I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1209: Jail

The latest website: The two keys of the same forget, except for the different quality of light, began to melt slowly after contacting each other, and merged with each other.

It didn't take long for a key of oblivion that exuded dark gold light to float in front of Song Jian, and he was gently held in his hand.

After carefully looking at it for a long time, Song Jian frowned slightly: "This is not the same as the previous one!"

The attributes of the Forgotten Key have not changed, and even the quality is still dark gold before, as if directly swallowing the black-quality Forgotten Key.

System: You have obtained the key of the forgotten after the fusion, whether to open the hidden mission "Trial of the Town Demon Tower"?

Seeing this piece of system information, Song Jian was shocked: "Zhenyao Tower, it turns out that Zhenyao Tower needs the key of forgetting to get in touch?"

Song Jian suddenly thought that before the little girl let herself go and asked herself to come to the ancient sword star to find the Zhenyao tower, did she feel that she had a key to forget in her parcel box?

Thinking of this, Song Jian did not dare to carelessly, and hesitated for a long time, he still chose to accept!

System: You have received the hidden mission "Trial of the Town Demon Tower", did you consume a forgotten key and open the entrance to the Town Demon Tower?

"What, is it necessary to consume a key of forgetting?" Song Jian looked at the key of forgetting just merged in his hand, his face embarrassed.

You must know that this forgotten key is a master key. If you lose it, you will not be able to open it again when you encounter the locked treasure chest. The loss is still great, which makes Song Jian hesitate.

After thinking for a long time, Song Jian still gritted his teeth and chose to confirm. The key of forgetting just obtained suddenly disappeared. Instead, a red dot suddenly appeared in front of Song Jian.

This small red dot rotates quickly, while rotating, it continues to expand. As the edge rotates, it continuously sprinkles countless Martian-like light spots around it. After a while, a stable red portal, just Appeared in front of Song Jian.

"Here, what is this?" Song Jian looked at the deep portal, and could not see anything behind the portal, only dark.

System: You still have ten seconds to enter the town demon tower! Ten, nine, eight, ...

Looking at the countdown that appeared in front of him, Song Jian was stunned, and quickly stepped into the crimson transmission light gate in the last three seconds!

After entering the light gate, there was darkness in front of him, and he turned to look around. The light gate behind him was rapidly shrinking, and finally turned into a red dot and disappeared.

Open the task bar, and the content of the "Trial of the Demon Tower" task has also changed. The content of the task: Find the Holy Light Priest Stus Kath in the prison of evil and learn from her about the secret of the demon tower!

"Sin prison?" Song Jian looked at the map in the task bar, it was dark, there was nothing, and even the place where the prison camp was not marked, how did he find it?

Opening his eyebrows and erecting his eyes, the surrounding environment suddenly became clear. Song Jian found that he was in an underground prison surrounded by tall iron cages, and rows and rows of iron cages were surrounded by horizontal and vertical stone roads. A stone road is only more than two meters wide, covered with dark brown stains.

"Zhenyao Tower, Zhenyaitai Tower, is this the cage holding the demon?" Song Jian looked at the iron fence around him and said in secret.

Some of these iron fences are intact, but some have been damaged. The thick steel fence of the arm is ripped apart. Some of the fences are still hung with dried monsters.

Song Jian explored carefully along the passage. He could not believe that all the monsters inside had been killed or fled.

As Song Jian walked, his trajectory slowly appeared on the mission map. As long as he walked, the map appeared, and the rest of the place did not travel. It was still dark.

"Now you need to explore all the maps here ..." Song Jian secretly said.

At that moment, a hairy arm was suddenly stretched out in a cage next to it, and Song Jian grabbed it, and Song Jian instinctively waved the Sky Sword and cut it sideways, directly cutting off this arm, Suddenly, a painful roar rang from the iron fence, and this hairy arm was cut off and fell to the ground.

Song Jian glanced into the iron fence, a humanoid, covering the wound on his arm, staggering backwards and quickly disappearing into darkness.

Looking at the information bar, Song Jian frowned slightly: "36-level monster, how can there be such a low-level monster here?"

You have to know that although he has never been to Zhenyao Tower, he still knows very detailed about the legend of Zhenyao Tower. After all, entering the ancient sword star, Yujianzong, one of his most important tasks is to replace that one. Little girl looking to the town demon tower!

"The demon towers are all detained by the powerful demon, and they must be at least one hundred levels or more. The boss level of the dominance level is eligible to be suppressed here. Otherwise, they will be destroyed directly. Why do you want to Is it a waste of time and energy to suppress them here? "Song Jian said to himself.

Song Jian speculates that the role of Zhenyao Tower may be the same as his Jianqi Stone Tower, they need to use these big demon to get some benefits, otherwise, why suppress these monsters instead of killing them directly?

A series of painful roars came from inside the iron cage, and the sound suddenly made the surroundings strange. A burst of gasps, friction, and low roar sounded all around. It seemed that something began to wake up, and was even stunned by the movements here. attract.

When Song Jian thought about it, he displayed the sword shadow avatar, and a figure exactly like him appeared next to him. Under his control, the sword shadow avatar randomly chose a channel and ran forward quickly, and the mission map also began. Revealed.

However, every long time, Jianying's avatar stopped and began to bleed quickly. In less than a minute, Song Jian lost contact with Jianying's avatar.

This surprised Song Jian. You should know that his current skill of sword shadow avatar has reached level 10. Although he has not reached the full level, the strength of the avatar is almost the same as him.

"Is there such a powerful monster in it?" Thinking of this, Song Jian at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com quickly performed the concealment technique that comes with the concealment necklace, and the figure slowly disappeared in place.

After a while, a large group of translucent, gray ghost-like monsters floated over. They were like a cloud of gray mist, stopping around the location where Song Jian was before, and then seemed to be wailing again. The monster said attracted, and went straight through the iron fence, rushing towards the monster of more than thirty levels.

After a while, there was a scream of screams in the iron cage. Soon, the screams became smaller and smaller, and finally became silent.

Soon, these ghost-like monsters floated out of the iron cage. The original gray-white translucent ghost had a light scarlet light flashing in the body.

After these ghosts floated out of the iron cage, they seemed to have lost their interest in exploring the surroundings. They chose a passage directly and drifted forward slowly.

"Hundred-level lord-level boss, devouring ghosts, how could there be such a terrifying monster here?" Song Jian hid aside, carefully piercing his eyes, observing the attributes of these ghosts.
