I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1081: Sneak attack

The latest website: There is silence all around, only the wind in the desert is a little bit noisy. The blowing sand has covered the sleeping bag shallowly. Song Jian was so calm and conscious of everything around him, but found nothing, as if everything he had felt before was dreaming.

"No, there must be some danger coming. Although it looks nothing strange, the warning information in my mind is definitely not out of thin air!" Song Jian secretly said in his heart.

As his strength grew stronger, this perception of danger as a beast's instinct also became stronger.

Song Jian sat up from his sleeping bag, the robot that had been in the energy-saving sensing state, Nafiboya, and the top sensing device stopped turning.

"Song Jian, did you find anything?" Nafiboya asked in a low voice.

"There is a snack, maybe there is danger in approaching!" Song Jian said, looking around.

Nafiboya suddenly strengthened the detection intensity, and at the same time, a detection rod slowly penetrated into the sand. After a moment, the robot Nafiboya transformed into a human form at a very fast speed, saying to Song Jian: "Yes Things are approaching us in the sand below ten meters, and the probability of being a desert lurk is 87.65% ... "

"Isn't they always guarding the oasis honestly, why did they suddenly find us in trouble?" Song Jian tightened his heart and immediately put away his sleeping bag. This was his only sleeping bag. There were two spare bags in the past. They were all lost on the previous road because of a sneak attack by a monster. Now, as soon as Song Jian finds out something, the first thing is to put away his sleeping bag.

"This should be their predatory habits, day and night, and there are no monsters and beasts around this oasis. They should have been hunted by them ..." said the robot Nafiboya, who was ready to leave. Preparation.

At this moment, there were still more than ten meters away from the two, and desert vortexes emerged from the ground one by one. The desert lurkers all got out of the desert and rushed towards them.

"Well, they predated that they would protrude out of the sand?" Song Jian's eyes showed a surprise look. He was about to leave, but now he stopped.

Previously, this group of monsters had been hiding in the sand and were not good at attacking. Now that they are actively exposed, Song Jian will naturally not let them go easily, and the role between predator and prey begins to be reversed.

"It should have been noticed that we found them and thought we were about to run away, so we accelerated the predation speed. Their movement speed in the sand is too slow. Only when they come out, the speed will be faster. There is nothing in the surroundings that can threaten them. Now, as the nearby hegemons, they can't take us into their eyes. This is a good opportunity ... "said the robot Nafiboya slightly, and said to Song Jian.

"Hehe, I'm really trying to die [new www.xxbiquge.xyz]!" Song Jian snorted coldly, and the sky-sword in his hand bloomed a dazzling pale golden light. All the sword gas poured into the sky-sword in an instant. The length of the sky-breaking sword suddenly swallows the sword-like light of flame.

"Wan Jianjue!"

The flashing light of hundreds of spirit swords will illuminate the surroundings like daylight, and traces of spirit swords in the sky are as bright as shooting stars.

All desert lurkers were shrouded in spirit swords. Within a short time, a blast of "banging" sounded in the distance. The energy even spread to the oasis in the distance. All the trees were blown by the energy. Bending over his waist.

A dazzling burning red lotus sword array emerged out of thin air, with a strong suction, allowing dozens of desert lurkers, including the three governing BOSS, to be drawn into the sword array, and countless spiritual swords burned. With flames, flying in the sword array, cutting all living creatures in the sword array.

A heartbreaking scream sounded, a sharp hissing pierced the eardrum, and countless injuries of different colors, floating from above the sword array, dense and beautiful.

The robot Nafiboya's eyes began to flash again quickly, without saying a word, it seemed to be doing its best to record the power of Wan Jianjue.

For a long time, when the red fire sword array of the industry entered the third stage, the robot Nafiboya suddenly spoke and said, "Your sword move already has the power comparable to the mystery of swordsmanship, but still has the potential to continue to improve ... ... "

Song Jian was stunned. You must know that the Red Lotus Sword Formation is very powerful, even in the face of the king-level BOSS, but it seems to have reached the end of evolution when it was raised to the fourth stage of the sword gas stone tower. The seven-story stone tower can hold and devour seven BOSS capable of carrying four injuries at the same time. This is already the limit of the red fire sword array of the industry, and it will not continue to improve.

However, the robot Nafiboya even said that this sword array still has the potential to continue to rise, which immediately caused Song Jian's curiosity.

"This is the third stage of the evolution of the sword formation. The sword Qi palm prints. These monsters may not be able to support this stage. The next stage is the Jian Qi stone tower. A huge stone tower is pressed down. Even the king-level BOSS can hardly bear one of them. Hit! "Song Jian pointed at the distant sword formation and said," And if you can suppress the blood value of the king-level boss to less than one tenth, the sword gas stone tower can also directly hold it, and directly devour and evolve into proficiency, This is already the limit of Wan Jianjue, and it is impossible to continue to improve and evolve! "

"Of course, as the level increases, the power will still increase, but this is the accumulation of quantitative change, qualitative change is no longer possible!" Song Jian shrugged his shoulders and said that for the understanding of Wan Jianjue, he believes never again Someone knows better than him.

"No ..." The robot Nafiboya seemed to want to say something ~ www.novelhall.com ~ But after a moment of hesitation, he finally shook his head and said nothing, just watching the huge palm print in front of him quietly, will be dozens Only level 65 desert lurkers pressed hard into the ground.

"It's over!" Song Jian glanced at and raised a small amount of combat experience, and felt that the sword energy in the front slowly collapsed. Only after all the enemies died, the sword energy would dissipate, otherwise, it would continue. The fourth phase of evolution condenses the Jianqi Stone Tower.

Obviously, this group of monsters does not have such high strength, and can withstand the bombardment of the sword air palm print!

Song Jian stepped forward, all the monsters that had been guarded by the oasis were wiped out, and the explosives were scattered all over the place. While picking the loot, Song Jian turned his head and smiled at the robot Nafiboya, saying: "Now There are no more monsters guarding the oasis, and we may be able to change places to rest, such as those well-preserved houses? I have n’t slept in bed for a long time ... ”

The robot Nafiboya walked over slowly, surrounded by explosive objects. He bent over and picked up a golden round object from the ground and laughed: "Your luck, with it, the road behind It can be easier ... "