I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1095: go away

Latest URL: "Oh!"

There was another loud noise. For a moment, Song Jian lost her sense of the Moon Precision Wheel. The steel wings behind her were also bombarded with a large hole the size of a fist. With the large hole as the center, dozens of large and small cracks Spreading, numerous pieces of steel wings sputtered around in a radioactive state.

The steel wings were severely damaged and lost his flying ability. Song Jianjian fell down towards the ground. During the fall, Song Jian's eyes also locked the figure of the attacker. For a moment, he had already appeared on the cliff behind him. At least one thousand meters away from his previous position, such a teleport effect must have at least the level of a great magician, which is only available after the transfer of a third-level combat legal profession.

Song Jian suddenly felt a cold on his body, and couldn't help but secretly said in his heart: "Is this his skill or the equipment effect? ​​Such a weird method is almost invincible ..."

It can unlock any skill lock, and it can also teleport a distance of thousands of kilometers. It has a deadly and powerful long-range attack method. Even if it has other attributes, this existence is also a powerful role that any player can't avoid.

The moment Song Jian was about to fall to the ground, a splendid pair of flame wings appeared behind him, driving his body and flying towards the entrance of the valley.

During the flight, Song Jian kept doing various dodge moves, and it looked like a headless fly was flying around.

Until Song Jian flew out of this valley, there were no gunshots on his back, maybe because of the skill cooling time, or because the other party wanted to let Song Jian go. This made Song Jian feel a series of dodge actions that had flew out of the air before. It all seemed to wink and show the blind man.

Standing outside the valley, looking at the empty deserted valley, Song Jian's face was ugly.

"That should be the guardian of the ancient altar. The entire valley has become a territory-like existence. Within his territory, he can move at will and appear anywhere ..." The robot Nafiboya in the left hand suddenly Opening his eyes, he whispered, his voice was accompanied by a trace of current noise, and it looked extremely bad.

"What should I do?" Song Jian lifted it and asked, staring at it.

"Either lead it out, or destroy the entire valley. You should have this strength ..." the robot Nafiboya said slowly, then closed her eyes slowly.

"Introduced? How to attract it, that guy is simply a shrinking turtle ..." Song Jian frowned. "It's easy to destroy the whole valley, not to mention that a careless accident might make that place already deserted. I don't know much." The long altar was also destroyed. Even if the caretaker was killed, I would not be able to leave here. Will the mission still fail? "

For a time, Song Jian was in a dilemma.

Standing at Taniguchi, Song Jian thought about it for a long time, but couldn't think of any good way. He could only sigh, locked a cliff farthest from the altar, and began to release Wan Jianjue continuously.

After a while, countless spirit swords bombarded the cliffs, like missiles washing the ground. The deafening roar was endless. The cliffs in the distance began to collapse at a speed visible to the naked eye. It's declining.

At this moment, a crisp gunshot blew up in Song Jian's ears. He immediately rushed to the left and passed, his body was suddenly held by the rock walls on both sides of the valley entrance;

With a bang, a deep hole burst into the place where Song Jian stood before. The hard ground within three feet of the surrounding caved in three inches, showing the power of this blow.

Although Song Jian was slightly embarrassed, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Obviously, the previous act of destroying the valley made the guardian become impatient. Even if Song Jian did not enter the valley, he let it attack.

"I see when you are going to put up with ..." Song Jian whispered, his eyes narrowed, and he followed the direction of the trajectory of the trajectory. He saw that the sniper stood on a cliff with a brazen face, Looked towards the entrance to the valley.

Looking at the other person's provocative appearance, Song Jian thought of it, summoned the sword shadow clone, rushed towards it, at the same time waved the heavenly sword in his hand, and dozens of spirit swords bombarded in the past. The caretaker and Instead of dodging, he raised his gun and aimed at Song Jian's clone, pulling the trigger.

This time, because the moon fine round was not summoned, the blast was split directly, and before the guards replaced the bullets, Song Jian rushed directly to him, his eyes locked on the guards, and his whole body's sword gas was rushing towards the sky-sword. past.

When the threat of death was felt, the caretaker's face finally changed, and a look of fear appeared in his eyes. His ability to unlock the skill lock was still cooling. This skill is a skill he possessed and cannot be used like teleportation. With its geographical location, it has almost no cooling and no consumption.

When the overwhelming spirit sword attacked him, his standing body began to ripple and ripple, slowly collapsed and disintegrated, and after a short time, he disappeared in place.

For a moment, the caretaker's body appeared beside the unpredictable cliff that had been bombarded by the opposite side. However, the spirit sword flying in the air suddenly crossed an arc and continued to fly towards it. A large group of spirit swords were drawn in the air. Crossing the arc, it looks like a school of fishes swimming in the deep ocean. The posture looks very graceful. Most importantly, hundreds of swords are turning sharply in the air, and none of them collide with each other. If other players see , Will be startled and startled.

"No!" The caretaker had only one time to shout out a word ~ ​​www.novelhall.com ~ and was directly drowned by countless spirit swords.

Even if you have the location, you can continue to teleport, but this skill requires a few seconds of release time, no matter how short the cooling time is, there is still a cooling time, so once locked by Wan Jianjue, it has no way to evade, the final Only one end!

Song Jian looked at the distant cliff and bloomed a bright red lotus flower. The blaze of flame almost dyed half of the sky into a piece of red, but that's all. Even the red lotus sword of the industry did not appear. This red lotus, which was burning with a blazing flame, slowly broke apart only for a few seconds.

Song Jian's eyes could not help showing a look of disappointment. Such a strength, even the boss of the sixty-level boss can not reach, at most only equivalent to a sixty-level elite boss, if not because the damage is too high, but also Unlimited teleportation, I am afraid that Song Jian will not look at it directly.

Even Song Jian was too lazy to look at the items that fell after the caretaker's death, and walked straight towards the altar. The robot Nafiboya seemed to be seriously injured, and then procrastinated. I'm afraid that I can leave it before leaving the hot canyon. Dropped, when the task is not completed, Song Jian will cry to death.
