I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1083: Sand monkey

Latest URL: "It has top-level devouring talent ..." Song Jian murmured, staring at the growing spider mount.

"Your luck is good. It has both fire and soil properties, which is very suitable for terrains such as hot canyons!" Said the robot Nafiboya. "More importantly, it grows fast, maybe we can let us Both can ride. "

Song Jian turned his head and looked at the robot Nafiboya. "How much is your weight? I don't know if it can carry the weight of the two of us, but if it doesn't work, you can ride on it and I can fly with the sword." ! "

Whether it is steel wings or flame wings, the flying speed is not fast and is not suitable for long-distance flight. They are much better in combat than long-distance flight. The ability to hurry up, if not the robot Nafiboya has the talent to attract hatred, more than half a month, enough for the two to rush to the edge of the hot canyon.

"My weight is three tons, two hundred and sixty-seven kilograms ..." said the robot Nafiboya. "But my body has an anti-gravity system. When it is opened, it is not much heavier than a suitcase. You are completely Don't worry about anything! "

Song Jian nodded. The technology of trying out the tower is much more powerful than any country in the game, and even more powerful than many countries before the end of the day. Song Jian suspects that the level of technology of trying out the tower should be many years before the end of the day. , But at what time did it appear, Nafiboya refused to disclose a word.

Soon, the spider mount swallowed up all three dominance bosses. All the essence was absorbed by it, and its level was also raised to 58. The body is not much smaller than a heavy truck. Counting the long spider legs spread out, the diameter of the entire spider mount is more than sixty meters, which is definitely a behemoth.

After eating and drinking, the spider's horse slowly lay down in front of Song fitness. A pair of pale red compound eyes stared at Song Jian. The sharp fangs looked out slightly. The eight spider legs supported the body and descended. His head was lying in front of Song fitness, showing a flattering expression.

"GOODBABY!" Song Jian patted the spider's head and jumped to its back. The robot Nafiboya spurted two air streams behind him and landed gently behind Song Jian.

The spider mount seemed to resist the robot Nafiboya falling on himself, shaking his body slightly, with a low murmur of protest in his mouth.

Song Jian quickly patted his body, passing a calming mood, before calming down the spider's mount.

"Let's go, let's see your fastest speed!" Song Jian patted the body of the spider mount and whispered.

Kakaka ~

There was a sound of friction from the joint carapace, and the entire body of the spider's mount began to lift off the ground, just like a sports car stepped on the accelerator and ready to start.

Uh ~

Song Jian suddenly felt a flower in front of him, and the whole person rose into the sky. Fortunately, on the seat of the spider's back, there was a layer of soft body structure similar to the cushion, and there was a handrail-like existence, which made Song Jian not. Fly straight out of the spider mount.

Song Jian glanced behind them, at this time they were more than 200 meters away from the oasis, and now it is just a blink of an eye, not even a second.

The eight spider legs of the spider's mount resembled a spring, with a slight bend, and then bounced out instantly, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and running towards the distance.

"Oh ~"

With a light beep, the eight spider legs penetrated into the sand, and after a short pause, they resemble springs, bouncing the entire body toward the front. The whole process is extremely fast, and there is almost no vibration, just this way of progress It takes Song Jian to spend some time to adapt.

Click, click

The robot behind Nafiboya also changed its shape, like a Transformer, into a streamlined device, which was closely attached to Song Jian's body, and it looked as if a metal chair appeared after Song Jian's fitness.

"At this speed, we can leave this desert in only three hours!" Robot Nafiboya's voice sounded clearly in Song Jian's ear.

"It's too fast, it's a bit faster than my Royal Sword flying ..." Song Jian's mouth slightly tilted, and his heart was surprised, such a mount, whether it's running away or chasing the enemy, is extremely powerful and valuable. The most important thing is that it also has the attributes that can be upgraded by devouring monster corpses, which is simply the best of the best in the mount.

The spider mount ran straight ahead in a straight line. Even when encountering the monster group, it did not dodge and rushed directly, but it was too fast. Those monsters encountered on the road had not yet reacted. The spider mount left them behind. If it wasn't for the robot Nafiboya, these monsters may not even have the desire to chase, but now, the robot Nafiboya attracted the attention of many monsters, behind the spider mount A large group of monsters in the desert appeared.

However, the speed of these monsters is much slower than the spider mount and looks huge, but in fact, there are monsters at all times because they are too far away, and they choose to leave, there will be more monsters, because the robot Nafibo Ya's sake, and joined the pursuit of the brigade.

Two hours later, the sky was already light, and Song Jian was able to see huge volcanoes in front of him. Some volcanoes were covered with thick dust, and some volcanoes were emitting thick smoke, as if they would erupt next moment.

"The number of monsters at the dominance level behind us has already exceeded thirteen. If we just rush straight through, we are expected to attract more than five monsters at the dominance level!" Even if the robot Nafiboya is running, Did not stop detecting surrounding terrain and monsters.

"It doesn't matter, they are not as fast as my mount!" Song Jian patted the spider mount under him confidently, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, a monkey-like monster suddenly popped up in the desert on the left side, hissing and pounced towards Song Jian. This is a monster unique to the desert area. The 58-level sand monkey has a body shape. Not big, only the size of an adult, but it is a special existence, which belongs to a half-element and half-blood monster.

Like the desert lurkers, they are good at hiding in the sand, and when hiding in the sand, their bodies can become ordinary sand grains, no matter how powerful the perception is, there is no way to perceive them. UU reading books www.uukanshu.com

Only at the moment when they attack again, their bodies will be transformed from earth elements into flesh monsters.

This sand monkey apparently has been ambushing here for a long time. The target is the robot Nafiboya on the spider's mount. Its two arms are extremely long. At the moment when it bounced from the sand, the palm was grabbing towards Nafiboya. Come over.

At this moment, a nearby spider leg suddenly changed its direction, like a spear that stabbed the sand monkey in the air, and then shuddered. The sand monkey's body turned into a puff of sand and burst apart. , Landed on the ground and re-condensed into a sand monkey, and issued an angry roar towards the spider mount.

After landing, the sand monkey's speed cannot catch up with the rushing spider mount at all, and it can only be drowned by the chasing army behind the spider mount.

Soon, the spider's mount entered the volcanic area, turned a corner, the figure was blocked by a volcano, and it was no longer visible.


PS: Thanks for the 100-Year Coins for "Yeququ Chaoran" ~