I Have a Doomsday City

Chapter 1075: Power of rules

Latest website: After half a minute, Song Jian suddenly realized that the huge ancient tree in front of him had not been harmed in the slightest except for a few white marks on the surface.

Not to mention harm, the blood strips of this ancient tree did not even appear.

"Damn, what the **** is going on, even if it's a big tree made of steel, it should be chopped by me ..." Song Jian frowned, from entering the game to now, he has never encountered Live like this.

"This ancient tree is protected by the power of rules. Before it can change its shape, you can't do any damage to it ..." The robot Nafiboya took two steps forward and said with a rigid expression. .

"The power of the rules? Is this the case of all the ancient trees here?" Song Jianshun split his hand toward a large tree on the left. This tree was obviously much thinner than the treasure chest in front of it, a pale golden sword. Passing directly through its body, after a while of effort, the upper half of the tree made a fierce frictional sound, and slowly fell to the ground.

"Obviously, you have found the answer yourself. The big tree in front of you is special ..." Nafiboya twisted her neck and looked at Song Jian.

"Okay ..." Song Jian shrugged his shoulders and walked forward.

Song Jian walked under the tree, and the moon fine wheel next to him was still lazily turning slowly. It seems that the big tree now does not pose a threat or hostility to it.

First picked up two pieces of the magic silver essence, and then Song Jian walked to the treasure chest, which was surrounded by bones and had been embedded in the roots of the tree. It seemed that it was a long time here.

Song Jian removed the dust from the treasure chest. Some special runes were engraved on the lid of the treasure chest, and a grimace with a big mouth was used as a lock, and a lot of white bones were carved as decoration around it. It looked a little weird. .

"This is a treasure chest of the Undead Empire's Kulsa VII style, which contains 1,700 years ago. It may contain some things about the Undead Empire ..." The robot Nafiboja stood in place, her eyes exuding softness The light constantly scans this treasure chest.

"Is the item of the Undead Empire?" Song Jian was a little disappointed. Obviously, according to his occupation, it is not necessary to use the items in it, but he can't just give up. Song Jian pressed his hand on the treasure chest, and suddenly he There was a bang.

System: You have found a locked treasure chest. You need to unlock more than ten levels to open this treasure chest.

"Locked treasure chest?" Song Jian looked around and didn't see that the treasure chest was locked there, but since the system has given a prompt message, it is naturally impossible to lie to him.

And in general, in the same state, the items in the locked treasure chest are obviously more precious than the items in the unlocked treasure chest.

Song Jian found the forgotten key from the parcel box, and gently inserted it into the keyhole. After a while, the forgotten key turned into a phalanx, and at the same time a "click" came out of the treasure chest. The sound of a "click" gear turns.

"Sure enough, this forgotten key is just a master key. Not only can it open all kinds of closed doors, but it can also open the locked treasure chest ..." A smile appeared from the corner of Song Jian's mouth, and he pressed his hand on the treasure chest. A system progress bar appeared in front of me.

System: The treasure chest is open, the progress of opening is 1% ... 5% ... 8% ...

The treasure box does not open fast, which also means that the quality of this treasure box is not low. At this moment, the big tree in front of Song Jian's thick trunk suddenly opened his eyes slowly and scarletly. Staring at Song Jian who was opening the treasure chest, a thick tree root slowly protruded out of the soil, like a poisonous snake, winding towards Song Jian's ankle.

At the moment when this big tree became a tree demon, around the moon fine wheel slowly winding around Jian Jian, there was a trembling sound.

"Om ~"

Then Yuejing turned into a white light, leaving a residual image in the air, and flew towards the tree demon, with a bang, severely cut on the trunk of the tree demon.

At first, half of Song Jian's thoughts were used to open the treasure chest, and most of his thoughts were used on this weird tree in front of him.

Click ~

Yuejinglun left a cut of over one foot long on the trunk of the tree, and a stinky red liquid slowly leaked out of the cut, like blood.

Moon Jinglun doesn't need Song Jian's control at all, and it constantly launches attacks, cuts, and collisions around the tree demon.

The root of the tree was tangled towards Song Jian, and the process of opening the treasure chest was forced to be interrupted. Song Jian thought of it, and the whole person turned into a translucent state of soul. Increased the tree monster's attack range.

Uh ~

Countless branches stabbed towards Song Jian like javelins. Almost as soon as he left, a branch with the thickness of an arm was inserted where he stood.

The dirt under his feet was constantly tumbling, and it seemed that countless invisible giant snakes were surging under the dirt, and surrounded him.

Song Jian, who performed the soul walk, was extremely fast. While avoiding the attack of the tree demon, he retreated sharply. After a short time, he withdrew more than ten meters away. The moon fine round also flew back because it exceeded the attack range Song Jian's side.

Song Jian turned his head to look at it, the robot Nafiboya had retreated to a distance of thirty meters away, and looked at him with a crooked head.

The attack range of this tree demon was extremely wide, and it was retreated to seventeen or eight meters. Song Jian continued to be attacked. Until it was thirty meters away, the tree demon's roots and branches slowly closed back.

"The power of the rule is broken, it's dead!" Song Jian summoned the sky-breaking sword and announced loudly, pointing at the tree demon thirty meters away.

"This is an eighty-nine-level boss boss with third-order combat power. It can kill more than five bosses of the same rank at the same time. It is powerful, has a passive effect of 30% ranged damage reduction, and is immune to five. Weaknesses below the level of magical damage cannot be moved, "said the robot Nafiboya quietly.

Song Jian found that although she did not have any attack power and could not assist herself in attacking, she was extremely capable of evasion. When attacked by a monster, she would not be a burden on herself, and when encountering any monster, she could scan and detect the opponent's attributes. Even the weak points know that it has a powerful database of monster information. As a combat assistant, it still helps.

"I said ~ www.novelhall.com ~ It was dead at the moment when the power of the rule was broken ..." Song Jian finished, posing in a chic pose, waving a heavenly sword, and whispering: " Yehuo Honglian, Wan Jianjue! "

Suddenly, countless spirit swords appeared around his body, covering dozens of meters of densely covered areas. Then, these spirit swords made a burst of sharp sounds in the air and flew towards the tree demon.

At the moment when Song Jian displayed Wan Jianjue, the eyes of the robot Nafiboya flashed madly, processing various information at an extremely fast speed, and almost went into a state of downtime.

At this time, the distant tree demon also issued a low roar, like an injured beast. A large amount of dirt was thrown up. Numerous thick tree roots, like tentacles, protruded from the soil and opened their teeth and danced around them. Around the tree demon body.

"Oh ~"

The tentacles of these tree roots are like long lashes, and they are drawn fiercely towards the flying spirit sword. For a moment, the explosion sounds one after another, and other animals in the jungle flee in a panic direction away from here. .
