I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1080: Desert lurker

Latest website: This oasis is probably the only large water source in the desert. NPCs have settled here before, but it is clear that they have been driven away by monsters later.

The sword shadow avatar did not perform any skills, just rushed towards the oasis.

Uh ~

Just before the avatar was close to the oasis, a dark brown thorn with the thickness of an arm bounced out of the sand and stabbed towards the avatar.

The surface of this thorn is covered with a thick layer of carapace, and there is a layer of dark brown on the carapace. The length of three feet at the front of the thorn has evolved into a bone-like existence, shining with a metal-like cold light.

The ground stab foot was so tall that one person stepped on it, and the figure flickered towards the left side. However, at this moment, there was a similar ground stab, which protruded from the foot of the split body.

Uh ~

No matter which avatar is dodging in that direction, a ground stab will pop out and stab at him.

"Try the strength of these thorns!" Song Jian controlled in his heart.

The avatar suddenly held the sky-breaking sword and chopped it towards the ground. After a sound, a ground-stab with a length of more than one meter was easily cut off, and a large amount of viscous white liquid spewed from the broken wound.

A sharp hissing sounded from the ground, a vortex more than one meter in diameter appeared at the foot of the clone, and after a short time, a huge spider emerged from the ground and fluttered towards the shadow of the sword.

This spider is huge and looks like a huge grinding disc. Except for the top of the eight legs, a metallic luster flashes, and the other parts are all dark brown carapace.

In the middle of its body, a large mouth full of fangs and fangs cracked, screaming constantly.

Wan Jianjue!

The sword shadow sprang up into the air, and the sky-breaking sword in his hand split towards the desert lurker. In a split second, dozens of spirit swords floated in the air and flew towards the monster.

Uh ~

The spirit sword slashed at the desert lurker, and it continued to explode on its body. The beating monster sent out a squeaking squeak, which looked quite miserable.

Song Jian stared at the blood stripe on the monster's head, but frowned involuntarily. The monster seemed to be beaten badly, but actually suffered very little damage, probably only a tenth of the loss. Blood value.

Uh ~

Several ground spurs emerged from the desert and flung towards the avatar. The avatar could only abandon the attacker and continued to attack the lurker, and began to dodge the stab.

At this moment, the latent man who carried Wan Jianjue on the opposite side suddenly held up his body with eight legs and sprayed a thick white liquid from the tail.

The liquid met the air in the air and immediately turned into a cobweb and rolled towards the clone.

At this point, the avatar just escaped a stab, just in the exhaustion stage. When I saw this large net rushed towards me, I knew that if I was caught by the cobweb, I might lose my life immediately.

Gritting his teeth, the spear stabbed towards the desert on the ground, then shook violently, and then the rebound force escaped. Although the strain capacity of the spear had exceeded Song Jian's expectations, this was not enough for him. Avoid the cobweb.

Most of the body of the identity hid away, only one right leg was stained with a cobweb. This cobweb seems to have self-awareness, but only one corner was stained with the right leg of the clone, but on one stain, the entire spider web suddenly A shake, quickly rolled over, all wrapped around the right leg of the clone.

The right leg of the avatar suddenly became larger and coupled with the urgency just now, the entire body lay toward the desert.

The moment the body touched the desert, the clone didn't stay, but rolled on the trend and rolled out seven or eight meters away.

Uh ~

Rolling all the way, several spider thorns bounced off the ground where the avatars stayed almost indiscriminately, and there was no one-second interval before and after. At this time, Song Jian found that his sword shadow avatars had low skills and poor attributes. Some and other abilities are almost indistinguishable from their own. Sometimes, Jian Jian feels that he does not necessarily have a good avatar.

However, the spider's web was entangled in the leg of the clone, rolling and dodging all the way, more and more sand particles stuck to it. Soon, the right leg of the clone grew more than two circles, and the speed gradually slowed down.

In the end, while avoiding the two spider thorns, he was caught up by the desert lurker who climbed out behind him, and pierced the avatar's body with a spider leg, turning the avatar into a cloud of smoke.

After killing the avatar, the hatred of the desert lurkers was transferred to Song Jian himself, hissing and rushing towards Song Jian.

"Just a sixty-five elite boss ..." Song Jian took a deep breath, drew the Heavenly Sword, and waved forward. In an instant, hundreds of spirit swords floated up, instantly dividing this desert lurker who was not close. corpse.

Song Jian's strength is not comparable to the sword shadow avatar. Similarly, the 11th level of Wan Jianjue is not comparable to the first level of Wan Jianjue.

Killing a level 65 elite BOSS, even the fire-flaming red lotus sword array does not need to be triggered. It can be killed directly by relying on hundreds of spirit swords.

A desert lurker was easily killed, but Song Jian frowned. Only after causing damage to the monster, could he lead it out, but if he wanted to cause damage to the monster, he had to go deep into the oasis and enter the monster attack range. This made Song Jian feel a little embarrassed.

"The lurkers will only launch attacks after you have entered the attack range of all monsters, and their attacks are very sharp. If they rush in, I am afraid they will be dangerous!" Song Jian glanced at the robot Nafiboya , Whispered.

"Maybe we can spare this place, we don't necessarily need to enter the oasis ..., should your food and water be enough?" Said the robot Nafiboya, staring at the oasis for a long time.

"You can stick with it for at least three months!" Song Jian said with a shrug. Since coming out of the abyss hell, he has deliberately collected several oversized parcels, usually carrying enough supplies to sustain him for several months.

"Then we don't need to enter the oasis at all, just rest here, and continue to hurry tomorrow!" Said the robot Nafiboya.

"Well, that's all it can be ..." Song Jian glanced at the oasis ~ www.novelhall.com ~ a little unwillingly.

It can be seen from the attack just now that the number of hidden desert lurkers in this oasis should be much more than that detected by the robot Nafiboya. Even if you rush in, even with the strength of Song Jian, I am afraid that I will encounter danger. Give up directly into the oasis.

Soon, night fell, and Song Jian ate into the sleeping bag a little after eating something, and the robot Nafiboya turned into the general shape of a detection tower again, detecting movements within 500 meters.

Song Jian still didn't dare to go to sleep. Although the whole person got into the sleeping bag, his perception still spread to the maximum. Once any wind and grass move, he will be awakened.

At three or four o'clock in the middle of the night, Song Jian suddenly heard a rustling sound of "rustling", as if there were countless people approaching him with small broken steps. He immediately opened his eyes in the sleeping bag and gently Unzipped the sleeping bag.

At this time, Nafiboya, a robot that has been transformed into a detection tower, slowly turned the searchlight-like sensor on the top, and did not seem to detect any danger.
