I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1212: Abyss Death Lord

The latest website: There are too many monsters in the dark prison. Most of these monsters were prisoners previously imprisoned, but because no one has been watching for a long time, the slightly weaker monsters have all died in the cages. The powerful monsters are all After breaking away from the prison, the entire prison was regarded as a monster paradise and wandering around.

As Song Jian approached the scream, he found that there were fewer and fewer monsters around him. It seemed that the strength of this big guy was very powerful. Even the scared surrounding monsters did not dare to come close. Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help being more vigilant .

Going along a passageway, Song Jian quickly saw a red light emanating from the front, as if the magma was flowing slowly.

When Song Jian passed a crossroad in the passageway, he suddenly found a very scary torture instrument in the middle of the intersection. This torture instrument looks like a pair of human-shaped armor, which is made of fine iron from head to toe. People are blocked inside.

At the same time, the limbs of the armor were firmly fixed on a cross, and there were fist-sized holes on the surface. At this time, a long sword was inserted into these holes, and some even penetrated the entire armor, dark brown The stains spread from the entrance of the cave and flowed to the ground. Song Jian believes that if this torture tool is opened, there will be a creature inside!

"How can there be such a torture tool here?" Song Jian frowned slightly. You know, this prison is the biggest torture tool for monsters. Here, he feels his energy and energy are inexplicable at all times. Absorb, if it is not a very powerful monster, it will not be long before it will be sucked into a corpse. There is no need for such a torture tool!

After thinking for a while, Song Jian cracked the place where the torture appliance was locked. With a click, half of the armor fell down, revealing the condition inside.

Sure enough, a humanoid is firmly fixed in the armor. On the inner wall of these armor, there are still many steel thorns more than one inch long. After imprisoning the person, these steel thorns will inevitably penetrate into the body of the person. The long sword pierced from the outside also pierced the humanoid in front of him. Although he had died and turned into a corpse, the face of the humanoid in front of him still kept the traces of painful struggle at that time.

The humanoid in front of him is obviously not a human. Even if it has become a corpse, there are still many inhuman traces on his body.

Song Jian poked this corpse lightly with the Po Tianjian, and as a result the corpse, which had lost its support, seemed to fall down like ash, and the entire body was already decayed.

A gray soul floated out of the ashes of the corpse, and a relief appeared on his face. It glanced at Song Jian, pointed his finger at his body, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

"Can this torture device imprison the soul?" Song Jian surprised.

The torture tool in front of him not only physically tortures the prisoner, but also imprisons its soul. If Song Jian did not accidentally destroy this torture device, I am afraid its soul will always be imprisoned in it and never get Detached.

Thinking about it, Song Jian felt a horror. How much hatred would it take to imprison a person in such a torture tool.

Song Jian thought of the soul before pointing at his body before liberation, and couldn't help moving the heart. He pulled the decaying corpse ashes twice, and soon he found a purple gem from the ashes.

This purple gemstone is crystal clear and cylindrical in shape. It is not as round and smooth as other gemstones. Instead, it is composed of many diamond faces like diamonds. There is a hint of coldness in the hand.

"This is ... Soul Crystal?" Song Jian glanced at the attributes of the objects in his hand, and an unexpected look appeared on his face.

Soul Crystal is a forging material that can increase the forging power and forging variability of equipment. At the same time, it is also a special casting material. When making magic puppets for master classes, you need to use Soul Crystal.

The soul crystal in Song Jian's hands is of extremely high quality, almost comparable to an epic piece of equipment!

Song Jian wiped the soul crystal twice in his hand, and a dark golden light burst out from the inside of the crystal. This is a dark gold quality soul crystal, which can definitely produce a powerful magic puppet.

"This is really an unexpected joy!" Song Jian secretly said, and began to pay attention to whether there was a similar torture tool in the passage!

Soon, Jian Jian saw a huge monster held in an iron cage in front of him. This monster looked like an extra large beetle, and the body was covered with a thick layer of armor. Hard shells, there are also a barb-like existence on it.

Its head is very small, and the thick tentacles of **** protrude from the head. From time to time, these two tentacles radiate a dazzling red light, just like a red lightning.

There are eight tentacles under its body, divided into two rows, supporting a huge body!

The monster uttered a deafening roar in the mouth, full of sharp fangs, and kept biting the iron fence holding it!

It's thorny ~

A blue electric current flows on the surface of the iron fence. From time to time, there is a long and half-moon-shaped electric energy that is triggered from where it bites and hits its body.

"One-hundred-level BOSS, Lord of the Abyss?" Song Jian narrowed his eyes and carefully checked the attributes of this huge monster.

The eye of insight was released, and no accident caused the hatred of the abyss dying lord. The abyss lord who had bitten the iron fence turned around suddenly, and he kept roaring in the direction of Song Jian. The huge The body was like a tank, rushing hard towards the iron fence.

Bang ~

With a loud noise, the huge current from UU reading www.uukanshu.com rushed out of the iron fence and flew the abyss death lord directly. The death lord who turned over the ground seemed to be in a coma, and he was still on the ground. It took a long time for its tentacles to move a little twice and climbed up from the ground.

The death lord who was corona seems to have forgotten his hatred for Song Jian, slowly climbed up and shook his head, his body staggered, and the previous impact seemed to hurt him a lot.

The dying lord who recovered his consciousness still kept touching the surrounding fence, and the current on the fence was continuously released. Song Jian frowned slightly. This dead lord seemed to be consciously consuming electricity on the iron fence.

Just then, Song Jian suddenly heard a mosquito-like voice in his ear: "This friend, can you do me a favor?"

In the moment when the sound rang, Song Jian ’s task bar suddenly changed the trial task of Zhenyao Tower.

System: You found the light priest Stuart Kath in the prison of evil, please help her escape from the prison of evil!
