I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1094: Sniper

Latest URL: "Oh!"

With a loud noise, the two ears of the trembling Song Jian "buzzed" and turned around, looking away. Within a meter of him, Yuejing Wheel burst out a bright light and was directly hit by a sniper bomb. Smashed into pieces.

Song Jian was surprised. You must know that Moon Precision Wheel is an epic skill. The weapon condensed with all the sword energy in the whole body is not inferior to the epic weapon in any way, but it is such a weapon that was even a distant one. The sniper's bullets were directly detonated. If there was no moon fine round, even if Song Jian was full of blood at this time, I am afraid that he would be seriously injured by this blow. After all, no matter how strong his strength is, his body cannot be comparable to epic weapons. Material.

A gleam of light flashed on the distant cliff. This should be the reflection of the other sniper's sniper. Song Jian subconsciously cast Wan Jian Jue in that direction. Suddenly hundreds of spirit swords were like rockets. They were directly opposite. The range of fifty to sixty meters of the cliff is all covered.

At the same time, Song Jian hid directly in a shadow location. The valley was small and surrounded by a barren field. There was almost no place to dodge. Even if Song Jian hid behind a rock, using the power of the previous sniper rifle, I am afraid Being able to walk straight through the rocks hurts him.

There was a rumbling sound from the distant cliff, which almost flattened the whole mountain. Wan Jianjue's attack range exceeded one kilometer, and the position of the sniper was about eight hundred. About a kilometer, but for a long time Song Jian was not prompted by the system to kill the target. Presumably, the opponent left the original place directly after sending out a desperate blow.

"Damn, how could anyone snip me here?" Song Jian frowned, knowing that at this time, almost all the adventurers who entered the scorching canyon had entered the trial tower, and most of the wandering wild were monsters. However, what kind of wild monster can make such a terrible and fatal blow?

The sword energy value recovered very quickly. This time, Wan Jianjue, he did not think about consolidating the industry's Red Lotus Sword Formation, mainly because he could not lock the target in the distance, otherwise he would directly use the industry's Red Lotus Sword Formation, and he would not need to. Hiding like a mouse in this dark corner.

Looking at the broken altar not far away, Song Jian felt a little anxious, the other party never showed his figure, and he couldn't fight back.

After the sword energy recovered, Song Jian once again quickly condensed a new moon fine round. Now he finally realized the benefit of the moon fine round. The speed of the moon fine round was faster than he thought. The gun, if there is no moon fine wheel, the moment he hears the gunshot, he will be hit by the sniper with a burning flame.

"The biggest effect of Yuejinglun is not to assist in attack, but to defend ..." Song Jian's mind produced a hint of enlightenment.

There was silence all around, Song Jian waited motionlessly for the restoration of the sword's Qi value. Moon Jinglun had been controlled by him and almost stuck to the surface of his body. The position of the enemy was beyond his perception range. He knew that the other party must be Looking around with a sniper mirror, looking for his own figure, once the flaw is revealed, the fatal blow like that before will definitely appear again.

Song Jian knew that at this time, when the two were fighting patiently, whoever couldn't hold their breath and exposed their position would be in a disadvantage and would be killed by their opponents.

After ten more minutes, Song Jian's sword value had already been restored again. He had been lying in the dark corner, and a trace of anxiety had emerged in his heart. He could not wait any longer, and his opponent was obviously much better than him. Continue to fight, Song Jian will sooner or later become irritable. At that time, it will inevitably affect his judgment because of emotions, and his chance of winning will be lower.

With a change of heart, an identical Song Jian appeared next to him, and after condensing in Gang Gang's avatar, he directly cast the moon fine round, and a round moon fine round appeared next to Jian Ying's double.

Then, the shadow of the sword rushed out from the dark corner and ran towards the exit of the valley. This valley is not large. As long as it can escape the valley, even if the sniper staring at him is no longer powerful, it will not be possible to take him. stay.

The sword shadow is a bait, but Song Jian's eyes have been staring at the opposite cliff. He does not want to run away, but wants to fight back!


A blaze of fire burst out on the opposite cliff, Song Jian's eyes brightened, and the steel feathers flew open, and the figure rushed towards the opposite cliff like an arrow.

A sniper with black cloth all over his body and barely two eyes was staring at the running sword clone through the sniper mirror. He saw the moment when the bullet approached the other side, the strange moon wheel that had been around him, It slammed into a sniper bomb again, and then burst into a ball, like a bright firework.

But this time the sniper bomb blasted the Moon Jinglun and did not break up. Instead, it shot directly at the target, penetrated the target's shoulder, and caused him to fall directly to the ground.

"Success!" The sniper retreated the cartridge case mechanically, and then quickly filled it with another sniper bomb. As long as the opponent was not killed, the sniper would not stop attacking.

As he continued to aim at the sword shadow clone, he suddenly felt a strong threat wrapping it around him, like a frog stared at by a snake, and his muscles were involuntarily tense up.

"Exposed!" The sniper's eyes immediately left the sniper scope and looked forward. Sure enough, Song Jian, holding a heavenly sword in the air, rushed towards his location quickly.

Song Jian locked the sniper lying behind a huge rock for the first time, and was preparing to use Wan Jianjue, but suddenly saw the other person's body suddenly blurred, and the surface appeared like ripples like water waves, directly from his own perception. Get out of the lock.

"Hey?" Song Jian was a little surprised. This was the first time he encountered such a method, and he was able to get rid of his perception lock instantly. This method or skill made Song Jian curious.

You know, the player's attack skills are roughly divided into two types. One is Song Jian's release of the directional skill of Wan Jianjue, giving a position, and then releasing the skill to bombard the past. The target can dodge at any time. The skills are released quickly, and such skills will not pose any threat to them.

The other is the ability to have automatic aiming and locking functions, such as the mage's Frost Arrow. No matter how fast you run and the angle of dodge, the Frost Arrow will hit you.

However, Song Jian now faces the enemy ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but has the ability to unlock the skills instantly, which seems to be a bit tricky to deal with.

Without the lock, Song Jian would not be able to use the full power of Wan Jianjue.

The body of the sniper was like a real wave, and slowly disappeared for a while, then disappeared in place. This strange method gave Song Jian a creepy feeling.

You know, players have many ways to hide their bodies, such as stealth and stealth of thieves, but after release, the whole person seems to collapse and disintegrate, the whole collapses, and then disappears. Song Jian has never encountered it before.

The most important thing is that Song Jian has not yet distinguished whether this sneaker with black cloth wrapped around his body is a player or an NPC.

After a moment of divine effort, the sniper disappeared, and Song Jian stopped and floated in midair. At this moment, a hot sting came from the back of his head, and the steel wings after Song ’s fitness were also there. He froze for a moment, protecting his back.
