I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1096: resurrection

Latest website: Fengming City, suburbs, forty monster area.

Here is a low forest, which will refresh the 40th grade younger brother Brin. Although these green-skinned little guys are short, they have a rag wrapped around their waists. The weapon in their hands is also one that they did not know where they were picked from. Wooden sticks, but they are extremely fast and have high damage. Every three attacks will definitely have a crit. The most important thing is that they never appear alone. As long as they are encountered, at least five or more, ordinary players see them. It's a headache, but a very delicious little red fruit can be collected in this area. Not only the NPC merchants in the city will buy it, but even those who have learned cooking and alchemy will also buy a lot of this little red fruit, causing it The price has always been very high, and many players of level 40 or so will team up to come to this area, while upgrading monsters while collecting small red fruits to increase income.

On this day, in the fringe area of ​​the woods, three forty players rushed out of the woods, and behind them a group of younger brothers Brin waved the wooden sticks in their hands, shouting and screaming and chasing behind them.

After chasing the edge of the woods, the little brothers Brin stopped and waved the stick on the spot, staring at the backs of the three with fierce eyes, roaring loudly for a moment, and then returned to the woods again.

"Damn, why are there so many little monsters ..." A man wearing a silver armor and holding a two-handed sword screamed resentfully: "Give me a few more seconds and I will be able to collect three small red fruits Now! "

"It's not that Wenyuan has attracted too many monsters. It has long been said that it can attract three at most and three at most. As a result, he attracted five at once. How did the three of us fight? Fortunately, we did not go deep, otherwise we wouldn't escape ! "Said a woman in a leather armor with a war bow in her hand, full of complaints.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't expect two of them to be hidden in the grass ..." A teenager who looked only seventeen or eighty years old blushed with a look of shame.

Just as the two kept counting the teenagers, a light portal suddenly appeared and appeared at a distance of less than ten meters from them. The three of them were stunned for a while, and then the 17- or 18-year-old teenager directly entered the sneaking state. The other two were squeezing the weapon in their hands with vigilance.

After a while, a man stumbled out of the teleport gate, and he also carried a broken robot head in his hand, which looked like a bounty hunter with a loot ready to collect the bounty.

"Put up your weapons! Don't make an attacking gesture, Wenyuan, immediately get out of stealth." The soldier headed by the three-person team stared at the man's head for a long time, his face changed greatly, and he quickly put down his two-handed sword in his hand. , No longer make a gesture ready to attack.

"What's the matter, boss?" The invisible teenager on the side was a little puzzled, but he still obediently lifted the invisible state and slowly showed his figure.

"The opponent's level is a skull level, don't cause misunderstanding!" The soldier only explained, standing still. Skeleton level, that is to say, the opponent's level is more than ten levels higher than yourself. If it is between level 30 and level 40, the gap is not too big, but between level 40 and level 50, it is very different. do not.

After all, when you reach level 50, you can pass the second-level combat assessment. Even if the assessment fails, you can get a lot of good things from the assessment store. It is definitely not something that ordinary 40-level players can reach. The most important thing is that the opponent The equipment, although the quality light is turned off, but the silver armor warriors can see the extraordinaryness of these equipment at a glance, at least all of the gold quality or above ...

Song Jian rubbed his temples and looked around in confusion. The ancient altar was still usable. After the monster kernel was put in and started, a teleportation gate appeared, but Song Jian could n’t accept it. It is much worse than the portal experience between cities. It seems that it was thrown into a fast-rotating washing machine, and the body is not controlled. If it is not the strong body of the Song body, I will be kneeling for a moment when it is thrown out Falling down and vomiting constantly.

"Huh, I finally came out of the hot valley!" Song Jian raised the left-handed robot head and shook it twice. "Hey, Nafiboya, don't pretend to be dead, we are out, the task is completed, then let you go Where are you going? "

After shaking for a long time, Song Jian's face changed slightly, and Nafiboa didn't respond, as if she really lacked energy and fell into a dormant state.

But Song Jian knows that Nafiboa has a solar energy conversion system, as long as there is the sun, there will be no shortage of energy. Now it seems that it has been seriously injured and it has directly forced to sleep.

"Isn't it going to be broken?" Song Jian sank in his heart and quickly opened the task bar to take a look, before he let out a breath. The task did not fail. It was still in progress. It seems that now Song Jian needs to find a way. Only Nafiboa's head should be repaired.

Looking up, there were three forty players outside the woods standing motionless, seeming to be afraid of themselves. Song Jian waved at them and asked aloud, "Where is this place?"

"This lord, this is the red fruit forest outside Fengming City!" The soldier in silver armor replied loudly.

"Fengming City ..." Song Jian whispered softly: "I thought it would be sent to the town near Tansang."

"Which direction is Fengming City?" Song Jian continued to ask.

"Sir, follow this road for about five or six kilometers, you can see the walls of Fengming City!"

Song Jian nodded and waved towards the three, summoning a worn motorcycle and heading towards Fengming City.

Out of the hot valley, Song Jian suddenly found that the head of the robot Nafiboa could be put in the parcel tray. It is estimated that this has to do with the hot valley, or Nafiboa has fallen into a dormant state. For Song Jian This is also a good thing, at least you can spare your left hand to do other things.

Returning to Fengming City, Song Jian first came to the pet store, preparing to resurrect his spider mount. Following the guidance of the gate guard of Fengming City, Song Jian came to a pet store that is said to have a pet training master.

When I opened the door, a pleasant bell rang, and a cat-eared girl stood at the door, bowing towards Song Jian: "Welcome to the pet paradise, what can I do for you?"

Song Jian glanced. The cat-eared girl looked young and slightly awkward. She was only about fifteen or sixteen years old. In addition to the cat ears, there was a cat tail behind her and she flicked it.

"Hello, I need to revive my pet mount!" Song Jian laughed.

"Resurrection pet ~ www.novelhall.com ~ Please go here, follow the corridor to the end, and then the room on the left is the resurrection room. Master Marfa is in the resurrection room, you just go in." Cat ear girl He took Song Jian to the side of the hall and pointed to a corridor.

Song Jian nodded and walked toward the corridor. At this moment, an arrogant voice suddenly came from behind him: "Waiter, it is said that this is the best pet shop in Fengming City. None, so disappointing ... "

The cat-eared girl ran back quickly, and Song Jian glanced back. A young man in a dress, pale and without a trace of blood, shook his mouth and nose with a handkerchief and shouted.

Song Jian's brows were slightly wrinkled. The young man's body exuded rich blood, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect, but people with higher perception can feel the abnormality of this young man.

However, this has nothing to do with Song Jian. He quickly withdrew his gaze, shook his head, and continued to walk toward the corridor.


PS: Thanks to "Joker9527" for the reward of 100 starting coins ~