and reach the third-tier combat power assessment standard as soon as possible!

You should know that now the players are all up, and most of them have already completed the second-level combat assessment like him. Although compared to their strength, they are still far behind him, but Song Jian has always had a sense of urgency. Now it is exactly this opportunity to get a certain amount of amethyst to upgrade your level.

Thinking of this, Song Jian directly summoned the grunts of the battle pet stone man. The boss of more than one hundred levels of bosses grunts. Although it ca n’t be swept here like the previous endless road test, the monsters here want to get rid of grunts. , Is also a very difficult thing.

The grunt, which is eight meters tall, is like a hill when it is summoned. When it walks, it will also emit a "rumbling" sound, and a long distance can be heard in this silent prison.

Soon, Song Jian felt something and was gathering towards him. After a while, Song Jian saw a large group of crowded monsters and rushed towards him.

These monsters looked like ratmen, with their heads only reaching the position of Song Jian's thighs, and a slender tail behind them, like a long whip, covered with gray fur.

"It's ugly!" Song Jian glanced at these monsters. UU reading www.uukanshu.com suddenly had a feeling of being disgusted. The faces of these monsters were covered with large and small sarcomas, squeezing all the features. Distorted, some sarcomas are still oozing milky liquid, and a strong smell is coming out of the face, and it looks like it has been irradiated.

Song Jian leaped gently to Gulu's shoulders, holding the Potian Sword, and thought about it, and countless spirit swords suddenly floated beside him. With his control, hundreds of spirit swords began to surround the stone man Guru spins slowly, and after a while, a sword gas tornado forms around Guru's body.

Song Jian's forehead slowly oozes sweat, controlling so many spirit swords, so that his mental strength and sword qi value are like the flood flooding the gate, and it is rapidly dropping. The sword qi value is slower because of the recovery speed, but The mental power is falling fast.

All these monsters ignored the Jianqi tornado, as if the moth threw the fire, and rushed towards the grunt. As a result, all of them were directly torn apart by the Jianqi tornado.

The Jianqi Tornado is like a defense. No matter how many monsters come, it is impossible to break through this thin defense. Soon, a strong **** smell spreads in all directions.
