I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1082: Devour

The latest website: Song Jian glanced, and immediately recognized that the robot Nafiboya was holding a pet egg, dozens of 65-level elite BOSS and three governing-level BOSS. Dozens of pieces of gold-quality equipment, this pet egg is not eye-catching, looks like a palm-sized oval orb, Song Jian did not immediately discover its existence.

"Gold-quality pet eggs?" Song Jian raised an eyebrow and a surprised smile appeared on his face. He picked up a lot of gold-quality equipment before, but the attributes were average. Now seeing this gold-quality pet egg, Suddenly I felt very happy.

You know, gold-quality pet eggs are much more valuable than gold-quality equipment, because they are rarer.

Not to mention gold-quality pet eggs, even a silver-quality pet egg can easily be exchanged for a piece of gold equipment of the same level. A pet is sometimes an item that can accompany the player's life, which is comparable to those with growth attributes. .

"Is this the pet of the desert lurker, a pet of war or a mount?" Song Jian quickly asked.

"Of course it's a mount. The pets are not very helpful to you!" Said the robot Nafiboya.

Song Jian nodded. Although the Black Dragon has been guarding the Poisonous Marsh, Song Jian's pet pet space also has a master-level stone element, Gu Ru. Song Jian has also released it to assist in the battle. Robot Nafiboja knew it existed.

"Hatch out and see, this is the dominance of the desert lurkers of the dominance level, and they should drive a good mount!" Said the robot Nafiboya.

Song Jian nodded. Generally speaking, hatching pet eggs needs to go to a specific pet store to hatch, so the success rate will be higher, and the chance of mutation will be greater.

However, in the wild, it is not impossible to obtain pet eggs. Song Jian cut his fingers and dripped a drop of blood on this gold-quality pet egg. Soon, a dazzling light bloomed from the pet egg.

The cracking sound soon rang, and cracks cracked on the surface of the pet's eggs. A translucent little spider emerged from the pet's eggs, as if a spring silkworm swallowed mulberry leaves, and began to eat the pet's egg shell.

When the spider was born, it was about the size of a thumb and belly, but after swallowing a pet's eggshell, its body swelled at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and quickly became the size of a fist.

The original translucent body has also changed, the surface of the body has become a hard carapace, and a layer of dark brown fluff has grown at the same time.

The little spider was held in the palm of Song Jian's palm, struggling constantly, and also issued a "squeak" cry, and at the same time conveyed to the heart of Song Jian a "hungry stomach" emotion.

Song Jian placed it on the ground, then took a lot of food from the parcel box, patted his head, and turned towards other loot.

"It's too small to cultivate it. I guess I have completed the **** mission and left the scorching canyon ..." Song Jian shook his head with a bitter smile on his face: "I should have collected it if I knew it, gold-quality pet eggs , But for a good price! "

Gold-quality mounts can be exchanged for at least one piece of epic gear with ordinary attributes. Even if you do n’t use them, you can put them in the League of Legends warehouse as a base. Many people in the League now do n’t even get white-quality mounts.

Dozens of desert lurkers at the 65th level provided Song Jian with a lot of combat experience. Seeing that he left the scorching canyon, he might be able to upgrade another level.

"This time the falling items are good, but unfortunately it is too far from the doomsday city. Otherwise, it is a good place to upgrade monsters!" Song Jian laughed.

After a short while, Song Jian picked up all the loot of the desert lurkers. More than a dozen pieces of gold-quality equipment, more than twenty pieces of silver-quality equipment and a large amount of advanced materials, but unfortunately, three dominate Level BOSS originally had the possibility to burst an epic level of equipment, but this time was unlucky and did not burst an epic level of equipment.

At this moment, Song Jian suddenly felt something moving behind him. He turned his head and saw a big spider with a diameter of more than one meter appearing behind him, startled him, and thought it was a leaky web. fish.

But soon, Song Jian felt a joyful mood from this desert lurker. This is a mount that Song Jian has just hatched. It was originally only the size of a palm. Now it grows so large that it makes Song Jian couldn't believe his eyes.

At this time, the spider mount had eaten the food that Song Jian had given him, and now he was lying on the body of an elite desert lurker, and was constantly eating.

"It can even engulf similar corpses to increase the level?" Song Jian was not able to believe his eyes. You must know that the ability to "swallow" is not available to all pets, and the ordinary "swallow" skills can only be passed. Eat food to restore your blood value or other energy values, but only high-level "swallow" skills can improve your level and strength by eating.

Such skills, even high-level creatures such as the black dragon, may not be available, and all pets acquire them immediately after birth.

If this skill is not acquired during hatching, it will not be possible for pets to acquire this skill in their lifetime.

A pet with ordinary phagocytosis skills that can only recover qi and blood value and energy value can be sold for sky-high prices. Song Jian, a spider mount with high-level phagocytosis skills, do n’t mention an epic gear, even two, Three, I am afraid that someone will be willing to exchange.

"Unfortunately, if it is a battle pet, it will be even more valuable!" Said the robot Nafiboya slightly, shaking her head.

Hum ~

Another flash of gold, UU reading www. The level of uukanshu.com spider mounts has been increased by one level, and the eight spider legs have become thicker.

At this time, the spider mount is almost the same as those of the elite desert lurkers before, except that on its back, there is a carapace depression, and there is a bulge in the back, which looks like a natural seat. , Just can make a person sit on it.

The level of the spider mount has been raised to thirty-two. Its action of devouring the desert lurker's corpse has not stopped, and it continues to **** the essence in the corpse.

Soon, the body of a desert lurker became dry and cracked, as if it had lost all its moisture and weathered for a long time, leaving only a shell.

After engulfing the bodies of more than a dozen elite desert lurkers in a row, the spider mount set its sights on three dominant desert lurkers BOSS and slowly crawled towards them.


PS: Thanks to the "Little Monster Lin" for the 500 starting coins ~