I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1208: Fusion

The latest website: After thinking for a while, Song Jian laughed. Why is there such a coincidence? Shaking his head, Song Jian turned and walked out. Now that the test task has been completed, all he has to do now is to return to the half that is about to collapse. Plane, find Xin Ling and go back to the ancient sword star together.

Just as Song Jian turned and walked towards the gate of the temple, suddenly a sound rang in his ears. If there was no sound, it sounded full of charm.

"The language of the abyss ..." Song Jian thought helplessly. You should know that the language of the abyss is also known as the language of charm. All the skills of the charm type will be enhanced if it is used in the language of the abyss. This also allows the abyss race to learn one or two charm skills no matter what occupation. Even if there is no spiritual attribute bonus, just the language of the abyss, the use of charm skills is not weaker than professional charmers!

It's just a pity that Song Jian has learned the language of the abyss by virtue of human body accidents, which makes him have a certain resistance to the language of the abyss. At the same time, the talent skill "thick cheek" is also completely immune to the effects of charm skills, especially After "Cheeky" was promoted to become an indestructible body, the charm effect of Abyssal Language has been immunized by Song Jian.

Turning his head, Song Jian found that the sound seemed to sound from the other end of the temple, and there was a bit of eagerness in the charm!

The whole demon temple was very wide. Looking at it, the end of the temple was deep, and it was not clear what was inside. Song Jian hesitated for a moment and stepped over the demon statue and walked towards the other end of the temple.

After crossing the demon statue, Song Jian walked for more than 100 meters, and suddenly found that a huge figure appeared in front of him, a monster with a height of more than ten meters, a tiger head, and a waist down like a giant octopus tentacle. Leaning against the wall, the word of the abyss is coming from its mouth, and a wave of horrible energy fluctuates from it.

"Twenty-two levels, dominance level BOSS ..." Song Jian secretly cast an eye for insight and looked at the monster's attributes in front of him.

This monster looks fierce and abnormal. It looks very miserable. The whole body is bound by a black iron chain. Many iron chains even directly penetrated its body, restricting its movement, so that it can only be in a very small Move in space.

The qi and blood value that was close to 8 million was now less than 3 million. The huge octopus tentacles with their waists down had several roots broken, and only five tentacles remained intact.

It's just that the five tentacles stomped on the ground, just like the five dead snakes, and also exuded a faint smell of rot.

Seeing Song Jian walking towards him step by step, this monster named Tiger, Devil, and Wild Beast showed a look of excitement in his eyes, and a greasy smile, which burst out of the corner of his mouth, and the speed of the abyss in his mouth grew faster. Get up soon.

"Come here, come here, delicious food, fresh flesh and blood. I haven't tasted the taste of fresh flesh for more than 800 years. Come here, come over ..." Humohuangbeast murmured to himself, it sounded like The obscure sound lingered in Song Jian's ears.

The tiger, monster, and wild beast thought that Song Jian had been charmed by his language of the abyss, but what he did not know was that the danger was approaching it step by step, and the greedy appetite had stunned his mind, and he was completely out of alertness. .

At the moment when Song Jian approached it, the five octopus tentacles, which seemed to be like dead snakes, suddenly popped from the ground and rolled toward Song Jian like an arrow.

However, at this moment, Song Jian suddenly moved, and his figure turned into a flash of lightning, rushing towards the tiger demon wild beast, a long sword shining Ling Limang, stabbed into the tiger demon wild beast fiercely. A chest of blood burst out of his chest.

The eyes of the tiger, demon and wild beast showed a surprised look, and made a scream of anger, struggling desperately. The huge body vibrated like a hill, the iron chain binding it, and it was dragged against each other, making a deafening sound. !

Uh, uh ~

Song Jian didn't stop when he hit it. The sky-breaking sword in his hand continued to wave. The flame light fluttered behind him, making Song Bodybuilding Shadow more swift. The whole person flew up and down around the huge tiger demon wild beast. Blooming, a flurry of blood shot out, at this time the tiger touches the wild beast, there is a strong body in the air, but because of the iron chain, he has no way to take Song Jian, he can only struggle desperately, constantly Screamed.

At this moment, the blood of the tiger, demon and wild beast continuously splashed on the iron chain that bound it. The iron chain that was originally black like pig iron suddenly became red after being exposed to the blood of the tiger, demon and wild beast. It looks like a red hot iron.

The crimson color spreads at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. After a while, all the iron chains become red, exuding a terrifying heat.

The tiger, monster, and wild beast suddenly panicked, exuding a burning smell of flesh.

"No, no, no, I have been suppressed for 800 years, and I have already redeemed my sins. You can't kill me, you can't kill me!" The redder, the temperature is getting higher and higher, and finally the iron chain radiates a dazzling red light. As soon as the body of the tiger demon wild beast touches the iron chain, it burns directly. After a while, the tiger with a body of more than ten meters Touching the wild beast, it was directly burned into a pile of ashes.

When the iron chain was abnormal, Song Jian had quickly retreated to a safe range, and was surprised to see the tiger demon wild animal being burned alive by the iron chain that bound it.

"Here, what the **** is going on?" Song Jian looked at the red iron chain as if it had cooled down, slowly returning to dark, and carefully moving forward.

In the pile of ashes, there was an item with a dark golden light. Song Jian pulled it twice and found it turned out to be a key. When he picked it up, a strange look appeared on Song Jian's face.

"The key of forgetting, this key is also called the key of forgetting?" Song Jian looked at the dark gold quality key in his hands repeatedly, and said to himself strangely.

You know, he had obtained a key of oblivion before, UU reading www.uukanshu.com and the key of oblivion was still in his package, it was a black quality equipment, Song Jian did not know it For what purpose, always use it as a master key. Treasure chests of below epic quality can be opened with this key.

Thinking of this, Song Jian couldn't help but take another key from the package and compare it with this key of dark gold quality.

"Here, these two keys are exactly the same?" Song Jian shouted in surprise. The two keys, no matter from the shape or the material, were exactly the same, even some pattern details, if not a hand. Exuding black light, and exuding dark gold light, mixed together, Song Jian couldn't tell the difference between the two keys.

Just when Song Jian felt strange, a strong suction suddenly came between the two keys. With a "dang" sound, the two keys were attracted together, and at the position of contact, there was a slow fusion. Signs.

System: You have obtained two keys of different qualities of forgotten, and now start to merge, the fusion time is ten minutes, the forgotten key after fusion will open a hidden task, please be patient!
